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 Post subject: Back from Dew Action Sports Tour
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:46 am 
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I just got back today from the Dew Action Sports Tour last stop in Orlando.. and just wanted to blab/rant etc about it before I go pass out.
I'll try to keep it short for now since I'm tired. 5 days of almost no sleep will make ya a bit tired.. mmhmm.... :P heh

Not gonna get into too much detail right now...... I'll leave that for another day :P

OH one thing before I start... I swear.. if I never have to see 11-15yr old girls acting like skanks ever again I'll die happy. I just couldn't believe how some of these girls were acting. I hope none of you out there act like what I saw.. b/c it was just pathetic.
But anyways hehe.....

All in all it was pretty fun.
Bf got alot of autographs on the skateboard he brought from home. Also got a few on a shirt he bought there... Like for the BMX and Motocross folk to sign.

The motocross stuff was alright. Lot better in person but still.. not all that great. B/c really.. everyone does the same stuff over and over and over again and it just gets dull after the 3rd time of seeing it.
BF got a few of those guys autographs. No idea who... but he got im! heh
We got these nifty metal street sign things for 2 of those guys. We had to stand in line for over an hour in the hot sun and be one of the first 50 though :P Oh and I embarrassed the heck out of my bf on one of those signings by informing the guy that it was my bf's birthday... heh.. God I feel like such a dork now for doing that lol.

The skateboarding stuff was also pretty fun to watch. Well.. just the vert.. I don't really like the park. But just like the motocross.... everything just starts getting dull b/c it's the same stuff over again. I don't see all of the small technical crap they do with the way they kick it or flip it or whatever the heck they're doing to the board heh.
BF got alot of skateboarders autographs. Like uhm... Pierre-Luc Gagnon, Bucky Lasek, Bob Burnquist (b/c of me.. I'll explain in a bit heh), & Ryan Sheckler. He got alot more, but those are the only ones that I actually know who they are :P
The Bob Burnquist one was luck though.
On the last day (Sunday), we were watching the skate park finals.. and I saw Bob walk right in front of us (we were standing behind a barrier thing) to the VIP section.
Now I wasn't sure it was him and was doubting it b/c no one went crazy when he walked by. Ya know.. all of these other people.. including my BF who absolutely worship this stuff didn't even notice him.
So after a while of baking some more in the sun.. I mention to my bf if that was Bob that had walked by earlier. I see who I think is Bob up top in the VIP section, point him out and get confirmation finally that it is him.
Blah blah blah... skate park ends.. Bob starts to leave and I'm jabbing my finger into my bf's back until he finally calls out to Bob to get him to sign his deck (bf is quiet like me and isn't very pushy.. that's why he didn't want to call out). So if it wasn't for me who actually noticed him.. he wouldn't have gotten him to sign his deck... yay me! rofl
And of course after my bf got him to sign, THEN everyone around us finally realized who it was and bugged him for one as well :P heh
We had to wait a long time to get Sheckler's as well. He seems like a nice kid though. He was all cute and politely asked my bf if he could borrow his pen for a few minutes so he could sign other people's stuff... said please and all that.. heh.
I just hope he stays that way when he gets older cause some of these other skateboard pros... not gonna mention who..... seemed like major buttheads.

The BMX stuff had to be the most fun to watch though. I know they do the same things as well but I dunno... it was just alot more fun to watch.
The crowd liked BMX stuff the best as well just from crowd reaction and turnout.
BF got a few of those guys to sign his shirt and this poster thing. Not sure who though.
He really wanted Dave Mira's but we were standing in the Bucky signing line and didn't even realize Mira was also doing one in another sponsor tent until someone came up and said something heh. But by then it was already too late.

Sooo yeah.... we got alot of free junk.. keychains, posters, stickers, random goodies. Got burned to a crisp in the hot Florida sun for 4 days.... one day it was cloudy and cool so it wasn't all that bad. Got to see a concert on uh..... uuuuuhm..... Saturday night I think with hoobastank and all-american rejects... I could've cared less about that but hey... it's a free concert :P
And yeah.... my bf got to go watch something he really loves so I was happy just to be able to share all this with him... awwwwww heh. <3

Anyone else happen to go? Or go to one of the other stops?

Ok I'm gone for now..... I'll post some photos later when I think about it :P

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:13 am 
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Woah that sounds like so much fun. Wish I could have gone :P

I once was Lost but now am Shadow, was blind but now I see.
Jas: ugh. okay

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:43 pm 
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Ohh that sounds awsome Shollia! All those exterme sports... ahh that is awsome! Did you guys get to participate or try your hand at it?

Ahh freebies :D They roxxers....!@ TOo bad you got sunburnt... do you go red when you sunburn? If you do, you should wear a red shirt... it's funny not being able to tell where the shirt starts and ends.

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:53 pm 

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Lucky! I just have to satisfy my enjoyment of action sports by watching it on TV...and laughing at the kids trying to skateboard on campus and usually failing miserably. :P

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:40 am 
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Heh.. I don't turn red when I sunburn. Well.. not red red like my bf does.. I turn this brown/red color.
It hurts like heck right now though b/c it's starting to peel and it's leaving raw spots. Can't put lotion on it cause it burns like all get out.

And nope... I didn't participate in anything lol. My tubby butt would break a board. And I haven't gotten on a bike in ages.
They did have little skate ramps and a dirt thing set up for little kids though which was really cute.
So adorable to see lil 4 yr olds all geared up trying to do tricks heh.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:21 am 
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Ahhh how horrible is it when you start to peel?! I rermember I got burnt surfing cause I didn't wear sunscreen... and the next three days, my skin on my face started peeling... it was GROSS!!!

Hold onto your seats people... the SL is back.

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