Thousands of hours... of my life towards the handicapped riding program and at my camp. I get paid for 8 hours of work a day at camp, and... the rest (often 8 - 10 hours of extra work a day), is volunteer. I love what I do, and I get to go horse back riding whenever I want and generally I have a good time... but it's stressfull. But definately worth the work.
I've also donated some pieces of artwork to my lodge, and to one private collection, and to the school... for an art sale (they made 78 dollars off my drawing! Go me!).
I also donate clothes that I either cant' fit into, or are too big (it's odd when parts of your body change at the same time, but in opposite ways). Toys, unused supplies... books... *shrugs* Food.
But mostly time. Which I personally believe to often be a better donation then just money. (You can't trust all of the organizations out there.)

Evisceration is a sign of respect.