I ALWAYS have weird dreams.

Very rarely do I have any normal ones.
While I was on vacation in Canada over the summer, I had a dream that if you said the word "water" this scary guy would come and shoot you with a gigantic laser. My best friend and I were trying to warn everyone not to say it, but we couldn't say it ourselves or else we would be killed, too. We went to all sorts of places, like a water park and a grocery store. We couldn't stop people from saying it, though. It was actually really scary when I was dreaming it, but I think it's hilarious. XD
I also had a dream on that same vacation that my dad wasn't actually my real dad, and I got to meet my "real" one. He spoiled me REALLY badly and bought me all these expensive things and stuff I didn't even want. In my dream we were planning out my birthday party, and on the day of the party he invited all these people I didn't even know, and he bought trophies for the winners of these games we were playing. We had a race and I lost, and one of the guests asked if she could help me pick out which trophy I wanted.

And then my "dad" gave me a TON of gifts, and I felt really bad and I said I wanted my other dad back.
I have a million more, but those two are some really strange ones that I've had.