This is a bit of a long story, so strap in.
Many of you should remember the ferret thread I made. However, due to bunches of things, my family and I decided that a ferret just wouldn't work out for our family. So we decided that I would get a dog sometime in early August. Keep in mind that we decided this in mid-June. We would have gotten a dog sooner, but we were going to go on vacation and didn't want to leave it home alone so soon after getting it. Well, as luck has it, we were going to Destin later in the month for our vacation- which was just smashed by Hurricane Dennis. We couldn't reach the hotel we were going to stay at, so we decided we'd try to go to Myrtle Beach because we have some family nearby there. I was against it, because I was the only one that seemed to realize that if we skipped everything this summer, we could go someplace much nicer in December. My family wanted something this summer, and so the dog was to be gotten in August 1st, as originally planned.
Well... last night, we talked it over. And we (meaning my sister, father, and mother; not me

) agreed that if Destin couldn't take us, we'd go to Myrtle Beach- no theories or questions involved, it was definite. And they were pretty firm in that. And now I come out into the living room, to hear my mother and my father agreeing on the fact that we're not going anywhere this summer.
So now I'm sitting here, completely shocked because... *drumroll*:
If all goes as it appears to be... I'm getting my dog on
Monday. Don't worry, you will definitely be getting pictures. And this may seem like a pretty random post, but I've seen stuff like this in the past, so I don't think it counts as spam or anything. Just wanted to share in my OHMYGODYAY glory.