Okay, two things that REALLY stood out to me during the movie: Snape and Dumbledore.
SNAPE HAD PRACTICALLY NO LINES! BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER. Snape is mah hero. And I am a firm believer that he is good, for those of you who want to know. That death was PLANNED. Harumph.
DUMBLEDORE SUCKS. Get out, Gambon; I say bring on McKellen! Honestly, that scene where Dumbles shakes Harry? SO OUT OF CHARACTER. I was nearly barfing during that part. I read an interview with Gambon. He hasn't read the books. At all. He doesn't think it matters! He said that he played Dumbledore (DUMBLEDORE! The most beloved character of ALL TIME!
) by just being himself and acting how a normal adult would act during such times. DUMBLEDORE IS NOT A NORMAL ADULT. He is supposed to be calm at all times!
Now, as for the good things.
I went to see the movie at midnight. We got there an hour early. We were searching for ten minutes to find seats, the theater was so full!
Awesome audience. It was so much fun to see it with people who appreciate HP as much as the true HP fanatic that is myself. Every five minutes someone would scream out how many minutes were left till midnight and then the whole theater would burst into cheers. HUGE applause at the infamous ferret scene and at the (AMAZING) graveyard scene there was dead quiet.
The bathroom scene was fantastic, with Myrtle cozying up to Harry. Brilliant.
Also the best line of the movie: "Oh my god! I killed Harry Potter!"
I how much we saw of Neville. Finally we see how great he is going to be in OotP.
I'm still not too sure about Voldemort. That scene where he stepped on dead Cedric was so unspeakably evil, I just got chills. And then he was touching Harry's scar and it was just... wow. I always imagined him as more quiet and cold, but Ralph Fiennes acted his Voldemort brilliantly. Suitably chilling.
Of course, I was bawling at the emotional goodbye between Cedric and his father, knowing what was to come. Stopped during the Voldie scene because I was too freaked out to cry. Started again when Harry was crying over Cedric's body. Brilliant piece of acting there. Loved it.
I'm going to see it again tomorrow at 10:30 AM, but not in IMAX because this whole weekend was sold out. I'll see it in IMAX for the third time Thanksgiving weekend.
LOVED the movie, besides for Dumbledore.