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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:38 am 
PPT Warrior
PPT Warrior

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Location: Duckburg
My favorite pizza toppings are pepperoni and black olives.

I have most of the script of Little Shop of Horrors memorized.

I have memorized the solutions for many point-and-click games, including Torin's Passage and Day of the Tentacle.

I used to be suicidal in elementary school because no one liked me.

I can look to my left with one eye while keeping the other looking straight.

I have a weird hair fetish.

I once got second place in an old contest from the FOX Kids afternoon block.

My handwriting has gotten worse than when I was in middle school. And it was really crappy then.

I have weighed 115 lbs for the past 5-6 years.

I signed in to my account at 11:03 pm on Mon Jan 05, 2009. My last visit beforehand was Thu Dec 01, 2005 at 10:26 pm.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:41 am 
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Some interesting stuff here.

About me... lets see....
I love writing stories. If I ever have a bored moment, my mind buzzes over with story ideas, most following a central apocalyptic plotline :P Problem is though, I never finish then.

I also love drawing pictures. Again, most of them feature a dark or death-like meaning, which a lot of girls I know hate, but all my mates reckon are cool.

I've got a whole collection of foreign and old coins, some dating back to the early 19th century.

I'm a big believer in conspiracies and believe that the world is not what it seems. Not as in beliveing that aliens are invading our minds, but believing in Government cover-ups, super-advanced technology already in use by super-powers, etc.

I'm not anti-social, but I tend to lurk more than post, and on MSN, my status is on 'Appear Offline' more than anything else.

My first name is Michal. Not Michael, Michal (is Polish ^_^)

I'll put up more if I think of anything :D

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:27 am 
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Location: THE HEART OF DARKNESS. *ominous drums* Haha, just kidding, I'm stalking you. :D
Gender: Female
Well, I doubt many people here know me that well anyway, aside from my friends. My fifteen minutes of PPT fame were up about a year ago, haha.


I exist, and have so for over fourteen years (I was born nearly fourteen years ago, but hey, being a fetus does count as existing).

I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). No, I don't use it as an excuse.

I'm a vegetarian.

I hate eggs.

I am an obsessive, theorizing, shipping (putting two characters together. A fan of a certain couple... Gah, you know.), canon fairy-ing Harry Potter fan, and have been so since just after PoA came out.

I don't just read Harry Potter. I read (and write) Harry Potter fanfiction!

Say 'Harry and Hermione are going to be a couple' in my presence and you will die shortly after doing so.

I'm half Hispanic (my dad's from Bolivia) and half Russian (my mom's side of the family is mostly from Russia).

My toes are reaaally long.

I judge people on what their personality is like, not what their beliefs are (for example, though I know I'm going to instantly become the enemy of many PPTers by saying this, I like most of the people who attacked PPT a few years ago and who believe the site has spyware and such. I don't agree with those beliefs, but they're all quite nice, for the most part.).

I can rarely hold a grudge. And when I do, it's always over something stupid.

I almost always look at both sides of the story. No one is evil. Perhaps misguided, but not evil.

I'm rather shy in real life. I tend to express my self through written word. And my clothing. I definitely express myself through clothing, haha.

I'm the Grammar Fairy.

My family has six pets (four cats, two dogs).

In my close family, my dad's the only male. All of our pets are female, and my sister, mother and self are, as well.

My philoshy in life is currently, "Nothing is certain."

I curse. A lot.

I've been known to fill a 100-page-sketchbook within a month. My current one is almost three-quarters full, and I've only used four or five pages for drawing. It's mostly full of doodles and random thoughts/notes, with a few pages of writing thrown in.

My art mediums of choice are writing and painting with water colors.

I own five, and solely use (well, aside from pencils) fountain pens for writing.

I'm an avid reader.

I collect absolutely nothing.

My favorite colors are green and purple. My favorite color combination is blue and gold. Green/gold and purple/gold are excellent, but I love light blue and gold together.

I sound quite boring, but I'm not, really! The way I write lists is just dull, that's all. Trust me, no one who wears fluorescent green nail polish is boring.

Yes, I do have and wear neon green nail polish.

I once had a $37 fine on my library card. Yes, I suck at bringing things in on time, but that fine was due to my mistaking the due date for March 25, when it was March 6.

I'll do/try mostly anything once, and if I like it, more than once.

I'm obsessed with history. I love learning about things that happened in the past.

