BOOOOOOOOOOOI just knew this was going to be nonelimination. Just b/c they were making such a big deal about the Weavers coming in last.
Good grief I can't stand them!
"Oh the other teams are so rude... lets just ignore the time we called them
kittens, and made fun of garbage men, and threw trash out of our car at another team, and tryed to delay the other teams and all of the smack we've been talking."
I hope the Linz's give it to them next episode when they get confronted by these idiots.
What the heck is up with their stank attitudes...It seems like every single place they've been to they've dissed.
"That was like the stupidest volcano" Really? When have you been to another volcano? And would ya mind telling me how a volcano can be the "stupidest"?
And WHY did they hate Utah?
I thought the scenery was quite lovely. But oh no.. not them!
AND THEN.. that boy.. he SEEMED to be the only good one out of the bunch... and then what's he do....
They pass 2 bikers and he yells out at them "You wish you were Lance Armstrong..." in the most snotty voice.
UUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHH I can't stand this family... they BETTER be gone next or I'm gonna be UBER ticked off.
And yeah.. I know.. other teams talk smack to but they sure as heck don't act like they're better than everyone else and they realize they are talking crap... Unlike the Weavers talk crap but love playing that victim holier than thou role.
Yoshi edit: Yeah I know it sounds funny now, but please don't evade the filter, even though you're quoting.
I agree with you! I can't STAND the Weavers. They're so frickin' hypocritical it's not even funny! I mean, that boy, I swear, I knew he was as evil and whiny as the rest of them are.
You idiot, God didn't make the US immediately after the world was created. People made the US. God just made a big piece of land which was in result, people diving it into the US, Canada, etc... What an idiot.
I really hope the Weaver's are eliminated, they're ALMOST as bad as the Nerd Herd.