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 Post subject: [i need] teambuilding exercises!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 2:55 am 
PPT Toddler
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I'm doing this thing on sunday, and I have to find some good teambuilding exercises that don't require a lot of equipment and can be done indoors. I need 2, and they can't be over 15 minutes long. The group is about 6-9 people.
The one i have so far is to have everyone fit into a small space, and put some objects around them. each person must get an object, but only they can pick up theirs (ie not one person getting it for everyone else). so they have to use each other for support while trying to lean out of the space without leaving it.
and that's where my thinking stopped. so i need one more.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:13 am 
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Huh. You know that one were you toss bean bags or something around and around to the various people around the circle in the same order over and over again? I know (from experience) that it can get out of hand when you start adding more and more. It's always fun, though. Another one, if you happen to have whatever you need, is water balloon volley ball, where you get two teams and two sheets, one for each team. And with the sheets, you need to catch the water balloon and then launch it back into the air to the other team.

And that's where my thoughts ends.

Iced - Silver [dot] Net ... now go. And maybe someday I'll actually get up something that resembles a pretty sig.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:28 am 
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You could try to get them into teams of two or three, and give everyone a pencil. They will have to balance a balloon on those pencils (the pointed end, which should be sharpened) and then have a relay race. At the end of the race they have to pop the balloon to announce that they're done.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:31 am 
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Hey, I know plenty of these from Destination Imagination!

1. Sit in a circle. Tell a story, using one word each. It really helps you work with eachother. You can also do this with a scentence each or so.

2. From Aikido, but mixed with DI: Sit in a circle. Throw an average-sized ball (soccer ball, nerf ball). While playing, the catchers must say Zip, Zop, or Zoop. An example:

(There are 4 players in the example)
1 throws to 3
3: Zip!
3 Throws to 4
4: Zop!
4 throws to 1
1: Zoop!
1 throws to 2
2 throws to 4
4: Zop!
4 throws to 3
3: Zoop!

Yes, you have to say it in that order - Zip, Zop, Zoop. It makes you pay attention to your teammates.

3. Obstacle course meets Follow the Leader meets relay race!


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:32 am 
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idea 1

have everyone line up, fairly close to each other. the last person bends like they would to sit in a chair, and the person in front of them "sits" on their lap, hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. have everyone in the line do this. make them walk a certain distance. its actually a lot harder than it sounds, since you have to work together so everyone lifts their foot to move at the same time. i say "sit" because you can choose to actually sit on the person or just sort of squat over their legs.

idea 2
line everyone up again. blind fold everyone except the last person in the line. the last person is the director of the line. the catch is, this person can not talk. they must squeeze the shoulder of the person in front of them to indicate what direction to go. squeeze left shoulder, turn left, right, turn right, double squeeze, start, gentle pul backwards, stop. this signal is then passed down throughout the line, person to person. the director must lead the group to a target object and the person at the front of the line must pick it up.

idea 3
equipment- 4 tennis balls, something to mark off goals
split group into 2 teams and set up 2 goals
each person gets 2 tennis balls and must walk from goal to the other, but must stand on the tennis balls while doing so. they then turn around and head back and pass the balls off to the next person. if you fall off your tennis balls, you start over. team to finish first wins

idea 4
equipment- 4-5 hula hoops or medium sized rugs (big enough for 3 people to stand on comfortably)

group starts out on the "beach" and wants to "swim" on the floor. they can walk around, do what ever. you are the lifeguard, and every so often call out shark. when you call shark, everyone must be in a hula hoop. after everyone is in a hoop, you call all clear, they resume "swimming" and you remove an "island" continue until everyone is attempting to squish into one hula hoop.

thats all i've got for now... might be able to think of more later!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:45 am 
Beyond Godly
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How 'bout

Going to the market!

1. Sit in a circle

2. Start yourself and say I went down to the market and bought ...

3. The things you buy have to be in alphabetical order

4. the next person had to repeat the verse and what you bought and add an item to the list. etc etc
So You'd say:
I went down to the market and bought an Apple
The next person would say:
I went down to the market and bought an Apple and a Banana
The next would say:
I went down to the market and bought an Apple, a Banana and a Cat
And so on and so on and so forth...

