The past. I'd like to learn more about history by actually being there. Not in wars or anything- that doesn't interest me- but in how people went about their lives. Regular, average people. Peasants, nobles, whoever.
And I wouldn't want to change anything, because, in my opinion, first of all, you couldn't. If you changed something, wouldn't everything be the same? The past happened, and if you were there and had changed something, well- okay, I'm starting to confuse myself, so I'll shut up about that.
But the main reason I wouldn't want to change anything in the past is because I feel that as messed up as the world is right now, I wouldn't want to take the chance of changing things. If I, say, stopped Anne Boleyn from being beheaded, or something, then think of how different the world would be. Butterfly effect, people. The smallest thing can have the biggest impact. I could severely mess things up, and the world could be worse. And yes, maybe I could go back and fix it, but what guarantee is there that that would work? If I told Henry the VIII that if he beheaded Anne, he'd die, why would he listen to me? Elizabeth might not have been crowned- Anne might have given birth to a boy if she lived.
What happened happened.
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