I haven't been on here or Neo much for the past few months, and thought I'd let everyone know why.
Tomorrow morning, I leave for Wichita, KS. Tuesday morning, I'll be going into the hospital for back surgery. The procedure I'm having is called ALIF(anterior lumbar interbody fusion). Essentually, they're going to fuse 3 of my vertebrae together.
I've had back problems since I was 14(I'm 23 now). I was in a bad car accident back then, which we think caused the problems in the first place. I've basically just gone downhill since then. I haven't been able to work for the last 5 years, and therefore couldn't get insurance without paying an arm and a leg. My doctors have kept me comfortable with muscle relaxers and pain meds. I was finally able to get a medical card from the state, so I was able to get the tests I needed. After an MRI, a discogram, and multiple visits to my neuro doc, I now know that I have a couple bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, a bone spur on my spine, and mild stenosis(narrowing of the spinal cord).
So, I go in Tuesday, and will spend 3-5 days in the hospital. I have to wear this HUGE white plastic back brace, for at least 6 weeks if not more. BF and I are calling it my Storm Trooper suit. It basically makes me sit up straight so everything will fuse like it's supposed to.
Since the body adjusts to pain meds over time, and I've been on them for so long, I don't think or remember too well nowdays. That's why I haven't been on here much...I sometimes have problems reading(my vision gets blurry), and trying to find the right words to say something. I have no idea what things will be like when I get home, or how much time I'll be on the computer.
Hopefully, everything will go as planned, and I'll be able to get out of the house again. I want to be able to start training my dog for agility, and start working out myself, and just be able to do things as simple as ride in a car for more than 30 minutes.
Wish me luck.

I'll try to get back on here when I get home.
"It's just a ride." ~ Bill Hicks