As some of you may know, i've owned budgies (parakeets), for years. I love them dearly, I love watching their antics, I enjoy studying their social structure, but today has been a loss for me like no other involving my beauties.
I have had four, for the past eight months. The last one being bought in August, she is a yellow called Harle. The oldest, is a white one with a few black/blue spots called Deski, and the other two were a pair, bought on the same day, five years ago. Mara, who was a blue female, and Moss a green male.
Three days ago, Mara, broke her foot. This put her ate odds with Harle, for dominance, and so I was forced to remove Mara and Moss from their cage, and move them into a seperate cage until Mara recovered. Alas, this will never be.
This morning when I awoke, Moss was dead. He wasn't stuck on anything, he was just lying on the bottom of the cage, he was still warm, and moveable when I picked him up. I was crushed. There was no signs of sickness, nothing that had changed other then the venue. I can think of no reason why my little boy had died. What was worse, perhaps, was Mara. She was sitting with him, nuzzling him. They have not been apart in five years. Cooing to him, calling to him, and he was most definately dead. I hate seeing anything so distressed, and I had to remove him, and so I did.
As I got off the phone with my mother, already crying, to see if I had done something wrong, I looked back at Mara. She was sitting there, staring out of the cage, wings spread out, looking heart broken. I didn't want her to be alone, despite Harles advances, I would ratehr her not be alone, then leave her all by herself.
I picked her up. And she looked up at me. She didn't try to bite me like normal, she just sat in my head and cooed, and then she dropped her head, and she died.
She died in my hand.
And I don't know what to do.
I phoned my mom again, and talked to her. And she kept asking was I sure she was dead, she couldn't be dead, "You just said she was alive Sandra". She's not. She just up and died.
I've never had that happen before. I've never lost two of my precious babies at once. And mom just said "she died of a broken heart". And she's probably right. It happens, though I don't know if it normally happens that quick. But it was crushing.
So now I sit. Here.
Trying to think of what I did that made them die. Trying to pin some cause of death. And I can't. I can't think of anything i've done wrong. I can't think of anything in their cage that caused it. Seperation from the other two certainly shouldn't. Theres been no outside birds, so no airborne disease. And they were only 6 years old.
And somehow I failed them, if this is how they died.
I love them.
Goodbye my beautiful birds. May you find peace together.
 Evisceration is a sign of respect.