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 Post subject: Pirates! ((Revived, Closed))
PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:08 pm 
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Alisquid, Morianna, CommanderSwiss, and Anubis- welcome back to The Madame Laqua- we shall return from right where we were, on deck, BlackEye on board/deck, with everyone else!

Marie looked around at the scene, amazed at everything that had happened. She mustered up all her courage and went forward, to the Captain, "Captain- when you are less busy, and all this business" she looked toward Blackeye, with a smile, "I wish to speak with you in your quarters" Her eyes sparkled as she stepped back, once more observing the scene- trying not to be too involved.

Do not charge right into this revived RP, though we may like to- Morianna is on vacation and we are to honor her and save her spot respectfully, by not letting this get out of hand.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 12:58 am 
PPT Toddler
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((Damit! I can't remember what's going on! *flaps imaginary wings* wingin' it! YEAH!))

Farl grunted, not paying atention to Marie, but was insted rubbing the hand cameron had wounded. It was starting to give him a rather bothersome pins and needles sensation. Given the fact that bother Farl and Black Eye were pirates, it could turn out to be a major disadvatage should fighting comance. Witch when pirates were involved, was always a possibilty.

((umm...what was the plot again?))

Looks like I'm back!

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 7:54 am 
Beyond Godly
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[Whee! *puts away knife*

CS - biiiig ship, foreboding, sailing towards Farl's, navy ship, huge guns, etc. XD

Am I the only one who has no idea where Cameron is (yikes, days and days of careful planning and waiting for this RP to come back, and I've forgotton where my character/s are)? -_-

Oh, wait. He was in the hold... no wait... I'm confused. :cry: All right, forget that. He's in the hold.

And after endless nattering, I begin (I think. O_o).]

Cameron climbed to his feet and tried to get the door open by thumping it repeatedly with his back. He swore when he found out he couldn't, and pushed against it weakly with his hands.

[Right, still confused, but bear with me. Black Eye is... on deck? O_o]

Black Eye eyed [XD] the approaching ship warily. It was a ship he didn't recognize, and a ship that was not that of a pirate. It wasn't a merchant ship, either. He sidled over to Farl. "I have reason to believe that that there ship is a navy ship, whereupon if it is, it shall blow us to smithereens if we don't make fair haste."

[Man I'm rusty.]

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:25 pm 
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Marie eyed Farl in momentarily distaste, of course he wouldn't listen. Her vision shifted to the ship coming, her hand raised over her eyes- to block out the sun. "Thats a navy ship, a'right- but they don't seem that..." she paused, "hostile..." Suddenly, fear seemed to root Marie in spot- after six years was it possible they would still be looking for the 14-year-old runaway. Logic eased her mind, of course not! She thought, to herself. "Would you want me to check on the boy?" she asked Captain Farl, and eyebrow raised.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 6:04 pm 
PPT Toddler
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((I can't remember how Farl talked :oops:
GAH....sorry 'nubis I was lost in my last post...but still it makes some kinda sense..right? ))

" Yar, Checking on yer boy seems a fair good idea. Make sure he hasn't found anything that he could use, the boy is still of use to us." Replied Farl
"H'as fer the Crew," Farl began turning tawrd his crew
"H'unfulr the sails! H'an be quike about H'it, 'Nunless you wish to have your innards used for RIGGING"

((is black eye's crew on the deck? because this could be a setup for a spiffy battle and farl will need men for the cannons... the madam does have cannons right?))

Looks like I'm back!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 6:09 pm 
Beyond Godly
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[Yeah, Black Eye's crew is there, and Black Eye's ship is floating a little way away.]

"Farl," Black Eye said to his brother, "what do you want me and me crew to do for yer? Get back on the Acropolis?"

[XD. Forgot what its name was so called it Acropolis. XD.

CS - bit more piratey. ^_^]

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 6:25 pm 
PPT Toddler
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"Nay, we can narry defernd two against yonder Navy vessel, but we can give them a run for there galeons with this hear one ship."
Farl grinned devilishly at the oncommign Navy Ship
"Your crew will man the Madam's cannon's h'an my crew will stay on h'e deck to make sure no h'un bords H'us."
Farl gave the same grin to the Acropolis' crew, each man just as fit and able and the crew o' his own Madam.
"Yarharr! We'll give salt fer there meat ifin' they try and gamble with h'us, Nay?!"

Looks like I'm back!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:18 pm 
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"Aye-Aye sir..." She saluted the Captain. Marie then barked at the crew, as she briskly went toward the hold, "Obey the Captain! Swiftly then, a ship is a comin' it may be big trouble, anyhows get to work!" She caught sight of Cameron, "Your not going to get out boy..." she murmered, her English accent strong, when other pirates were not present her voice seemed more high-class english than ever. Years of being with pirates had never really broke down her accent.

((Yes, BlackEye is on deck- I'm pretty sure, as well as Farl. And the Madame has cannons, not a ton but enough to be a substantial Pirate ship))

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:01 pm 
PPT Toddler
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((fuddledudds..anyone know when Ali is returning? I think an ocean battle between Farl and the Navy ship counts as drastic, so we're kinda stuck in slow-mo here.))

Looks like I'm back!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 1:25 pm 
Beyond Godly
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[-_-. I agree. We need both of 'em... Morianna's away, but Aliquid I don't know, and we can't go onto the battle scene/random boat without them. -_-]

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 2:46 pm 
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((So here we are stuck sadly in OOC, but we must not let this die- I repeat we must not let this die!!!))

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:45 am 
Beyond Godly
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[Yup... we definately can't let this die, but we'll probably be told off for spamming by Lillie/White Wolf/halfbakedbliss if we continue on in this way, so we need to keep it alive... we could just RP slowly. :P]

"I don't see why not," Cameron answered, glaring at Marie, not for the first time.

[Slowwww... XD]

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:20 pm 
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"Ah, of course. You're exceptionally full of yourself- I had momentarily forgotten!" A smirk played around her lips. In her mind kept running the phrase, you beat poison, you can beat him! You beat poison, you can beat him!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:50 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Cameron ground his teeth. During the last day, he'd learnt not to answer back. It didn't neccaserily help, as he was now in the hold, but it would do for the moment.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:52 pm 
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"Nothing to say? Well here I am guarding the boy, making sure he doesn't get out." Making sure my defences don't go down added her mind, "The boy which I could and would like to, but can't, kill in an instant." Her fingertips glided down to her knife on one hip, and the pistol on the other. The smirk remained on her lips, as she watched Cameron.

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