I left my house at 9.40 for class. 2 hour class, then 2 hours making a presentation, and another hour standing outside watching flowers and bees (for a research project). I get home at 3.30, change and immediatly head for work, which started at 4. I had to talk to the recruiter about the mess up in my paychecks. I work my butt off until 9. I go back to work tomorrow morning at 8. That means I spend less than 11 hours at home before I go back to that loathful grocery store.
It's now 10.18. All I've had to eat today is cereal, a third of a nasty tasting chicken salad sandwich and a danish. I've been on my feet all day. My legs feel like jelly, painful jelly. I'm not even going to go into what my feet feel like.
Bruces galore wrote:
This has not been a good week. First I was sick for two days. Then on Wedensday one of my teeth broke of near the gumline. It had already had a root canal and a crown. Now it will have to be extracted and I'll have to get a bridge

. This upcoming Monday people at my work will be getting mock layoff notices to prepare us for the real layoff that will occur in September. No one knows who will be on the chopping block so everyone is worried.
Mock layoff notices? That's so lame! Getting a mock notice won't make the actual thing less obnoxious and painful.
Don't be afraid to see the truth, even if no one wants you to. Be yourself and not a fool. Don't ever be afraid to speak your mind and listen to criticism. Dissent is keeps our country progressive and willingness to challenge yourself is what keeps yourself ever evolving.