minalover wrote:
Let's see... I filled up yesterday at 2.47 a gallon. Pretty cheap, compared to normal. It's in the West... go westerns.
$2.31 here on the east coast for regular

My parents drive a prius, which gets about 36-40 mpg compared to my camry that gets maybe 24 mpg. Dunno though, cant stand the prius and how it only has one gear (takes the fun out of driving)
Skynetmain wrote:
Oh well. Fuel reserves will be gone soon enough and gas prices won't matter. Public transit is the way we should go, but some people just don't listen to science or reason.
Agrees. Think some companies are working on a plastic/organic combination solar panel that would provide hydrogen from the sunlight, and would solve the problem of having cheap hydrogen for when hydrogen cars come around. Too bad we dont spend enough money on developing things like that.
Also, we have the technology right now to build high speed neutron reactors that can run off of the nuclear waste rods that current low speed nuclear reactors make. Using sodium as a coolant, and creating the plants underground with the proper safety measures, there is almost no way that the plant would even get remotely close to a meltdown state (the biggest threat would be a sodium fire). This would mean energy sources for the next 750 years or so, creating nuclear waste that will degrade to non-radioactive substances in 500 years, instead of the current 10,000+ years for current nuclear waste. Too bad people in the US think nuclear plants are the devil, and I dont think that it would be politically possible to build these plants anytime in the near future.