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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:27 am 
PPT Warrior
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Location: Keeping the Hallowe'en spirit all through the year.
Koku wrote:
-I've worn glasses since 3rd grade (I'm in 8th now.)

That's when I got mine, too.

I have no intention of ever getting contacts, either. The thought of putting something on my eyeball squicks me badly.

hiddenneggs / Will
"But then again, i think the main reason people invented civilization was to get together and complain about the wild animals eating them." --mousapelli

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:58 am 
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-Right now, I am sitting on a cat.
-I'm a coffeholic, and a bit of a freak for coffee quality, but my favorite cappucino is the stuff that you get in gas stations for a buck.
-The only White Castle I've ever had is on an Amtrak train - it was microwavable.
-I've had two root canals, and kind of enjoyed them.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:03 am 
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If my nails are too short, it is REALLY weird to me, especially when I can't use them to open things.

I don't like it when people touch my hair.

I'm addicted to showtunes.

I kind of enjoy getting cavities filled, but only when I am numb and being worked on. After and before aren't so fun.

Any posts made from this username after midnight PST and before I sleep for ten hours are not guaranteed to make sense.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:19 am 
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Morningstar wrote:
teh0mega wrote:
Woah, so many people bite their nails! Same 'ere! :P Of course, my nails are in great condition though, you'd never be able to guess I bite them :P

Wow, you must have been reading my mind. I was about to say the same thing. OK, you nail biters, answer me this: how you do bite your bites if you are on the computer keyboard so much? Because I do both and still don't understand how my nails can be bitten to the quick if I spend so much darned time typing.

And, CardShark, ditto on the White Castle. There is a gastronomical (is that a word?) reason as to why they are called Sliders. I haven't eaten one in years--yet every tiime I drive by one, I get the sudden urge to stop and have a dozen. I think it is memory of the taste of the grilled onions that does me in.

EDIT: I just realized that those of you not from the Midwest don't have a clue. White Castle is a huge hamburger chain in Chicago that makes these teeny tiny burgers. Maybe 3" by 3" if I were to guess. And, though they are really cheap, are really tasty (at the time), and a great filler after a night of partying, they may "haunt" you the next day, if you get my drift.

Sorta like *typesword**thinkks**bites**types sentence**waits for post to post**bites*

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:52 am 
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- I accidentally pocketed a spatula from the chemistry lab once (a moment of absent-mindedness overtook me) and I'm still trying to work out how to put it back. Everytime I was in the lab, I forgot. Now I've switched teachers and rooms and I'm at a loss as to how to sneak in, considering the labs are usually locked when there aren't any lessons going on. *considers employing another friend to do the dirty deed*

- I have an obsession about being first or last. I've managed to tone it down but sometimes it's very apparent to me, if not anyone else. For example, if you gave me a list of options, I would pick either the first one or the last one. I get extremely upset with anything in between.

- I have an egg collection. Think Faberge-style eggs. I collect egg shapes, not real, rotting eggs. (I'd love some painted eggshells though!) The reason is because I once picked up a book on collecting and was determined to collect the last item suggested in the book. That happened to be eggs. So you see an example of my first or last compulsion.

- I have an 'either I do it all right from the beginning or I don't do it at all, even if it makes me unhappy'. When I was much younger, I joined this children's club and accidentally missed one meeting. I was determined never to do any more of their fun activities even though inside, I really, really wanted to. I got rid of all the crafts I had made before and anything and everything to do with it, because it was either all or nothing. Having missed one meeting, it was no longer 'all', so I was going to make it 'nothing'.

Of course, that's rather stupid, and this attitude made me very unhappy many times. I wish I didn't have it before so I could have enjoyed a lot of things. But I did have it, and when I got into a situation where I wanted to continue doing something but my warped mind told me I had to ruin everything to make it 'nothing' as though it never happened, I was really very upset and wanted someone to say it was okay. 'Course, no one actually knew, so it was never really okay.

- My warped mindsets are being carefully and slowly adjusted to a healthier framework. :D


Last edited by Lillie on Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:10 am, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:58 am 
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My Mum's 'puter (the one with the net which I am using now :D) is dead slow, and sites can take ages to load just because our old PC can't handle the content :P So it's quite easy to get a bit or two on the nails whilst waiting for a page to load up.

I admit that I stole something once. I still feel guilty about it. See, at our school, we've got this old building out back where the guitar tutor teaches students (because there's less noise there), and which also happens to be right next to a store room.

Well.... one day the storeroom was open... I found out they held the school caps and backpacks there. Hundreds of them! I dunno what came over me, but I saw one of the caps lying on the ground, brand new, so I picked it up and stuffed it in my bag. The school would never notice, they had so many of them, and I would never wear the hat (very nerdy).

