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 Post subject: What did you get for Christmas?
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:40 pm 
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Kinda following up the "It's Christmas Day" topic. So yeah post what you got! :D

Of course I won't post what I got until tommorrow since it's still Chrismtas Eve here but I know it's Christmas in some places! =D

 Post subject: Re: What did you get for Christmas?
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:49 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Michelle wrote:
Of course I won't post what I got until tommorrow since it's still Chrismtas Eve here but I know it's Christmas in some places! =D

'El ditto.
*insert that song Waiting is the Hardest Thing to Do*

Give HfHN hugs while you wait.
</shameless plug>


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:38 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Optimus Prime (Galaxy Force Transformer)
Vector Prime (Galaxy Force Transformer)

Eric Idle - The Greedy Love-Child Diary (book)
Alexander, the Virtues of War (book)
How to look at a painting (book)
Masterworks (book)
A Natural History of Skull island (book - Zomg)

Lego Dark Knights castle

Translator thingie

Sasuke Uchiha shirt (I wore it all day)
Shounen Jump Magazine
Naruto hat
Lacey Gloves

War Criminal Pants

Man Pocky
Caplico (japanese strawberry stuff)
Chocolate Father Christmas

USB massage device

Strike Freedom Gundam Model 1/100 (how do I make it pretty :O )


$60 of Dymocks book vouchers

JimEdit : It might be a book title, and it might be Christmas, but I'll still crack heads. I'll just be rather more jolly about it than usual.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 5:59 am 
Beyond Godly
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Wow, Christopher. Well done!

I got a card in the mail today from a very special person :hug: That made this holiday so much better - I actually got something!

Image Image

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:44 am 
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I don't get to create a "wishlist" or anything. I get what my parents give me. So i supersuper hint throughout sept, oct, nov, and dec. These following things were what i really wanted (any of the below):

-A new laptop (theyd split the cost with me 50/50 like theyve done in the past)
-A new pair of all stars (I collect them. And wear them.)
-PEZ dispencers for my collection.
-Ink Pens/ Dixon Ticonderoga Pencils/ art tools i use daily
-any form of money, for i am running quite low.
-Financial Aid to be in the Musical, 1-Act, and Speech which all cost money...
-Blank CD's
-Props for my Drama Box/Prop Box/ load of random crap

but... i didnt get any of it. :-/ ugh. This year, the "family present" was upgrading our cell phones... which wasnt really necessary, our old ones were fine.... but i wont complain about that. It's not like I don't like the upgraded cell phone. Now its brighter and smaller! And I've been in a bit of a squabble with most of my friends lately... so althought I've gotten them all things, i havent gotten patootie from them.

so, the only thing I actually got this christmas were chocolate covered cherries and a hoodie from my Grandma. Thank god for Grandmas.

I got my friends:
-Pearl Earrings for my girlier friend who loves earrings
-Tickets to go see "West Side Story" done at a local dinner theater
- A phantom of the opera doll ( a nice one... realistic!)
- I spent a few nights drawing one a very nice picture of them in a funny scene

so theres my christmas. Man I hate holidays. It hits my wallet hard.

Last edited by The Wonder Weezel on Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:44 am 
Beyond Godly
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Chocolates, chocolates and more chocolates.
Underwear and socks.
Street directory.
Bath robe.
Wireless Mouse.
MP3 Player.

Hmmm... that's all I can think of right now, I love my presents though :)

avatar by spiralethe

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:47 am 
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Medusa wrote:
Chocolates, chocolates and more chocolates.
Underwear and socks.
Street directory.
Bath robe.
Wireless Mouse.
MP3 Player.

Hmmm... that's all I can think of right now, I love my presents though :)

yeah, very handy! That a nice bunch. Who doesnt need underear and socks? Street directories are fantastic and are always handy, and wireless mice are fantastic. I've got one, and its awesome. No cord restriction, and i take my mouse over to my bed so i can lay on my bed and watch and control movies from it. Very handy. Sounds like you got a nice bunch :)

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 7:24 am 
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Christmas is about 45 minuetes away but I don't think I'll open anything tonight. I don't know it just doesn't feel Christmas-y at night =/


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 8:49 am 
Beyond Godly
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A digital camera.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:05 am 
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The new Beano Annual (i get it every year)
A signed first edition hard back version of the new Eoin Colfer book, I have all the others first edition too. Very pretty.
A garfield day by day calendar.
Some movies
A book
Driving Lessons
Jaffa Cakes
Change the world for ten bucks (We are what we do - its a book)

Hmm I think that was it ^.^

Do you miss Bill? I miss Bill. Go to this thread to petition Bill Back!

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:50 am 
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Video iPod

All in all, a very merry christmas for me!

Set - Sunnie
Blinkie - Chass

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 11:24 am 
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School Secret Santa- Pink plush dog with a pink fleece blanket (now residing around my shoulders, it's cold)
Lush Forum Secret Santa- Gingerbread, mini sparklers, haribo strawberries, waylander soap, avobath ballistic, candy canes, bath salts.
Other Secret Santa- Scarf

Mum- Fairygothmother skirt off eBay (bought by me)
Urban Decay Heavy Metals eyeliner set (pink/gold/white)

Dad- Book about depressing songs, Heathers DVD, book analysing Alice in Wonderland (2nd hand, smells nice, crap 70's binding but nice)

Sally- Hippo eraser :D

SoakyFloaty- Burt's Bees shampoo bar, FLOWERTUB!

Dot- £10 'High Street' Voucher (I'm so taking it to Wilkinson's)

Alice- Wheat bag, teddy.

Mittenparade/Alison- Couple of badges, one says 'Meh' the other says 'OMG Igg lol!!!11' or something similar.

LuSheR- Hotel Chocolat box of chocs :)

pinkplasticfairy/Connie- finally made me that hat ;)

More than I expected. Nice. :)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 1:31 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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- Season One of LOST
- Pyjamas
- 2006 Diary
- Book by John Marsden
- Earrings
- Socks
- Makeup & Lipgloss
- And I've gotten about $230 in money and vouchers, plus other money and vouchers I should have. That'll make the sales fun <3

Gone, forever.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 2:37 pm 
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Nothing. That may sound horrible, but it's not, because I don't celebrate Christmas. :P I'm an atheist, and my family is Jewish. I celebrate Hanukkah with them. And there's a huge* pile of wrapped presents for me and my brother in the eating kitchen, and my parents are going to give them out throughout the eight days. Oh the suspense...:D

*The pile wouldn't normally be "huge", nor would it be sitting in plain sight...well I guess since I've never seen the pile before, I can't really say what size it would normally be. But this year, the actual presents are ginormous, except for one tiny one for me...I can't figure out what could possibly be in it. :P Anyway, since the presents are larger than normal, I'd guess that the pile is too. Not that size matters to me; I'm just commenting.


No, I never officially left; yes, I am gone forever. I have also permanently left AIM. If you need to contact me, drop a line on LJ. Same username.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:22 pm 
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I didn't get too much this year, but I can't complain, gifts are gifts. :P

I got:

Three sweaters (Maroon, Red, and Purple with glitter)
One long sleeve t-shirt
two t-shirts (a hershey one and a Japanese print)
One dressy shirt
Portable dvd player (technically this one isn't mine it's for the family but they always label it as mine :roll: )
Mickey Mouse Earrings
Gilmore Girls Season Three
Card Captor Movie (the second one)

Basically I already knew about all of these presents except the earrings and the Gilmore Girls. :P

Set by Moogie

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