The biggest effect on my career choice is my field of study, physics. There are a limited amount jobs that we physicists can directly go into, but indirectly we have a lot more options. I would love to get into some sort of research field, preferably for the government (not being to picky on which government either

). My top two choices for employer are: NASA or the US Air Force. I would seriously settle for whatever job I can get once I graduate, but still look for something more up my field.
What influenced this choice?!

Simple, I am great at math and science and love Star Wars/Trek/Gate and sci-fi in general. No other factors really. I see a phaser, lightsaber, or Stargate and say 'why not?' I want to make the world a better place through the vast possiblities of science
Although you didn't ask, my dream job would to be a NASA flight controller or US Navy admiral (mostly for the title). Another thing you didn't ask but I will share, if I ever have enough money and/or influence some time in the future, I would love to run for US Congress and become the first scientist to enter Congress. I was influence by my love of poltics, the show
West Wing, the new media, specifically Keith Olbermann, and political activists like Al Franken.
I hope this helps.

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Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at
LWI *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss