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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:24 am 
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I've never actually seen one myself and I am a little bit skeptic... bedroom door has been known to swing open by itself in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. I don't have it shut all the way so there is no knob turning. But if I shut it so that it's open just a crack, I occasionally see it swing open after everyone else is in bed. No one pushes it just opens. I like to think it's my grandfather looking out for me. But other then that, I really have no experiences.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:27 am 
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After my great grandma died I used to always smell the sent that she used to wear. One time I was reading a book and my door was open kinda and I felt a breeze and I smelled her sent. It was a little scary because I never smell her sent without a breeze. When she died, she was cremated and she requested that her ashs be thrown off a hill by where she lived and whenever I was there there was always a nice breeze. Its pretty cool now because it doesn't freak me out like it used to.

I once was Lost but now am Shadow, was blind but now I see.
Jas: ugh. okay

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:04 am 
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My house freaks me out, but I don't think it's haunted.

Years of an autistic brother having detruction filled tantrums have left us with holes in most of the floorboards. When you walk across the landing, you do litterally go up and down..kind of like a bunny run when you go skiing.

These are prone to creaking of their own accord...and freaking me out.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:14 am 
Beyond Godly
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Jim wrote:
As one animal we lept around the corner brandishing our now near-useless torches and pointy sticks to behold...

I quite adored your phrasing there, Jim.

However, quite a scary story. o.O

Req - eep. That's... quite awful. =[

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:06 pm 

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There are no ghosts in my regular house, but we have one at our place in Vermont. I've never actually seen it, but it opens and closes the door to one of the upstairs bedrooms. Also, it sends the volume on a certain part of the audio system all the way up to 100 at random moments, and won't let us turn it down for about a minute. Other than that he's a fairly quiet ghost, and never really bothers us. We have no idea who or what it is, as to our knowledge nothing larger than a raccoon has ever died in that house.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:24 pm 
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I don't have any that I know of. I haven't really ever seen a ghost. I've heard odd noises before. One time when I was a little kid I heard or thought I heard someone laugh when no one was in the house. I've had the creepy feeling before that I am being watched or that there is just evil in the air. One time one of my friends played a tape backwards and it had creepy music and someone saying something. We couldn't figure out what the person was saying but the music was creepy when we played it backwards. I was kind of freaked out about it.
I work at a nursing home, which should be haunted just because people do die there from time to time, and some might stick around. We've had call lights go off in room where NO ONE is. And I know that none of the staff were down the hall at the time and none of the residents were in the room. It is kind of creepy when that happens. I've only seen it happen a few times and usually it happens after someone has died. The call light will just go off on it's own after that. It usually happens only one time though. Some of the other aides are kind of afraid to go in the room because they know no one is in there. I don't know why the lights go off on their own, some people say it is because of high energy levels in the rooms or because the lights are malfunctioning. But it seems strange that it usually happens not long after a death.

And one time we had one of these pull string call lights in a bathroom shower to be pulled. I don't think anyone was down the hall when this happened. If it was one of the staff they were very good at sneaking down there to do it, because we didn't see anyone go down there. And it couldn't have been one of the residents because most of them were in wheelchairs and couldn't reach up so high to pull the string. This string was nearer the ceiling where only a standing person would have been able to reach it. There was one lower to the ground for wheelchair patients but it wasn't pulled. Anyway, when this happened everyone kind of freaked out thinking about a ghost pulling that string.


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:20 am 
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You know how it seems some people are more "in tuned" with ghosts and the supernatural?
Well apparently I am one of those people. Is it a blessing or a curse? A bit of both I guess.
As my sister Sapphire said earlier the house we grew up in is definitely haunted or has a higher amount of activity of these things than the averahe house.
Since I seem to be more on a 6th sense level or whatever I experienced more than my other family members meaning I seemed to see more, hear more, etc and even after moving out I continued to see, hear and feel the supernatural.
I've been physically attacked by spirits, have woken up with bruises and cuts, have seen shadows lurking about, heard my name said aloud when alone... The list unfortunately goes on.
However I have grown very open minded and have somewhat gained a kind of respect for the supernatural.
This is going to sound kind of crazy but I believe some spirits have communicated with me and I've had "conversations" with them in a kind of unconsiouse sort of way... Hard to explain that so I'm not going to try.
I don't talk about everything that I've experienced. Major things have happened and I keep them secret from even my sister who I am close to and my other family members.
Whether a person believes in these type things or not I do believe that we are all safe. I believe spirits can only do so much. Yeah, they scare the heck out of people but I don't truly know of anyone being killed or hurt hooribly (though it may happen). I believe there are good spirits and bad.
After my parents and my sister Sapphire moved out of the house we grew up in (I moved out of it about 6 years or so before them) my mom and Chasity (Sapphire) went back to the house to get some items left behind and both of them (while in seperate rooms of the house) felt a kind of electric burst through their bodies.
Were the ghosts saying good-bye?
Were they upset that they were being left behind. I truly believe my family were a major part of their "after"lives. They had grown dependent on us.

"Man, that guy Bango gets around." -Jake Chambers, The Dark Tower VII

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:23 am 
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jeff79 wrote:
After my parents and my sister Sapphire moved out of the house we grew up in (I moved out of it about 6 years or so before them) my mom and Chasity (Sapphire) went back to the house to get some items left behind and both of them (while in seperate rooms of the house) felt a kind of electric burst through their bodies.
Were the ghosts saying good-bye?
Were they upset that they were being left behind. I truly believe my family were a major part of their "after"lives. They had grown dependent on us.

I had totally forgotten about that! **tells her story**

This was just a few days after we had moved out. There was still some of our stuff in the old house though. Mom and I went in, I went toward my bedroom, and she went toward the kitchen. Both rooms are next to eachother at the back of the house, though you can go straight back from the front door to get to the kitchen, and you have to go around a corner and down a hall to get to my room.
As she walked through the kitchen doorway, and I walked through my bedroom doorway, at the very same time, in seperate rooms, we both felt this odd thing. Like static electricity, on our upper arms. Like a hand stroking you gently, but instead of a human touch, it was a tingly feeling of electricity.
I didn't say anything about it, but then mom yelled from the kitchen from the kitchen and told me what she had felt, and I go "Oh my God! I felt it too!" I don't think it was that scary for either of us until we realized we'd both felt it at the same time in different rooms.

Love is blindness. -- Set by my Secret Santa =D

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