I know you're probably not reading this post, or at least this line.

I love apple juice, but don't really like apples.

I live in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Baltimore rules, y'all.

Many of my ancestors were either nobility or royalty, and on my dad's side, there are some Incans mixed in, and on my mom's, Gypsies.

I have the 'thick, luscious, wavy long hair most women dream about' (ugh), but I hate it. Not because I think it's ugly, but because it's such a hassle to brush and wash and such.

I'm fat and short. Tell me I'm not fat, and I'll hit you, because you haven't looked at the scale when I'm on it, and you probably haven't seen any part of my body aside from my face and hair.

I am a proud Apple/Mac freak. Pfft to Microsoft and Windows.

My entire body is unbalanced. One of my eyebrows is smaller than the other, one of my feet is larger than the other, one side of my face is fatter than the other, one of my nostrils is placed lower than the other, the skin around one of my eyes covers it more than the other... Now, I now that no one's perfect, and that no one is anatomically perfect. But my lopsided-ness is quite obvious.

I'm terrified of spiders and insects. I'm known to, upon seeing a spider in my room, not sleep in there for a week or so. And this is after said spider is removed.

Oh, and I tend to write really long lists.

Christopher wrote:
- I am quite adept at picking open locks, and give me a credit card and I'll get through many types of windows.

Teeaaach meeee!

can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a <3 .

Last edited by Xandra on Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:52 am, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:28 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Location: Set by Stampsyne. Thanks!
Erm, let's see...

My mother tongue is Chinese while my national language is Malay (so I get to learn both as first languages).

I speak up a lot in class and love debating.

I have been on the newspaper before, due to topping the entrance exam of a local high school (out of a few thousand other candidates).

I love roller-coasters, the scarier the better.

I can survive without meat but I must have my veggies. I'll feel uncomfortable if I go a day without them.

However I eat fruits very seldomly.

MY BMI is around 20.

I don't swear, I am not rowdy and boisterous and I observe most, if not all, rules. As a result people tend to regard me as a goodie-goodie.

I have an absolute hatred for people who can't use toilets properly (ie they don't flush, etc). I don't care if you are a murderer, just make sure you flush after you use the toilet.

I can't seem to say no (in real life :P). This results in me hemming and hawing and finding excuses or even resorting to lying to reject requests.

hiddenneggs wrote:
My thumbs bend backward at the knuckle, about 90 degrees. Was a long time before I realized most people's don't.

My thumbs work the same way too, if I understood correctly what you meant.

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:45 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: New Zealand Weapon: HaaH Sword Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
My fingers bend backwards 180 degrees so that they can point backwards when lying flat.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:57 am 
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Location: England
Some more stuff:

I love being on my own and I love my own company.

I'm obsessed with death and dying. (Yes, I'm extrememly morbid but I don't care :P)

I have 22 books by the same author, Stephen King.

When I went to the Hamley's Neopets convention thingy, I had a crush on Adam and couldn't keep my eyes off him. The three hour long queue didn't seem too bad after all ;)

"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"

Neo account: ginger23456

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:27 am 
Beyond Godly
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Location: Probably; a bunny.
...Alex wrote:
I am an obsessive, theorizing, shipping (putting two characters together. A fan of a certain couple... Gah, you know.), canon fairy-ing Harry Potter fan, and have been so since just after PoA came out.

hehe, GBH?

...Alex wrote:
I'm the Grammar Fairy.


generally unimpressed. Koku.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:37 am 
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shapu wrote:
-In college, I didn't get the freshman 15 until my sophomore year (Ha!)

whats the freshman 15?

i can see this coming in very useful for the next ppt bowl thingy.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:50 am 
PPT Trainee
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Location: Trapped In My Glass Prison
-I'm a complete soccer nerd and up until last year my life revolved around it since i was 8.
-I have one Hungarian parent and one New Zealand. These two countries are on the opposite side of the world to each other and both are my home although i live currently in NZ.
-I have lived in Hungary for a total of about 3 years of my life. I nmoved there for good 2 years ago but my grandfather got cancer so we shifted back, wasted about $100,000 in the process.
-I have glasses which I prefer to substitute for my contact lenses, especially when for instants posting a pic on the PPT Picture Topic becuase I don;t like how I look with glasses. I have somethign wrong with my eyes that could only be cured in three places in the world (one ironicly being Hungary) I can also look at one thing on the left with one eye and something on my right with my right eye.
-My dad is the senior executive of a large multinational company.
-I usually do very well in school except for behaviour becuase I am easily bored and enjoy challanging teachers methods which has earn me a tag of 'arrogant trouble maker' becuase the teachers at my school cannot deal with people like me.

That's all I can think of for now. Now you can all think im weird :) .

Visit the PPT Better than You

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:22 am 
Beyond Godly
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- I hate mess, if there is mess around I can't concentrate. I also hate junk, I love throwing stuff away.

- In the past I really hated wearing jewellery, two reasons; 1) I didn't want to lose it, 2) it used to bug me. Now I wear the same set of jewellery almost 24/7; one gold necklace with a pair of gold earrings and a gold toe-ring or, one silver cross, a pair of silver earrings and a heap of silver bracelets.

- I'm usually quite docile but if people start getting domineering or patronising around me I can end up going to lengths to do the opposite of what they want me to do. My parents and teachers have never been like this so I've never had problems with doing this.

- I dislike sport, I would be quite happy if sport/sporting events etc never had to happen again. That being said, I don't mind the odd spot of Swimming, Yoga or Self-Defence classes.

- I consider myself quite open minded, I try not to judge people on the choices they make in life. As a result I have met and got along with a diversified lot of people during my life. Religious extremes. Realtionship extremes. Etc.

- I hate cooking if I'm doing it because I have to. I love cooking if I'm just doing it because I'm bored and want to try out a recipe.

- I'm allergic to cats, dogs, rats, mice, etc. Practically the only pets I can have are fish. And I get hayfever.

- I'm addicted to inspirational quotes, I go around memorising them.

- I don't have a whole lot of photographs in fact I've only recently started putting pictures in picture-frames.

- I bite my nails. According to everyone around me I have gorgeous hands with the exception of my nails. It might be nice to break the habit.

- I've fractured my leg in two places at once when I was younger.

- I'm not a very good skiier.

- I usually try to avoid doing things that I am not good at.

- If I'm in a position where I feel comfortable I don't care about what the people around me are thinking (about me, that is).

- I was forced to teach myself html after I accidentally changed a web-page from site builder to pure html and was too lazy to go back and remake the page again in site builder.

That's all I can think of for now, I'm sure there are some other things but I can't think of them right now.

avatar by spiralethe

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:38 pm 
PPT Warrior
PPT Warrior

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I can't swim

I can't whistle

I snap my fingers by using the finger inbetween my middle finger and pinkey, not using my middle finger like normal people do.

I work at a ski club during the winter (Which, if I may add as a random fact, a 17 year old died at this winter because he was there after hours and his lung collapsed)

I love skiing.

I naturally have one blue eye, one brown, but I have a contact for my blue eye so I can say I have brown eyes.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:58 pm 
PPT Trainee
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Location: In front my laptop
- I hug a terry bear to sleep every night.
- I know my terry bear longer than my husband and my husband is quite all right with that.
- My terry bear is an Australian.
- I quit my job and stay at home for almost four months.
- I dun feel like going back to work again.

Keepsake Arts |

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:11 pm 
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Medusa wrote:
- I've fractured my leg in two places at once when I was younger.

- I'm not a very good skiier.

I hope those aren't related.

rachel wrote:
whats the freshman 15?

A lot of college students gain weight their first year - they're away from their parents, spending more time studying and less time running around than in high school, and the food is usually a little fattier than at home (although if you ate mcdonald's every day as a kid, you might actually lose some poundage). Tack on your first real chance to drink a lot of beer, and you start to build a bit of a winter coat.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:28 pm 
Beyond Godly
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...Alex wrote:
I am a proud Apple/Mac freak. Pfft to Microsoft and Windows.

Me too. Go us!

kudos sasha+gregory // PPT's Unofficial President

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:48 pm 
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Figured out some more.

- i've broken all my fingers, toes and ribs on at least one occasion

- I have unpleasant wires running through my body incase I ever need a pacemaker

- Once I go to Austrailia and Antarctica I will have officially gone around the world!

- I used to show my 650 dollar arab in rather large horse shows that involved him hopping over things. He's very small, and he's very fat... but he almost always won. (Hence why I can afford college!)

- I am writing and illustrating my own book, which is currently in it's first draft... just need to find a publisher.

- I'm tall

- When I curse, I curse creativly.

Evisceration is a sign of respect.

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