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 1:50 pm 
PPT Baby
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I can speak 4 languges.
If i'm in my house I uselly use both arms and legs to walk.
I'm a little silly boy.
I'm a boring kid, and all the day I do nothing.
I like to play Go (aka igo.)
thats it I guess =/

hopefully he will stay a shoyru

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:30 pm 
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If i'm in my house I uselly use both arms and legs to walk.

0_o Interesting. I've only ever done that a few times when I was in a hurry to get up the stairs. Twas fun though XD

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:00 pm 
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I am terrified by Bugsy Malone.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:09 pm 
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Igg wrote:
I am terrified by Bugsy Malone.

Just because he uses show polish instead of hair gel, and has a voice deeper than Barry White...


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:13 pm 
Beyond Godly
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The Monty Python cartoons scare me silly. Surrealism is weird!!

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:18 pm 
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Matt wrote:
Igg wrote:
I am terrified by Bugsy Malone.

Just because he uses show polish instead of hair gel, and has a voice deeper than Barry White...





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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:03 pm 
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Location: THE HEART OF DARKNESS. *ominous drums* Haha, just kidding, I'm stalking you. :D
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Sort the truth from the fiction. Fortunately, the last is quite true. Sorry to all of you who were foolish enough to think it a story.

I broke my arm when crawling. Yes, I'm serious. Worse? It's because I slipped. I slipped when crawling.


I can't stand most slow music. Unless it's a piece of music without any vocals, such as one of the LotR soundtracks or something by Beethoven, absolutely not. I can rarely ever even find a slow piece of music that I like. My music preference is really, really upbeat stuff that you can dance to. Or just jump up and down to.


I suck at Nethack, but I like it anyway. Well, I like the Mac version that doesn't have any symbols as things, just pictures. I'm not very good at remembering that @ stands for something other than 'at', or whatever.


My skin is green, due to a one-of-a-kind skin disorder I was born with. It's horrible being the only green-skinned girl in the world. Only green-skinned person, for that matter.


I. Hate. Mary Sues. This may be common knowledge, but some people out there don't know of my hatred, and so must be informed. Mary Sues, if you don't already know, are either perfect or cliché characters. If your character is beautiful, thin, powerful and can weild, or even lift, a sword that's taller than her without having her body snap in half, she's a Mary Sue. Look. Perfect characters aren't interesting. They're excruciatingly boring, and they make many intelligent people want to pop their eyeballs out with sporks. I don't care if orlibloomluvr89203 told you that your character is "omg so grait i luv hr rite mor plez lol adn mayk her daet draco/harry/legolas/some hot guy". If one can't bother to give you constructive criticism (without using chatspeak), you should really wait until someone else does before letting your ego expand rapidly.

Oh, and hey, when that person told you your writing sucked? You shouldn't have said these three things: "Don't like it, don't read it." ; "You're just jealous." ; "You're not a writer, don't criticize me!"

First off, if one doesn't read your writing, how would one know if they liked it or not? Don't be an idiot.

Second, they're not jealous. Trust me. And answer this: when your parents criticize you, do you accuse them of being jealous? I don't really think they envy how well you drool over celebrities twice your age.

Lastly. Just because someone doesn't have any published work, or even any writing work at all, doesn't mean they don't know if they think something's horrible or not. Hey, you're not a published writer, so you must think that "omgzlolteywurhawtadnniluv" is a brilliant piece of writing!


I think it's really rather stupid how everyone seems to think that just because they differ in opinion with another person, they can't be friends, or even be polite to/with said person. I don't really care if you support various political issues or not.

(Well, unless you think that the HP books are Satanic, and that people will actually run around trying to Avada Kedavra each other after reading them. Honestly, people. Just because one kid did something wrong or whatever, doesn't mean everyone's going to try to levitate houses or something. Pfft. It's always the bad ones who receive the most attention.)


I'm opinionated like whoa. DUH. :D


I wanna learn Spanish, Russian, Italian, French, Latin, German, Greek and Boytalk (how on earth does 'in a sec' translate to 'in seven hours', anyway?). And loads of other dead languages (I mean like Latin. Spanish isn't dead.).


I don't really know how to say this, but I'm not actually thirteen. I'm thirty-four, and my name is Pansy Parkinson. I have a son named Theodore, and triplets on the way. I've also been a witch my entire life. My parents are magical, as well- well, they're dead, so they were magical. My family has been practising magic since... Well, forever, actually. We're the oldest Welsh wizarding family. (No, I'm not an American, either.)

And for those of you who know who I am, well... Being a celebrity is quite hard. I have to be kind and polite in public, for one. What, did you think Pansy Parkinson would actually be like this all the time? No, she isn't.

can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a <3 .

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:10 pm 
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The language I want to learn most in the whole world is Gallic.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:41 am 
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My skin is green, due to a one-of-a-kind skin disorder I was born with. It's horrible being the only green-skinned girl in the world. Only green-skinned person, for that matter.
Can I start calling you Elphaba now?

Formerly Miss Padfoot.

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