Um I don't know how to put this, but I promise not to use things like:
And she was all like, yeah, and he was all like no, And she was all like, yeah, and he was all like no, And she was all like, yeah, and he was all like no...........ect.
Anyways, I will start from the begining. I have had a crush since the begining of the school year.

All my friends know and we are a really close group of friends. Half way through the year some girl over-heard me talking about him to one of my friends. She then went and told him about my crush. I was thinking about getting one of my friends to ask him to the Valantine's Day Dance on Feb. 24th. Then I heard on the same day that the some girl told him I liked him told me he had a girl-friend named Soyer. He confermed it. I guess he is taking her to the dance. I am really really shy when it comes to guys though and I am afraid of being shot-down. He has stopped talking to me since he heard and shows no sign of liking me. I cannot bear it if he says no cuz he goes on my bus. I see him every-day.
Sorry if that was a bit un-clear.
Question 1: Should I risk it and ask him?
Question 2: Is his girl-friend real?