I don't watch that much television, only Neighbours at 5:35 PM, and The Simpsons if I can be bothered.
I wear pinkish, peachie glasses.
My hair is blonde, comes down to three inches below my shoulder, and is crazy. I'm serious! It's dead straight at the back, but really curly at the front. Every time I try and brush out my curls, during the course of the day they grow back. And I look insane. ^-^
My left eye is half hazel, and half greeny-blue, and my right eye is greeny-blue.
I have small feet.
I am short, and fat.

My legs are fat, too.
My favourite artists/bands are the Kaiser Chiefs, The Ramus, Dido, and Keane.
I have several important IRL friends that /really/ get on my nerves sometimes. >_<
I hate Microsoft Frontpage.
I don't really like cooking.
I have asthma, and am allergic more to dogs then I am cats.
I'm not good at sport, and I can't run the eight hundred metre without collapsing at the end. However, I run a lot faster when I am encouraged.
I can't concentrate in my room because the computer is in my desk.
I hardly ever wear jewellery.
My eyes are weird, and my right eye is evil. When I shut my left eye, the world appears green, but when I shut my right eye, the world is normal again. When I have both open, it's like the vision I have in my left eye, except slightly duller (I assume because of the green in my right eye).
I'm half English, quarter Irish, quarter Scottish, have royal Scottish relatives, and some of my family live in Wales and in Norway, as well as America.
My cousin knows Johnny Depp, my friend knows Daniel Radcliffe, and my other friend's related to Nelson (random).
I have an extremely strange mind. /Extremely/, I think only Emy-Chan knows why.
I can spell better than any of my class.
I love apples.
I curse, and tend to disobey rules. Bad influence, me.
...Alex wrote:
I'm fat and short. Tell me I'm not fat, and I'll hit you, because you haven't looked at the scale when I'm on it, and you probably haven't seen any part of my body aside from my face and hair.
You're not fat. *hides from you*
Jen wrote:
I naturally have one blue eye, one brown, but I have a contact for my blue eye so I can say I have brown eyes.
o_o Wowzers. Me too. Except for the contact part, my left eye is half blue and half hazel naturally. As said up there. ^