Jen wrote:
br00ster wrote:
cat1205123 wrote:
And the Lord said unto the inventors, "LET THERE BE THAT WHICH CONDITIONS THE AIR!"
And the inventors took the Lord's word and made it so.
And the Lord plugged in the Conditioner of the Air and felt that it was good.
-Cat's Bible, Persians 1:25
Anyways, enough nonsense. It's been pretty hot here too. But only up into the 90s. I feel for those people down in the Arizona(ish) area where it got up near 120.
My air conditioning doesn't work.

Lucky. I don't even have air condiditioning.
Ok, you are all invited to my house. We have central A/C. I would not live without it.
Here in Chicago, it isn't too hot (however, it was 97 last Sunday) but horribly dry. No rain in over a month. Driest summer in 143 years. If you walk barefoot on the grass, it hurts!!!! Everything is brown. My poor little basil plants are crying.
Next weekend, it is supposed to hit over 100. Which we don't get too often in Chicago. Last time was over 6 years ago.
That big dumb lake is not letting us get our rain. It has been raining cats and dogs in Indiana--to the south and east of us, then when it gets to Lake Michigan, the storm dies out over the lake and we get zilch!! Oh well, at least no mosquitoes around to give us West Nile virus. And, virtually no humidity.
But, the lack of rain is making everyone around here cranky.
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?