She smiled and nodded. "Yeah. It wasn't much," she sad, opening the door to the studio. Towards the back, she could already hear a beeping and wooshing noise of some old games in the small arcade.
The studio was rather large, having a wooden floor and a mirror in the back along with a bar running the length of it. Just in the corner was something with a large cloth sheet draped over it. Abira knealt down and let Lily down who ran over to it, pulling the sheet off to reveal a large, black grand piano.
"Settle down, now, Lily," Abira said, smiling. She made her way over and helped the little girl pull the bench out and sat down in the middle, Lily sitting at her side. Abira then let her bag drop gently to the floor and opened it, pulling out a black binder and opened it towards the back, setting it up on the small ledge. Then, she gently pushed the sliding key cover back and straightened up, picking Lily up and setting her on her lap.
"Alright, which one?" she asked while typing her hair back into a low ponytail and Lily leaned forward, flipping through the lamanated pages, stopping at one and pointed. Abira nodded and set her hands into position, scooting the bench up a little bit so that she could reach one of the pedals.
"You can with the boys, if you want, Cade or just hang here. We're only going to be here a little while," Abira said, beginning to play as Lily folded her hands in her lap, watching her older sister's fingers press against the black and white keys slowly. It wasn't the normal cheery and sweet kind of tune, though. The playing was indeed slow, but even a bit haunting. Abira's eyes locked on the sheet of paper, gliding across it and keeping the same beat until they came to a rest and then she sped up a tiny bit.
