I'm really angry here. There's a teacher at school, and she's a real pain to tell the truth. I'm positive everyone here has or has had a teacher like this. I just need to vent some steam here.
Every time I pass her by, she complains about something regarding my uniform. Whether it be my tie, my top button, my shirt, my belt, whatever!
If truth be told, I am a bit lazy when it comes to the uniform though. For example, my top button
accidentally got ripped off. Therefore, it's a pain keeping my tie neat. And after lunch and recess, my shirt is usually untucked.
But the truth is, most teachers are extremely lenient (sp?) when it comes to this. I mean, there are some teachers who would only remind me every now and then to pull up the tie, or tuck in the shirt, some don't even care at all. But this teacher is a bloody law upon herself. She sees fit to try and whip this school into shape, and force every studen to wear their top buttons (in 40*C weather)(Easy for her to say, she doesn't need to wear a tie), keep the ties up so tight it's hard to breath, and have the shirt tucked in.
Not only that, but she's also extra strict when it comes to the little rules not many other teachers care about, such as not walking in a certain direction after class (this rule is just made so that the outside of the classrooms aren't scrummed with people trying to move in 2 different directions). Although this rule is important, this teacehr sees fit to force EVERYONE to walk in the right direction, meaning that if your class is next door, you have to take the long way around. Most teachers don't care much for this rule, so long as there's not too much pushing and shoving. But again...
And then there's her attitude. She seems to almost put down other students. Humour is non-existant in her classrooms. I don't even think I've seen her smile once (except maybe in spite).
There was one comment which got my attention - "Just by looking at all of you, and your work, I can see how many of you have come from
decent homes"
Then she stared in my direction!

The nerve of her!
Now, make no mistake, I'm no trouble maker at school. And although I'm not the most timid kid at school, I don't make a fool of myself in class. I try and keep most common sense and safety rules. And I even try to keep the uniform tidiness rule. But this teaceher sees me as some kind of pest...
I think the only thing that's stopping me from breaking out and having a fit at her is the fact that if I get an afternoon detention, my parents would ground me for a month.