sirclucky wrote:
I can understand the point as long as it is simply to understand the stucture(in other words, take Latin) of the langauge, but learning so you know it and can communicate with others? I really don't understand that. English is growing more and more the world's universal language. While I am not saying we should abolish all other languages, if many non-american children continue to learn english in their schools, then learning another language makes no sence because the purpose is to be able to communicate with other people, and before long everyone will speak the same language.
Flame wrote:
But, in the end, is learning a foreign language really all that beneficial? Is it worth it to study a language in school for say, 4 years, if you may only travel once or twice to the other country that speaks it? Also, is learning a foreign language beneficial for everyone? If a person plans on never traveling to a foreign country and won't encounter much foreign language, especially here in parts of the States where it's a large area of mainly English speaking people, should they even bother?
Just trying to get opinions on all aspects of this.

It's supposed to be an 'issue' so I need both benefits and drawbacks.
English may be popular, but it's far from universal. Besides, there are so many other uses of language. Like I said, each language is a reflection of the culture it came from, a certain way of looking and categorising the world around us. Many social scientists believe that we produce culture through language. Therefore to understand other ways of living and points of view, it's crucial to understand their language. It is very ethnocentric to believe that what you have in front of you is everything there is.
Don't be afraid to see the truth, even if no one wants you to. Be yourself and not a fool. Don't ever be afraid to speak your mind and listen to criticism. Dissent is keeps our country progressive and willingness to challenge yourself is what keeps yourself ever evolving.