Ammer wrote:
Igg wrote:
No, you don't understand.
(I don't want to sound patronising, I have a headache, and I seem to remember you're muslim? Who know.)
The idea of killing, as a muslim, is wrong. A true muslim would not, in any circumstances, believe that killing was right. Therefore, to the muslim community at least, these people cannot call themselves Islamic.
I am Muslim.
And yes, I agree with you. It's just the only way these groups make themselves known is call by calling themselves "Islamic Fundamentalists". They are Muslim -- Which is very hard to admit
but they aren't following the Qu'ran at all.So they aren't muslim. They may believe they are, but they are not.
Stijn wrote:
For this event to make you dislike Muslims is completely ridiculous.
This event has been condemned by the muslim community. In fact, to hate Muslims (or any other religion) is ridiculous. And you shouldn't trivialise what your saying, because in essence, what you are saying is real prejudice.
Like I said in my post, I do not dislike all of them, plenty of them are great people. And I also didn't say that this event makes me dislike Muslims completely. I said that this event is one of the last ones I need before I snap.

That doesn't matter. Feel free to dislike a terrorist, but not because they are muslim.
Stijn wrote:
This event has been condemned by the Muslim community. Yet it seems great to the Muslim community in some Middle Eastern countries. It seems wonderful to a significant part of the Muslim community where I live.
That's very complicated territory you're getting into and not suitable for here...but, a true muslim would not endorse killing.
Stijn wrote:
What I am saying isn't prejudice. What you are saying is prejudice, because you have no clue where I live, how I live, and how the things around me, my surroundings, how they affect my view on (Muslim) society.
...Not even worth it. *facepalm*