5. If someone misses an Item they're out

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:14 am 
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I can't remember the name of it...

but get everyone to stand in a circle. Then have everyone grab the hands of someone else (but each hand, must be from a different person, so I couldn't grab both of one persons hands with mine), and then everyone has to get together to be untangled.
It's actually a really fun game. But if you've got like 20 people... split it up into ten people and race.
Sorry I didn't explain it well.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:58 am 
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Blindfold someone, spin them round, then push them overOh, and have someone else catch them.

Last edited by Christopher on Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:26 am 

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ahoteinrun wrote:
I can't remember the name of it...

but get everyone to stand in a circle. Then have everyone grab the hands of someone else (but each hand, must be from a different person, so I couldn't grab both of one persons hands with mine), and then everyone has to get together to be untangled.
It's actually a really fun game. But if you've got like 20 people... split it up into ten people and race.
Sorry I didn't explain it well.

You mean the Human Knot? I hate that game. o_o I've played it too many times.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:26 am 
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Just go paintballing or something.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:55 pm 
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YesItIsh wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:
I can't remember the name of it...

but get everyone to stand in a circle. Then have everyone grab the hands of someone else (but each hand, must be from a different person, so I couldn't grab both of one persons hands with mine), and then everyone has to get together to be untangled.
It's actually a really fun game. But if you've got like 20 people... split it up into ten people and race.
Sorry I didn't explain it well.

You mean the Human Knot? I hate that game. o_o I've played it too many times.

I love that game XD

I've done this one before, it requires uncooked spaghetti noodles and marshmallows. Divide the group into teams (teams of 3 or 4 work best).
A short amount of time is chosen, and then when the clock starts, all the teams must race to try to build the best and sturdiest structure that they can, using only the uncooked noodles, and the marshmallows to hold them together. When the time is up, all construction ceases, and the structures are judged.

This one also requires small teams and some materials, mainly: paper, string, plastic wrap, scotch tape, and eggs. The teams are divided and instructed to build a structure to protect their egg. You can give them a time limit if you like. Often there are rules such as: the egg can not be entirely enclosed inside the structure. Once finished, the teams must drop their eggs one by one from some high area. Over the top banister of a flight of stairs works well. A tarp can be placed on the floor below to protect it.

This one is a trust game. All it requires is a sturdy table. One person stands on the end of the table. Everyone else lines up in two rows, standing at the end of the table, and facing eachother. The two lines of people reach across to whoever's across from them and grip each other's forearms, so that everyone's arms form a bridge. The person standing on the table must fall backwards off of the table onto the bridge of arms. Everyone takes turns being the person to fall.

Love is blindness. -- Set by my Secret Santa =D

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:07 pm 
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I'm not exactly sure what your looking for, but heres some things I have done that seem to be what your looking for.

Get a volkswagon beetle, and see how many can fit inside. Thats always fun.

Play atom. Its a game where random numbers are called (within 1-6 usually) and you have to get into groups of that many. Whoever isn't in a group is out. Keep calling numbers until there is only two people left.

You could always do crazy races.. Come up with a crazy idea (such as an old time pie eating contest where someone vomits) and teams act it out (or seperate ones, its up to you) in super speed. Thats really really fun.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:32 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Ooh ^^

Well there's one where you get plastic crate and put them in a line with a space of about a 3/4 of a metre between each one. Then you give them 3 planks of wood, and they have to cross over the crates using the planks and get the the end with the planks (as in not leaving them behind) without anything (including the planks) touching the floor. You can do this either in two groups or one ^^

And there's one where you mark out a 'pen', then blindfold all but one person. That person has to guild the other people to the pen, whilst they are on their hands and knees like sheep. The person not blindfolded also cannot touch the sheep, just talk to them.

If I rememebr anymore, I'll tell you =)

that's me.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:14 pm 
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Just remembered another one. This requires post-it notes, or paper and scotch tape. And a pen. Write the names of famous people, both current and through history on the post-it notes. And then each person gets one stuck to their forehead, so that they can't see what their own note says, but everyone else can. Then everyone is set loose and has to go around asking eachother yes or no questions to try to find out who's name is on their forehead. It works best if the people are well informed about who the people are.

This one requires a few materials and is messy, it's best to be done outdoors, or on a floor that can be mopped afterward. First you need two buckets, a funnel, some water, and several pieces of PVC pipe cut into short lengths (about a foot long each). The team members stand together in two rows facing eachother, they must use their hands to hold all the cut pieces of pipe together as best as they can, while water is being poured through the pipes from the first bucket (poured through a funnel). Whatever team gets the most water in the second bucket wins.

Love is blindness. -- Set by my Secret Santa =D

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