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Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:14 am

Tinkerbell wrote:Image

Gold highlights. I think they suck, but eh.

That's the best picture I've ever seen of you, Ayse. =)

Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:48 am

Tinkerbell wrote:Image

Gold highlights. I think they suck, but eh.

You're so pretty.

Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:34 am

Tinkerbell wrote:Image

Gold highlights. I think they suck, but eh.

Aysey, I hate you. Go die.


Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:12 am

Holiday picture :D

Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:19 am

Ayse, your hair is lovely.

Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:19 am

tomatie wrote: ... C_0013.jpg
Holiday picture :D

Despite your nice looks, why do you look cut and pasted in that photo XD !

Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:28 am

mallory wrote:weee i wanna put my pic up too!

me this summer at my apt at school.. with my roommates arm in the way!


I don't know if I'm the only one who thought about this when they saw that picture, but ...o.o;


Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:40 am

Ayse, you look lovely. Get lost. :P
And Mal, your hair is a lot different from the last time I saw a picture of you. It looks great!
Tomatie, you have really pretty and bright eyes.

I have a new shirt (I chopped out my bathroom in the background, heh):
Image Image

And I got my ears re-pierced, although it's not as apparent as I'd like in this one. Oh well. I'll try again later.

Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:52 am

Ugh, how can you say you're jealous of my figure. You're nuts. I hate you.

Gorgeous gorgeous girl, with great hair. I hate my hair. You suck.

Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:57 pm


We have some pretty ladies in PPT.

Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:38 pm

Tinkerbell, despite what you said about your hair, it still looks awesome :)
Vkeankraz, that's a nice shirt; and you also have nice, long, straight hair. *envies* X3

A door that our form made for the Christmas door competition that our school has. The idea of this is to have the "real" door on the wall (the one that says "120 History") and decorate the "wall".

We came last. But that was expected :P

A piano that looks really funky. XD

And repost of a cool shirt my cousin gave me:

Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:48 pm

_jaye_ wrote:what she said

*steals your t-shirt :P*

Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:30 am

A bit of pink streakage:





Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:47 am

Igglet now matches my bag. I shall carry you around everywhere now

Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:44 pm

tomatie wrote:Image
Holiday picture :D

o.O Is that a photo of you, standing OUTSIDE an automatic photo machine?

Isn't that a bit... odd? o_O

Lookin Purdy Tho :)
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