I've lived 5 different places...all in the same town.
According to my mom, we lived with my dads dad until I was about a year old. Then we moved to a duplex and lived there until I was around 6 years old. After that we moved across town to a house (which is less than a block away from where I live now) and we lived there until I graduated from high school. Then when I was 17 we moved across town (again), but we only lived there for about 10 months. After 10 months, my grandpa (on my mom's side) was diagnosed with cancer, so we moved in to help out. About 7 months later, he passed away and the house was left to my mom. But for some tax purposes (I don't know everything exactly), my parents moved out to another house, and I live in the house that was left to my mom. She owns it, and I ,like, pay her rent. Yes, my mom is like my landlord