Angus Young wrote:
ChromeFox wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:
And if ye don't mind me asking, what was the "Biaxin Incident"...O.o
When I took Biaxin (for sinusitis) and went crazy and ended up calling 911 because I thought I had a brain tumor. "Going crazy" is one of the rarer side effects of the drug, but that didn't stop me from getting it.

Is that true?
Why yes, it was a funny story actually (funny until we got the ambulance bill that is...). In a nutshell, I was prescribed Biaxin to treat my sinus infection. After a couple days of taking it, I started feeling dizzy, lightheaded, giddy, delirious, started forgetting things, etc. This progressed until I started having weird thoughts like I was the most intelligent person in the universe and I could predict the future (fortunately, I was home alone, so nobody saw any of this). This was all the Biaxin talking of course. But I thought my forgetfulness was due to a brain tumor, so I called 911.
This is kind of a suppressed memory, lol. The emergency medic dudes came piling into my tiny little apartment, and I (dressed in my pajamas in front of four grown men, yeah definitely a suppressed memory) explained my situation to them all crazy-style. They were clearly skeptical, I think they thought I was on drugs. Since they didn't buy it, I asked them to leave, saying it was a mistake, but they said they couldn't; it was against their policy or whatever. They HAD to hook EVERYONE up to the stretcher and haul em away (I think this was their way of putting an end to prank 911 calls). So they strapped me to a stretcher and off I went.
To add insult to injury, on the ambulance they gave me a breathing mask for no good reason (I think this is another one of their ways of stopping pranksters). When I got there, they asked me a whole bunch of questions, clearly not buying anything I said. I got a little irritated and snapped at them a few times. The funniest thing was when I told them my last name, and they thought it was a joke. My last name DOES sound very weird and almost pornographic, so I can kinda understand, but it was still frustrating. The other funny thing that happened was I accidently gave one of the medic dudes the wrong phone number (I meant to give him the one to call my brother), and he got in touch with one of my brother's cop-hating friends who got into a heated argument with the medic over the phone.
I ended up getting hooked up to an IV (turns out I was dehydrated, go fig) while my parents came to pick me up. Yeah...funny story.