Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
How can you say that some animals are meant to be eaten? No, they're not. You don't think horses can be eaten but you think other animals can? That's really silly and close-minded.
Yah, cuz even though you might have to look closer, cows and piggies and chickens and stuff are pretty too!

They may not be graceful and stuff, but they're ky00t!
I really don't think its nice to eat animals either, cuz, you know.. its living stuff.. and.. then.. you know.. you.. eat it. And thats icky. Atleast to me. Then again, you're talking to an extreme animal-loving veggietarian (yeah I know I spelled it wrong, I meant to).. :O
Though I won't deny, eating horsies is mean. Cause you're right, they are beautiful creatures, but just as beautiful as the rest of the animals.

You're one of those vegitarians that eats dairy products made by cows whose calves are stolen immediately after birth? Who wears shoes made of leather that unfortunately doesnt fall off the cows body when they get a massage?