Twitchy wrote:
on the link under the first picture, you can read some comments. this is a quote oof one of the comments that I totaly agree with!
Posted by Pat on 20 August 2005 @ 12:19 PM
This poor dog has infectous acne and a horrible flea allergy, cateracts and warts which are a virus. He is being made fun of and I think it is one of the worse cases of animal cruelty in the world! God help him,cause no one else is. His owner is being congradulated for loving him. Why does she not get him well at least and not worry about what she gets out of his ugliness. This is nothing other than pure pathetic cruelty and the owner should be jailed. God help this poor helpless creature of thee. PET CEMETARY INDEED! SHAME! This has brought tears to my eyes! This woman is SICK!
When you see a dog like that it is obvious that is wrong with it, and if nothing can be done to help him doesn't he at least deserve to be put out of his misery?
Because the dog isn't in pain. Lots of dogs have cataracts, or warts, or flea allergies. My dog has civacious cysts and is getting arthritic. That doesn't exactly mean it has a horrible life. She keeps him happy and warm and fed, and he's a happy dog. He's just butt ugly.
Uglyness shouldn't be a reason to put an animal to sleep.
And if she loves him, let her love him. This woman isn't sick. Maybe odd, but not sick. And she should be congradulated for finding beauty where beauty does not seem to dwell!

Evisceration is a sign of respect.