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 Post subject: PPT Secrets (Revived & NEW SECRETS UP)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:05 pm 
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If you have any suggestions for a new format or host for this, please say so. This thread is becoming a bit cluttered. :)

It has been decided! PPT Secrets will remain on the forum.

Entrants: PLEASE check the e-mail you used to submit something once in a while. Sometimes I e-mail you for permission to give your anonymous e-mail out if a member wants to start a correspondence with you because of something you submitted.

Lately, I stumbled upon a site with a very fascinating purpose. The man who runs it posted his address, inviting people to send him an anonymous postcard containing just one secret about themselves, something nobody knows. He then posts them on the website for the world to see. I can't provide the link because some of them aren't really PG, and I ask that nobody else here post the link, either.

After reading all of these confessions, both trivial and meaningful ones, I felt so connected to everyone who had shared their secret. It reminded me that anybody could have mailed those in. My teachers, my friends, my family, the man who held the door open for me this morning, anybody. It made me feel close to those people, and it made me think that all of us have a secret like that. Something we've never told anyone.

I sometimes see people complain about how they don't feel they're a "part" of this community, or that they feel like they don't know anyone. Many of us have made friends here, and we stick solely with those people, never really bothering to talk to anyone else. Some of us dislike and avoid one another. It's a community, it happens. When I saw this site, I had an idea: to create our own version.

How do I share a secret?
If you want to share a secret, you can either make an image or just write out your secret. All submissions are supposed to be anonymous, and all submissions should be TRUE. E-mail all of your submissions to Just write your secret or attach the image you've created. Please make sure images don't exceed 450 x 350 pixels.

In order to make sure you remain anonymous, you can sign up for a free e-mail here, or anywhere else on the web. Sign up using a name that has NOTHING to do with your PPT name. Do not tell anybody what your real name is. The point of this entire thing is for people to be able to share without having to expose who they are.

Once I receive your secret and it's appropriate, I will post it in this thread (or make a website for them, depending on how many I receive). I will NEVER give any clue as to who you are, so don't worry. You can be as 'sneaky' as you want when submitting. You can even make a bunch of different e-mails to send me your submissions so that I don't know they're from the same person. Anything goes.

If you want, I can put your anonymous e-mail by your submission so people can e-mail you to talk about it. Some people really relate to your submissions and would like to talk to you about it. Please tell me if you want your e-mail by your submission!

Signed, Anonymous
Secret sharing is not the only aspect of this project. If you e-mail me and ask, I will post your new anonymous e-mail up here without telling anybody who you are. That way, you can be e-mailed by other anonymous members and start a correspondence. I am also willing to post any anonymous IM screen names you wish to create. Who knows? You could create a very meaningful friendship with somebody you had previously misjudged. Over time, if you want to, you can reveal yourself to a friend you've made, but you don't have to if you don't want to.

Although you can confess anything you want to me, if you want your confession to be posted here, it must follow these rules:

-No sexual/explicit content
-Don't mention other PPTers
-Make sure any images you use are appropriate
-Make sure your images are at or under 450 x 350 pixels

The following rules apply to EVERYONE:

-NEVER, under ANY circumstance, reveal someone else's identity!
-Do NOT harass anybody on the Anonymous List, and do not harass me. That's just rude.
-Although I'll never know, please don't make something up.

Trust me, you don't want me mad at you. :)

Secrets (Images)






- submitted by









submitted by














- submitted by




Written Secrets
1 wrote:
"I still pick my nose and eat it."

2 wrote:
"I have to leave the room when something embarassing happens to a person in a TV show or movie. I can't watch. I get embarassed for them."

3 wrote:
"I would rather die old and alone than ask a girl out on a date - rejection's
my single biggest fear."

4 wrote:
"As I walk I walk alone,
No warmth I give to you.
No greeting or acknowledgement,
Are worth the things you do.
You’re a poison to my soul you are,
Did you know that’s how I felt?
Like a sickness creeping evermore,
Like a blow so often dealt.
You’ve hit me once, and I bounced back,
Your intentions I did not see.
But now that you have had your way,
It is you whose broken me.
Despite the times I’ve edged around,
Or circled from your grasp,
You entrance and take me in
Like the luring of an asp.
You are my poison, killing swiftly,
And yet I drink you every day.
Knowingly I do allow you
To let me feel this way."

