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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:45 am 
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This thread was such a great idea, it's really bringing everyone together. Some things I can relate to, others just make me want to give everyone BIG hugs :hug:


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 6:56 am 
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Fiddelysquat wrote:
lionheartwitty wrote:
I actually admit to people that the one part near the end of the first Pokemon movie almost made me cry.

I lie and say I don't, but I cry during most movies. :oops: All the people at the Movies board are going to think I'm such a weenie...

I hate to dredge up a post from so early on, but I'm going to open up here, people. We're just going to need to deal with that. Its like therapy, but with less bills and not nearly a comfy enough couch.

The one time I can remember getting close to weepy eyed during a movie was 'I Am Sam' when they broke out some of the Beatles songs. i'm not quite sure how that concept fit into the movie, but so be it. Anyways, they started singing Golden Slumbers which is part of the Beatles medley. My dad used to sing that to me as I was going to bed and for some reason I just got a little teary.

And therapy-sesh is over. I'm going back to lambasting the Conservative Party or FOX news or whatever it was that I was doing before.[/emo]

PS Very cool idea Fidds. I also enjoy the Chicken Soup offshoot concept muchosly.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:22 am 
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I've tried avoiding this board, since personal secrets get me a bit freaked out. I dunno why, I just find it a bit unnerving. Not saything the secrets are bad, but I feel guilty reading some of them. And I can relate to a few of them. It's good and bad to know that other people all over the world feel what I feel , you know? But it still gets me feeling a bit guilty.

Anyway, I don't have much to share for here, other than that I get emotional at emotional parts in movies. Like, when you find out so and so who was in love with such and such has just died. I really get into my movies :P

Oh and, I used to be the fat and really really nerdy bloke at school a few years back. Ahh, how times change.

Otherwise though, I don't have any really horrible secrets, or at least none that I can remember right now.

Randomness- Werewolf and Other Stuff

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:11 pm 
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Ammer wrote:
VeraX wrote:
Wow.. this is like... Secrets for the PPTers soul.. without the stories. (I know, thats not the way the titles go :P )
Very very touching.

You mean "Chicken Soup for the PPTers Soul"?

It is a very touching thread.

Ah yes, thats what I meant. Only got the soul part right :P


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:03 am 
Beyond Godly
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coming2atvnearu wrote:
The one time I can remember getting close to weepy eyed during a movie was 'I Am Sam' when they broke out some of the Beatles songs. i'm not quite sure how that concept fit into the movie, but so be it. Anyways, they started singing Golden Slumbers which is part of the Beatles medley. My dad used to sing that to me as I was going to bed and for some reason I just got a little teary.

I always get teary when I hear Golden Slumbers. It is so simple, yet so moving. And, I can't quite put my finger on why. I also get that way every time I see Terms of Endearment. I cry like a little baby at the end. So much so, that my daughter is embarassed for me. Ah, sometimes it is good to cry.

Trick wrote:
But on the face of it I'm a normal person, just like everyone out there looks like a normal person. But I bet almost everyone out there can identify with at least one secret up on that page, and no one ever realises because it never feels that way. We can feel so alone and fearful, even guilty sometimes that we should feel this way if we consider ourselves better off than others. The only advice I can give is to try and be strong, try and smile to people you see, give hugs to those you know and love and tell those you love that you love them more often than you do. A lot of my things up there have got much better as I've gotten older, a whole load of self assurance and confidence came out of nowhere when I left school. My mum tells me it gets even better when you get older, suddenly you no longer care what people think of you. Smiling and hugging can help, cheesy as that is.

Aw, Trick, you hit it right on the head. I remember when I was in college, I was a mess--two alcoholic parents, my mom and sister died 5 months apart while I was a sophomore in school, and I decided to get married at age 19 to a perfect candidate for an anger management class. Yikes! We were best friends with this wonderful guy who lived below us who was "perfect." A straight A student, always a smile on his face, always said the right stuff, classically handsome, was a caddy at a country club for judges while in high school, got into Northwestern's Business School, got a wonderful marketing job wearing silk suits and Italian leather shoes. I was so envious that he had the perfect life. While we were in college, we'd go to his house over summer vacation and mom would be baking brownies while dad shot the breeze with us "kids." I almost cried.

Then my friend marries the perfect girl and unravels shortly thereafter. Come to find out his dad had been addicted to prescription drugs for many years and life was not happy at all at home. Every bad thing had been swept under the rug. His brother ends up a homeless drug addict and he ends up being such a lost guy--he beat up his wife a few times and she ended up divorcing him because of it. And, he went into this shell, that even I, one of his best friends, couldn't break through.

