PuddingofEvil wrote:
Oh, and the world was in black and white until the 1930’s when color was invented. Old paintings are in color because of Ted Turner.
But its true! Just ask my Great Grandpa... or Calvin's dad(that is like, the best Clavin and Hobbes strip every

[quote="Jens']My brother once said Santa Claus doesn't exist[/quote]
He lies! Santa came to me on Christmas and gave me lots of presents. He then got stuck in my chimney and we didnt know it. We lit a fire in the morning, only top stop when we heard a "Ho-ho-ho-ho-OW" sound comming from the chimeny. To make a long story short, Rudolph called the Easter Bunny and they all hoisted Santa out so that he could get home. He gave me all the other kids presents because he no longer had time to deliver them. It was the bestest christmas EVA

But yeah, I used to belive that on daylight savings time the Clocks were accually all programed to change themselves at 2 in the morning; such that if you watched them they would travel in reverse(in the spring, to make up for the hour we gave them). Or go really fast(in the fall, to make up for the hour we took away from them). Im not sure if this is what I belived or if it was what I was told... but I never did manage to stay up late enough to watch the phenominon.
Besides that my parents were pretty honest people with me. Other than teaching me that Barbies were corrupt(which I still belive) I dont think they ever told me any tall tales and such.
As for my brother, being twins were created a whole bunch of fantasys. We mostly ignored our older brother, so he didnt have any time to fill our heads with lies
