Skynetmain wrote:
My house used to have a bad mouse problem. Luckly, poison took care of that, but I still feel bad for the poor mice. I remember catching them in my garbage can. I would never kill them. I took it out back and set it free. I don't mind seeing them dead, especially after one got stuck in my fridge's fan and burnt out the engine. I would rather see the mouse get set free in the wild though.
Odds are if you simply set them free outback, they just went strait back into your house. Mice aren't as dumb as you think; and the only way humane trapping actually works to get rid of mice from a indoor situation is to take them at LEAST a few miles away; if not farther. (I prefer farther).
I've seen some pretty weird things with mice though. The oddest was the mouse we found ALIVE (lets repeat, ALIVE) in my Camps oven grease trap. My god. It was disgusting. We couldn't just let the little thing go, so we cleaned it carefully with some kitten shampoo and rinsed it, let it dry in a grain bucket and then sent it on it's way. The poor thing was so bedraggled.
... and then we threw out the oven. Heh. Ew. Plus like the day before we'd found a mouse nest right in the oven but we only realised (it was the secondary oven) cause we kinda cooked them by accident. I wasn't there thankfully, I was outside doing my job, but I smelt the aftermath. *shudder*

Evisceration is a sign of respect.