This was the worst illness I've ever had. It all started about a month ago. I kept feeling sick and tired all the time. I presume it was the virus in my system. Then, on Friday night I had a sore throat. Even water was making it sore.
Saturday morning my nose was blocked and my throat had gotten worse. I was also aching all over. I had a splitting headache all day and no tablet would work on it. When I got back home I slept with my mom in her bed for a bit. My nose was really sore now because I had wiped it so many times and all the skin was peeling off it and it was red raw.
On Sunday I awoken to find myself in a pool of snot; it had dribbled down my nose and everything. I tried to sniff. Couldn't. It was too painful to wipe my nose so instead I just held a tissue over my nose to try and dry it up. Still had the headache and I started coughing which made it worse.
On Monday my chest felt really sore and I now had a chest infection to go with everything else. Great. My eyes were streaming, my nose was streaming, I was coughing, my chest was really sore, I had a headache and I felt really tired and achy. And I had been to work too but my mind wasn't on the job and I kept doing things wrong.
On Tuesday the chest infection got worse and I was coughing up phlegm and everything. I also started to feel incredibly sick. I thought I was going to throw up so I ran into the bathroom but coughed up a load of phlegm. Honestly, I had never seen anything like it in my life. The thought of all that gunk in my chest was enough to make me throw up anyway. I gagged a few times but then I felt a bit better. I was still coughing and everything and still had all the symptoms. Also, I kept feeling incredibly dizzy when I stood up. And it made my head feel like it was going to explode.
Also, every day my body temp was sky high. My mom said when she thouched me it burned her. Not literally, but you know what I mean

Thing is though, the illness kept progressing as each day went on. Saturday I was feeling groggy, on Sunday I felt worse, on Monday I felt even worse and on Tuesday I thought I was going to die I felt that bad. and then, on Tuesday night at around 8:30pm it cleared up really fast. For the past few days all I've had is the sniffles with no real blockage in my nose and a cough. And I have never been so relieved.
Beachams all in one medicine was a real help. Tasted fowl though. But it made things a lot better for me. And all the other tablets I had too. If I didn't have them I might still be ill. I'm not sure if it was the flu or not because I thoughtt flu lasted a lot longer than that. Like I said, I'm still under the weather but it feels like the bug itself has gone; it's just left me with all the congestion and stuff.
"I am a sly cat, I am a summer wind, I am birds in flight, I am the sun, I am the sea, I am me!"
Neo account: ginger23456