5 wrote:
"I'd wait for her forever, but I know she's not coming

6 wrote:
"I'm still in love with my ex after a year."

7 wrote:
"I wish I could have just let my heart rip up instead
of saying "I love you". She was too good for me."

8 wrote:
"I've had a social problem since grade 4, caused by lack of social

9 wrote:
"When I go to sleep at night, I pretend I'm a twelve year old girl
living in America. But I'm far from that."

10 wrote:
"I have no friends offline. I haven't since I was seven or so. I go
out of my house about three times a week."

11 wrote:
"I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease four months ago after missing at least
a month of school, the meds I'm on make me gain weight, and I hate how
people look at me now like I've been eating too much when I can't help it." - submitted by

12 wrote:
"I accidentally shot my mother with my father's gun when I was a
toddler. She almost died."

13 wrote:
So my friend slept over at my house once, and we decided to sleep in the basement, that way we could watch TV all night and we had this pull-out couch, and it was a pretty big bed for a pull-out couch, and so we decided we'd both sleep on it instead of one of us sleeping on the normal couch. during the night, I wet the bed. and I was like, twelve or so, and I hadn't wet the bed for at least a year or so, lol. and before that year, it was like, another year before I had wet the bed since then. the sheets all smelled like pee, and I was sort of hoping he didn't notice. to this day, I still don't know if he noticed it or not.

14 wrote:
I have an extreme fear of developing "real" friendships or getting close to anyone. Because of this, I've never gone out with anyone, and I have very few friends (in real life). I always think that no matter when I go, everyone will find a reason to hate me or a way that I annoy them. Because of this, I never really have the initiative to make new friends in fear of doing something that will screw my life up any more. I rarely leave the house, and if I do, it has to be something important or something I can do later to extend my time inside. I constantly go into my room and lie there, listening to music, alone. From about kindergarten to 4th grade, I was the poor, ugly, scummy-looking fat kid that no one wanted to be around or talk to. Even though I'm doing better now, thoughts like that will never really escape my mind. Even on these forums, while people try their best to befriend me, I make sure not to make it into something too big as in the back of my mind, I know I'm going to do something that's going to end up in them not wanting to talk to me any more. On top of that, affection is a big problem. It would be very rarely to hear me say something like "I love you", because personally, I was never told that and it even the mentioning of it makes me uneasy. For that reason, I have no close friends, and my family is
no closer. I wonder, if I were to be injured or possibly even worse were to happen to me, would anyone really even care? I live with that question much too often.

15 wrote:
I'm not the normal teenager I don't want to always talk about sex and
girls, cars, and sports. I don't like to share the things that I
actually do like- because I'm afraid of being different. I admire so
much the people that aren't afraid to be themselves. I hide my true
feelings- I can't break out of my shell. -

16 wrote:
I'm not asking for pity. I simply want to be seen for how I feel, not how others see me. I ask not to be judged. I do not mean to be ungrateful when I know I am blessed in comparison to most of the world. It seems petty to ask for good health, but that is what I want. I want to be able to live a long, healthy life. I never used to doubt that, but now I think I may not live for as long as I would like. I do not have a terminal illness; I just have an intuitive fear. The more I am afraid of this, the more my hope goes, and with my hope goes the chances of living longer. I wish people would not judge me as easily as they do: weak and pessimistic. They don't see how hard it is for me to face a challenge and try to rise to the occasion because I am not naturally strong. They don't see how hard it is for me to dismiss my fears and put an easy smile on my face because I am not naturally optimistic. But I want someone to see, I want someone to know how much harder it is for me to do the right thing than it is for those who have strong characters or are naturally happy. I want someone to realize that I am afraid of dying early, but I am more afraid of not being able to enjoy life as I want to enjoy it. I want someone to realize that the smile on my face is false and the easy words I say hide a much deeper fear. I want someone to realize that I am afraid to fall because I may not rise again because I lack the strength I want to do so.

17 wrote:
Every week, when my dad comes home from work and is off the next day
or two, he flops down on his leather recliner, sits back, and brings
out his bottle of Wild Turkey. And every time, he drinks the whole
bottle, and so the stench of the whiskey hangs around the recliner and
our lives. Now, my father doesn't abuse me, and he doesn't become a
mean drunk. I wouldn't have a problem if he didn't drink too much, but
he does.

Another thing I hate about him when he drinks is he become
"stupid-funny". A good example is he makes really lame and stupid
jokes, and he thinks they're the funniest the funniest thing in the
whole world. It's also not just his drinking. He smokes heavily,
anywhere between one to three packs a day. His lungs definitely are
shriveled up. And what's worse is he hasn't even given a thought to
permanently quit either. All he's done is a temporary quit from
drinking. When both me and my mom try to talk to him about it, he
keeps saying that she's drinking too.

My mom isn't as bad as my dad, but she sometimes drinks the same, just
in wine. When she gets really drunk, she stumbles and vomits (it takes
a lot to get her that drunk). She's "quit" several times, and every
time her excuse is that her work is stressing her out. 0 submitted by

18 wrote:
I've never been able to tell anyone about the abuse in our family, I was
always afraid for my siblings, I had to protect them. So I did... in the
only way I knew how to, by keeping quiet.

My dad drinks. A LOT. He gets mean and abusive when he drinks, and he's
really embarassing to be around. I don't bring friends home when he's
around, and if they do come over, I make sure they are gone by the time he's
home. I've told anyone because I don';t think any of my friends would

I'm afraid of men because of him and have never been in a relationship. I
fear men and have a thick wall of sarcasm and wit placed around me. No one
is allowed in. - submitted by

19 wrote:
I am afraid my house will catch on fire and I will lose everything I have worked so hard for.

20 wrote:
I am dying.

and I hold it from everyone, because I don't want to live out my last
days already dead.

21 wrote:
the only reason i havent commited suicide is because
im afraid. afraid that moments after i die, i will
simply wake up in another reality.
im not afraid of death. im afraid of it not being the
i want it to end. all of it.

and im afraid no-one will ever understand how it is to
feel this.

22 wrote:
Sometimes I talk to people and then agonize for hours about whether or not they find me annoying. I'm completely paranoid that people dislike me.

23 wrote:
I have a very cool orange scarf that I wish I was secure enough to wear.

24 wrote:
I'm absolutely mortified to go to the doctor's. Not
because of needles or medecine. But I'm almost sure
that I have breast cancer, and I don't want to want
anyone to know. I'd rather just die with a secret
cancer than tell my mother and go to a doctor and die
like that. But I'm scared. I'm not ready to go yet,
so I just have to hope it's not cancer.

25 wrote:
I've always been scared of developing a close relationship with somebody. When a girl which I did have feelings for asked me out about a year ago I said yes. When it came to actually going out with her, I
couldn't. I freaked out everytime I tried and couldn't explain to the
poor girl why. About two weeks after I had accepted one of the girls'
friends approached me and told me that the girl was really torn up
about the whole thing. She made me feel like a cruel, heartless person
and I knew that I deserved every word she said. To this day I still
can't explain how sorry I am to the girl, it rips me to shreds
everytime I see her.

don't know what I'm doing with my life. Everyone tells me that I should know where I am going, and what I am doing. I often wonder what life is. Is it a sick game? Does a god exist, or have we reached congnisance over eons of changing? I don't ask because I care. Knowing the answer wouldn't change a thing. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, beating the savage drum that warns me that my time is near. What will my legacy be? Will I live through the ages? Will there be "religions" that worship my virtues? How much time will I waste? Whose lives will I impact? I feel my pulse in my fingertips, throbbing me to sleep. To eternal sleep. What is conscience? Nothing but a cruel illusion. I need motivation. I need someone to show me why life is worth living, and why I should carry on. I can't care anymore. I am too depressed with the stupidity of the populace. I long for someone to challenge me, to curse me to do something I can't, for only then will life be worth living.