My heart breaks for him. Because I never hid any of the stuff I had going on with me. All of my friends in high school and college knew of my parents' alcohol problems--and I made clear that I wasn't my parents, you know. I wasn't about to be blamed for their problems. And, feel inferior because they had these problems. And, my friends were so OK with that. And, when I realized that my ex-husband was a walking time bomb, I got the heck out of there and made no excuses about it.

But, my poor friend, he hid all of his problems from everyone and tried to be so normal until he broke apart inside. And, get this, he said that he couldn't be friends with me anymore because I see too much truth in him. He knows that I will call him on his crap, to put it nicely. And, he would rather not deal with having to face the truth. Sad.

Ah, Trick, you don't ramble too much. I do. But, I guess my point is to get stuff out in the open or it will eat you alive. It is OK to be flawed and imperfect. We all are to some extent.

And, your mom is right, the older you get, the less you care what people think of you. Though it doesn't seem possible when you are 13 or 15 or 18 or 21 that it will ever get better or be different. But it can. You just have to have faith in yourself and not let others around you dictate who you are.

*hugs to everyone who had the courage to post their secrets* I got tears reading them. And, wish my arms were long enough to embrace this entire PPT family in a big hug.

Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:42 am 
PPT Toddler
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I don't relate to any of those

I cried at the end of ET.

PPS: I'll share a secret here:

I'm too afraid to share my real secret.

Yes... Very much so

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:55 am 
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Taco wrote:
I don't relate to any of those

I cried at the end of ET.

PPS: I'll share a secret here:

I'm too afraid to share my real secret.

Ahh, just take a leap man. If you really have a secret, it's really good to get it off of your chest. Trust us.

Image Gotta Love Rage.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:32 am 
Beyond Godly
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Morningstar wrote:
Ah, Trick, you don't ramble too much. I do. But, I guess my point is to get stuff out in the open or it will eat you alive. It is OK to be flawed and imperfect. We all are to some extent.

And, your mom is right, the older you get, the less you care what people think of you. Though it doesn't seem possible when you are 13 or 15 or 18 or 21 that it will ever get better or be different. But it can. You just have to have faith in yourself and not let others around you dictate who you are.

*hugs to everyone who had the courage to post their secrets* I got tears reading them. And, wish my arms were long enough to embrace this entire PPT family in a big hug.

As far as I've come I'm very glad that it really does get better as you get older :) I've been so lucky with my mum, she went through a lot of trying times (married too young and too unhappy), brought me up herself and because of all that I grew up a lot more sensible than I would have otherwise. I'm sure your daughter feels as lucky as I do, you sound so much like my mum sometimes - the kind of mum that can actually get through to teenage girls (and older, heh) and treat them as equals! You must have superpowers or something :)

I have a friend who I just can't seem to help, everyone tries but she never really believes us or in herself. She has almost no self esteem and is desperate to be in a relationship, any relationship will do. The number of times she's fallen in love with someone who's obviously Mr Wrong and is off with other people half the time... It just makes me so angry. She is the nicest person I know, but she just doesn't see how wonderful she is and let's herself be treated like a doormat. Even when they dump her for someone else she takes them back or begs them. It breaks my heart sometimes as I'm so scared that one day one of those Mr Wrongs will be more than a rat and will be someone abusive, and if that happens I know deep down that she won't walk away. It doesn't seem fair that self esteem came so easy to me when I left school (thanks again to my mum mostly) but in her it's an impossible task, and the only person who can turn themselves around like that is the person themselves no matter how many of her friends tell her how wonderful she is and that she deserves better.

I deleted my post in a moment of panic, but as someone has quoted it and I was being silly... and as it has nothing like some of the more awful secrets in it I'm going to repost it. It's not to do with me per say, just to express how much I can identify with some of those secrets and how much everyone can identify with at least one of those secrets. And I do ramble, hehe ;)

Trick wrote:
A lot of these secrets I can relate to or have been able to when I was younger. I used to lie about things (I prefer the word "fib" heh) when I was in school to try and fit in more. I didn't want a boyfriend, I didn't like any of the guys at my school but this was seen as abnormal by many. So when people asked if I'd ever kissed a guy I lied. And then when I started uni I found the habit hard to shake, and when my to-be friends asked if I'd ever had a boyfriend (hello, number two picture =) ) I lied again and said yeah. And then they all said they hadn't >_< Stupid stupid me. But the lie had started and it was only after I'd been with my lovely boyfriend for a couple of months that I admitted it to him (he'd never had a gf before) and he just gave me a big hug and told me he was glad I could tell him that =) And now we've been together for over three years I am so happy I was without a boyfriend in high school - it was for a reason as a lovely guy was waiting for me in my future. End of cheese :oops:

