Too many works of art for me to go over. Van Goghs wheat field, which he painted before he shot himself. i'm not really a Van Gogh fan, Starry Starry Night angers me beyond belief because it's so over done. Most of his paintings are, but I do enjoy this one, because it reminds me of the skies out here in Alberta. The raft of the Medusa by Gericault ~ I love this one because of the backstory. The Medusa was a ship which sank and the officers left the crew with no water and the crew had to eat each other and only a couple survived. Horse Frightened by Lightning also by Gericault. It's amazing in person. It really looks like the whole thing is rippling. My god. It's just gorgeous. Probably my favorite horse painting not by Stubbs.
The Rhino by Durer, probably the print artist ever. He'd never seen a rhino; but did it anyways.
The rabbit, because I love it.
And anything by Rosa Bonheur is a good call. I love her work and wish I could find reasonable prints... but alas that is not to be.
Eh. I could ramble on. I don't really have a "favorite". I love a lot of art. I love Classical art because of how embellished it is, and I wish I could get the same look to work in my own work and I plan on doing a lot of experimentation with oils this year at school. Layers should be fun
Yeah. More rambles later I suppose.
*gives Chris a cookie for knowing who Paul Klee is*

Evisceration is a sign of respect.