I'd say it's more out of laziness; it's not as if they can't achieve anything if they tried. Yesterday, I was working on colouring a drawing of Madeline *ALL DAY*. You know, the one I drew on the back of a vital form? I went and used Gimp to make it look, well, like it wasn't before colouring. XP And you will never believe how long it took me. I was colouring in that wierd Victorian outer skirt-shawl-looking-thing, and then I realized that just palinting over the black pen lines I had blurred them out, so instead I went back and painted *in between* each of those crazy detailed pen lines.
It looked a lot better, but the wierd outer-garment whatever I had just painted was looking a little... Bland and too close to the rest of the dress? So I decided to make it more as I pictured it. This was pretty much like the dress we see Kitty for in much of Topsy-Turvy -- historically innacurate. But for the moment I abandoned such innaccuracies for just making the picture look pretty, and highlighted the thing with blue and redness.
Which looked really good, but like I had painted it with one of those cheesy Photoshop brushes. So when I upload this sucker, I'd like you to know it's NOT.
Then I coloured some more the normal way, and then I spent a loooong time on the skirt. It had these patterns of laurels and stars and flowers on it, and I had to paint around these or the lines would be hopelessly blurred. I painted them in later, and got a little confused, but it worked out in the end. I coloured her shoes, drew a big thing of colour above it, and wrote "Madeline" on it. (Which took a few tries, the GIMP text tool is temperamental.)
And I saved... with the text still highlighted...
I went back to the version I had saved earlier, as a BMP, but most of the colouring on the pattened skirt was still not done.
All this took... like, seven hours. With intermittant RP, of course. It looked good, in my opinion, and I'm gonna colour it again. But now you see what these lazy sacks of sloth don't have to go through?