I used to be terrified of talking to boys, I worried I would lose friends (real friends though, are never lost), I went through a period of time where all the friends I had at the time were off with me (I thought they hated me, but in the end I changed friend circles and ended up with real good friends instead of the "popular" ones I had before), I turned my back on the church along with my mum, I went through depression (mild) and still have my "downtimes" as I call them, I have huge trust issues (it took my boyfriend several months to wear me down, I'm so glad he didn't give up on me) and I fear bad things happening to myself and more so to the ones I love. I get panicky if my boyfriend goes on a car trip without me, he has to call me when he arrives and text me through out the day to stop me worrying so much I make myself ill. One summer I was home from uni I became so ill because I was unhappy, all I did with my mum and step dad was argue and argue and it wasn't fun, I was in tears so much. That was the last summer I spent at home, my mum sat me down and said she knew I was unhappy and she understood - I'd effectively flown the nest and couldn't cope with being trapped back in it, and she explained she'd gone through the same thing. Now I have my own place and I am closer to my mum than I ever was before. She's my best friend now :)

And all that is a load of junk about me you don't need to know. But on the face of it I'm a normal person, just like everyone out there looks like a normal person. But I bet almost everyone out there can identify with at least one secret up on that page, and no one ever realises because it never feels that way. We can feel so alone and fearful, even guilty sometimes that we should feel this way if we consider ourselves better off than others. The only advice I can give is to try and be strong, try and smile to people you see, give hugs to those you know and love and tell those you love that you love them more often than you do. A lot of my things up there have got much better as I've gotten older, a whole load of self assurance and confidence came out of nowhere when I left school. My mum tells me it gets even better when you get older, suddenly you no longer care what people think of you. Smiling and hugging can help, cheesy as that is, if you don't have a person to hug - hug your pet *squeezes her kitty*

I wish I could hug you all :) (One of my secrets is I ramble too much - but you all know that one, heh).

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:53 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Experiment wrote:
Taco wrote:
I don't relate to any of those

I cried at the end of ET.

PPS: I'll share a secret here:

I'm too afraid to share my real secret.

Ahh, just take a leap man. If you really have a secret, it's really good to get it off of your chest. Trust us.

Secrets have a nasty tendancy to destroy when kept secret (if that made any sense whatsoever...)
*has shared, whether or not it can be classed as PG13 is another matter*

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:31 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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It's hard to believe these drinking and smoking problems are so common.. :[

My prayers go out to all of you~

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:25 pm 
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Trick wrote:

I have a friend who I just can't seem to help, everyone tries but she never really believes us or in herself. She has almost no self esteem and is desperate to be in a relationship, any relationship will do. The number of times she's fallen in love with someone who's obviously Mr Wrong and is off with other people half the time... It just makes me so angry. She is the nicest person I know, but she just doesn't see how wonderful she is and let's herself be treated like a doormat. Even when they dump her for someone else she takes them back or begs them. It breaks my heart sometimes as I'm so scared that one day one of those Mr Wrongs will be more than a rat and will be someone abusive, and if that happens I know deep down that she won't walk away. It doesn't seem fair that self esteem came so easy to me when I left school (thanks again to my mum mostly) but in her it's an impossible task, and the only person who can turn themselves around like that is the person themselves no matter how many of her friends tell her how wonderful she is and that she deserves better.

That is very, very touching. Last night, I read it and cried myself to sleep feeling sorry for her. :(

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:40 pm 
Beyond Godly
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ShyShy wrote:
Trick wrote:

I have a friend who I just can't seem to help, everyone tries but she never really believes us or in herself. She has almost no self esteem and is desperate to be in a relationship, any relationship will do. The number of times she's fallen in love with someone who's obviously Mr Wrong and is off with other people half the time... It just makes me so angry. She is the nicest person I know, but she just doesn't see how wonderful she is and let's herself be treated like a doormat. Even when they dump her for someone else she takes them back or begs them. It breaks my heart sometimes as I'm so scared that one day one of those Mr Wrongs will be more than a rat and will be someone abusive, and if that happens I know deep down that she won't walk away. It doesn't seem fair that self esteem came so easy to me when I left school (thanks again to my mum mostly) but in her it's an impossible task, and the only person who can turn themselves around like that is the person themselves no matter how many of her friends tell her how wonderful she is and that she deserves better.

That is very, very touching. Last night, I read it and cried myself to sleep feeling sorry for her. :(

*hugs* It's a sad story, I just wish that it was possible to have the power to make things better for people :/ I know sometimes problems come about because of complicated and sometimes terrible pasts but it would be so nice if you could just hug someone and make them better. It seems so unfair that I'm here with all sorts of junk in my past and yet I'm now completely happy and very lucky, yet someone with the perfect upbringing and background is so troubled. Makes you feel so lucky for what you do have and really is the reason why smiling at people you know and strangers, hugging those you do know and those all important "I love you"'s might have at least a small effect :) I really really hope my friend has a happy ending *hopes*

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:09 am 
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Fidds, there's a chance I probably shouldn't post this, but I tried to send you mine twice and it wouldn't let it send.

Any posts made from this username after midnight PST and before I sleep for ten hours are not guaranteed to make sense.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:44 am 
Beyond Godly
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Trick wrote:
It seems so unfair that I'm here with all sorts of junk in my past and yet I'm now completely happy and very lucky, yet someone with the perfect upbringing and background is so troubled.

Well, I have learned that sometimes the stuff thrown at you makes you stronger, if you let it. You learn to deal with it and become a stronger person because of it. Which could be why you are happy and feel so lucky, yet your friend who never had anything bad ever "thrown" her way is so troubled.

A "for instance": I have had lots of people who were really close to me die suddenly and way too young: my sister (who was my best friend), my best non-family friend (we had known each other since we were babies), and my mom--all within about 2 years time. And, my roommate in college, though she didn't die, went through a bad car accident and ended up with severe mental and physical problems--right around the same time as all of these deaths.

So, I could have either curled into a ball and gone into a loony bin (the thought crossed my mind a bit while I was going through this) or learned from it and dealt with it. I learned that life is very fragile--never say something to someone that you might later regret, never forget to say "I love you" or to hug someone you want, and need, to hug. Or, to stop for a second and look at that beautiful sunset, smile when you see a little kid skipping down the street, take a whiff of the chocolate smell coming from the bakery next door. Don't be in too big of a hurry to stop and remember the things that make life special.

When my dad got sick, I was in a top ten law school and the administrative heads were absolute pigs when I told them that I had to take time off to be there for him while he was dying. It was one of the best things I ever did. He and I had been so close already and got so much closer while he was dying. He was my Dad. I mean, really, how could I let him go it alone? I quit law school then (my last semester) and decided never to return. I did not want such a demanding career, no matter how much it paid, where I wouldn't be able to be around for people when they needed me. Money doesn't buy happiness, though people desperately believe that it will. So, I don't have the big, prestigious, high-paying job that some of my friends ended up with. But, I don't work 80 hour weeks either. And, I am home when my kid comes home from school--there to hear all about her day and who did what to whom and the "Can you believe she wore that to school?" and I definitely won't ever miss my kid's birthday or her dance recitals. A conscious choice that I made. Not everyone can. I know that. Some people have it much worse off than I and have to work overtime just to make rent. But, some people work just to work--to see how much money they can make, how much power they can have. Ugh! No wonder society is so troubled.

EDIT: And, Trick, I do want to talk about your friend (sometimes I ramble so much I forget the important stuff). Perhaps, she needs a good shake on the shoulders and a "Why are you seeing that guy? He is really mean to you." I know I did. And, it worked. I fell head over heels for this control freak while in high school. The guy wanted to see me every day and, eventually, ever second I had free. I gave up friends, didn't even have time to clean my room. And then the guy wanted me to quit my part-time job. But, I didn't see it. However, one day, one of my male friends did. My male friend and I were doing something school-related on a Saturday morning (something like working a pancake breakfast for a school club) and my "boyfriend" came by and moped and moped about how he wanted to see me and how I was too busy for him, etc., etc. Trying to make me feel guilty for having a life. When, out of the blue, my male friend says to me, in front of my boyfriend (took a lot of guts), "Why do you let him do that to you? You are worth so much more." And, I did a double take. And, the rose-colored glasses came off-- instantly. For the first time, I saw my boyfriend's behavior through another person's eyes. I broke up with the guy that afternoon. And, was so happy when I did. Like a big weight off of my shoulders. I was finally able to be myself. So, be persistent. And, don't give up on her--though it can be hard to do.

Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:33 am 
Beyond Godly
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coming2atvnearu wrote:
The one time I can remember getting close to weepy eyed during a movie was 'I Am Sam' when they broke out some of the Beatles songs. i'm not quite sure how that concept fit into the movie, but so be it. Anyways, they started singing Golden Slumbers which is part of the Beatles medley. My dad used to sing that to me as I was going to bed and for some reason I just got a little teary.

Golden Slumber is one of the most brilliant songs the Beatles did. I can see why anyone would get teary.

generally unimpressed. Koku.

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