Sapphire Faerie wrote:
Dawn2 wrote:
Zero! wrote:
Dawn2 wrote:
You can't live in Illinois and not see snow. Period.
You live in Illinois, too?! o____________o
Scary. *dun dun duuuuuun*
It's a big state. White Wolf lives in Illinois as well, as do many other PPTers. I'm in the Southern half.

Sorry for that bit of off-topicness. Anyway, I stay home from school for so many days that it adds up to weeks during winter.
I almost live in Illinois, if I walk 2 miles north and cross the Ohio river I'll be in Illinois.
And yes I've seen snow, we get some every winter, though it's usually not much more than a dusting or two.
I used to live in Illinois. I'm sure all the Illinois-ites-ans-whatevertheyrecalled are familiar with Champaign-Urbana.
Have I seen snow? Ha!

I've lived in the midwest and the northeast (of the United States). In upstate New York, the seasons are like so: winter, almost winter, winter's over, and construction.
schadenfreude wrote:
We get it maybe once a year in Western Washington. Most recently there was a big snowfall (I'm not going to call it a storm) followed by freezing rain the night after. The next morning everything was covered in ice. Missed two days of school because of that.
Oooo, where? I live near Seattle.
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