Skullsplitter wrote:
Yeurch, dump that rubbish. A real friend, someone who actually likes and respects you won't go blabbing stuff you said in confidence to them - And even if they do, if they care about you'll they'll understand that there's a line between you not wanting everyone to find out that you sat on a cake* and that you think you might be pregnant with the dirty/smelly kid's baby.
*I sat on a cake once, and when I told people it got me praise, because no one ever sits on a cake.
I agree totally with Skullsplitter. Dump both x and y. You don't need people like that in your life. Time is too short to waste it on people who don't respect you. And obviously, x did not respect you when she broke her promise not to tell the secret. However, if she says she is sorry and asks for forgiveness and is a really good friend, well, you might want to think about letting her be your friend again. But not trust her with secrets.
Now, about getting your reputation back. If at all possible, dig up evidence to prove that the secret is no longer true. And, don't go out of your way to shout it to the world, but have it ready to defend yourself when people are talking about you. And, if nothing else, hold your head up high. And, when you hearing people talking about you, look them right in the eye and say, "So what? What is the big smurfing deal if I _______" and walk away.
And, get y to stop if at all possible. If it was me, I would walk right up to y and in a very loud, controlled voice confront her. Something like "You know that you are a liar, don't you?" And hold your head high, act as calm and confident as you can, and walk away. Make sure that there are people around to hear that. And, hey, maybe they will start questioning whether y might indeed be lying.
People will keep talking about you if they know that they are getting to you and making you feel like a piece of toast. However, they will eventually stop if you are confident about yourself and don't let their words get to you.
And, hey, I speak from experience. When I was in high school, this guy spread some awful rumors about me doing certain things with my boyfriend. Which I did not do. So, what did I do? I walked right up to that guy and slapped him across the face. In front of my entire math class. And walked away. Not in tears. Very calm. Very cool. People's jaws dropped cause they didn't think a little tiny girl like me would have enough in me to slap a guy 12" taller than me.

And he never said another word about me again. Unfortunately, in this day and age, you can't quite get away with hitting another classmate without getting a suspension, but you might get where I am coming from.
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