John Doe

Signed, Anonymous

AIM screen names



Last edited by Fiddelysquat on Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:49 am, edited 39 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:09 pm 
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Hey that's a great idea! I have sooo many secrets to tell... like this one time... at band camp...

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:09 pm 
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Shoyru_Lover wrote:
Hey that's a great idea! I have sooo many secrets to tell... like this one time... at band camp...

*points to the rule about sexual/explicit content*

While I have no problem reading confessions, there's no way that's getting posted, bucko. ;)


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:11 pm 
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Actually... I was referring to the time I threw a coconut at a rampaging squirell... but... meh

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:14 pm 
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Shoyru_Lover wrote:
Actually... I was referring to the time I threw a coconut at a rampaging squirell... but... meh




Why do I TRY?!


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:20 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Yes this is a very good Idea. I may give up some of my own secrets in time.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:21 pm 
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.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:
Yes this is a very good Idea. I may give up some of my own secrets in time.

I made one, and even though it was hard to admit it to myself, it felt good afterwards. I'm not posting it yet so nobody knows it's me.


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:22 pm 
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Fiddelysquat wrote:
Shoyru_Lover wrote:
Actually... I was referring to the time I threw a coconut at a rampaging squirell... but... meh




Why do I TRY?!

*batters eyelashes* :battar: You love it... I know you do lol. That's your little secret isn't it ~_^

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:12 pm 
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I've updated with some secrets! I really love some of these. I hope more people e-mail their secrets in. :)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:19 pm 
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Yes, I posted the link to that website the other day, against my better judgement. I should have known better but I hadn't even read all of the postcards, which seemed to get worse and worse as I read them. We talk about some mature subjects here at times, which is why I thought it would be ok, but then I didn't read all of the postcards. I saw a few that I know now were inappropriate. Well anyway, it really is a neat site though, to think of the secrets that others have but are afraid to tell someone. I saw some of myself in some of the shared secrets and also some of them effected me one way or another. People all over the world have some of the same experiences and secrets as others.


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:21 pm 
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smudgeoffudge wrote:
Yes, I posted the link to that website the other day, against my better judgement. I should have known better but I hadn't even read all of the postcards, which seemed to get worse and worse as I read them. We talk about some mature subjects here at times, which is why I thought it would be ok, but then I didn't read all of the postcards. I saw a few that I know now were inappropriate. Well anyway, it really is a neat site though, to think of the secrets that others have but are afraid to tell someone. I saw some of myself in some of the shared secrets and also some of them effected me one way or another. People all over the world have some of the same experiences and secrets as others.

That's where I learned of it. I thank you for the indtroduction, but make sure to read what you link to. Some of them were WAY inappropriate, but now we have our own version that's safe to look at. I really love the whole idea of it.

Edit: Some new ones are up.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:46 pm 

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Oh, I check that site every Sunday! It's amazing to see how there are others out there that fear the same things and live the same ways. Some are downright creepy, but a good lot of them are understandable.
This was a great idea to bring it to PPT. I look forward to seeing more people post their secrets and perhaps submitting one of my own (provided I think of a good one, heh).

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:51 pm 
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More entries have come in. It seems that people are becoming more courageous now that others have entered.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:52 pm 
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Shoyru_Lover wrote:
Hey that's a great idea! I have sooo many secrets to tell... like this one time... at band camp...

AAIIIEEEEE! *throws sheet music at Yukio for using the forbidden phrase*

Sounds interesting. I don't know if I'll do anything for it, but it'll still be neat to look at.

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 8:54 pm 
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This is actually a pretty cool idea. It's good to get things off your chest, I know people have done things on Livejournal the same way with anon posting and IP logging off. And it's intresting to see how many people are having the same problems you might be having...although I wish I could give our secret tellers a hug...


<STOWA|Sleep> my sister questioned the title. "Half Blooded Prince? Does that mean he's a Moogle"

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