Shadowfare wrote:
br00ster wrote:
Anubis wrote:
I love the parents.

(Are they the same breed?

No, ones a mastiff, the others a spitz.
I was chased by a bull mastiff on several occasions, and it didn't look anything like that
More like a dobermen with a huge chest. But then, the owners were French speaking, so I probably translated wrong or something.
Cute dogs!
There are many diffrent types of mastiffes. Great pyrenees, great dane, english mastiff, french mastiff...
Bull mastiffs arejowly. Neopolitans are...unique.
Neopolitan mastiff
I have a mastiff site in case your interested.
Edit: Ohhh...I just got blocked-ed....
Heres what happened before she blocked me.
<read from the bottom up, its in Pm's.>
You've always messaged me when I was a New Member, telling me stuffs. I remember one occasion 'Where is the quality? There is none.' That truely has stuc with me. Lucky I have quality now. Neh? And your only ten.
Me:------ Original Message ------
Why? Are you waiting for it? I mean, I can understand why. It seems we have always fought.
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o-0 When are you leaving FP?
Me:------ Original Message ------
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Chi - Hua - Hua
Me:------ Original Message ------
You reckon whats hot? Chihuhahas? Gah, I could stab the person who decided to name them that. I can NEVER spell chihuhaha right...
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Awsome. Because I reckon they are hawt >E
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Me:Its just a typo. I like chihuhaha's. They are very cute.
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Long Haired Chihuahuas. Not Chihuhaha as I saw you write on my post when it cleary states "Chihuahua"
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Me:I never said anything about them. Just asked what breed they were O_o
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-.-; Im offeneded you think that of my babies. And your only ten.
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Me:Wow, no need to shout. One just looked kinda like my pomeranian.
I never knew there was such a thing.
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NO. All the images on my page are pure bred Long Haired Chihuahuas. Which image did you think?
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Me:Is that a pomeranian on your page?
And then she blocked me O_o
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