it pooled together?
did you watch the same film i did?
Kashyk was there to show some wookies (who are in the film for all of about a minute)
the ewoks were less stupid.
the ewoks.
in the words of another guy, because ive gone brain freeze right now.
There was simply too much to do in this movie: kill the droid army, seduce Anakin to dark side, vilify the Jedi, exterminate the Jedi, build the Empire, and develop Vader, etc... . Every one of these pivotal events were handled superficially, typically through montage or other film school stop gaps.
Worst of all, Anakin's fall (y'know the reason why we watched the prequels to begin with) was attributed to an amalgamation of reasons, none of which was developed effectively, giving us a "wow, that was kinda quick, what the hell just happened" response to his fall. Given all of the beautifully described descents into evil in the history of western literature (Paradise Lost, Faust legends, Hamlet, etc... ), Lucas had plenty of material to work w/but failed to deliver in any meaningful way. So, we're left w/a fall into darkness that few in the audience will be able to idenify with. Couple this problem in rendering his fall from grace w/only about 30-45 minutes to turn him into the most sadistic, cold-blooded, bad guy in the galaxy and I'm still left wondering why he commands such fear. In short, I always envisaged him as the Jason to Palpatine's Freddy Kruger, but now I envisage Vader more like the Pinnochio to Palpatine's Gepeto (okay that might have been more harsh than intended ... but I can't think of a better way to put it right now).
in short this is probably one of the wors directed films ive seen in some time.
dont get me wrong i enjoyed the film (i just repress those stupid droids, and R2D2) but seriously!