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How do you feel about chatspeak?
It hurts my eyes 85%  85%  [ 45 ]
L33t 8%  8%  [ 4 ]
Dont chat 8%  8%  [ 4 ]
Total votes : 53
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:36 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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angisfab wrote:
One of my pet peeves is when people misuse they're/their/there and you're/your. Some people I know in college still do that *pulls hair out* I'll be the first to admit that I'm not perfect, but at that point it's like...c'mon. Form proper sentences!

That's not always a lack of grammar skills, though, and many times compensation by the brain which is done unconsciously (though it's nothing proofreading can't fix, though the same compensation can be made during the reading process as well, though less likely) While I had a long post typed out as to why, it's rather irrelevant and it saves you the pain and time of reading it, since you probably already knew it anyway (as you've already shown you're a college student). :P

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:18 am 
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It definately hurts the eyes and the brain. It is one thing to use it online, and a completely different thing to use it in real life. Especially when it comes to exams and essay papers. I have this pet peeve about correctly spelled words. I know my grammar and sentence construction is off some of the time; but I still make sense.. well usually. I just do not see the point in trying to abbreviate words with chatspeak. It doesn't make you appear cool; it is just bothersome.

Thank you. :)

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:25 am 
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D00d zomgz its so 1337 lolzorz.

U guyz r all wr0ng.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:55 am 
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angisfab wrote:
One of my pet peeves is when people misuse they're/their/there and you're/your. Some people I know in college still do that *pulls hair out* I'll be the first to admit that I'm not perfect, but at that point it's like...c'mon. Form proper sentences!

People do that in college?! I was so shocked when I found out that people in my English class were still doing that kind of stuff, and that was last year, in ninth grade. I'm like, shouldn't people in ninth grade know a whole lot better by now?

Of course, I'm not the expert on what ninth-graders "should know". I've always been smarter than most people in my classes (wow, that really sounded stuck-up), and I tend to get very surprised when someone doesn't know a question that I know, and I think, "that was so easy, how could they not get that?!" And then I wonder how these kids ever got to whatever grade we're in at the time...


No, I never officially left; yes, I am gone forever. I have also permanently left AIM. If you need to contact me, drop a line on LJ. Same username.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:16 pm 
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I think you forgot the "burn in righteous fire" option.

Will you stop with the honour stuff?

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:25 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Hunter Lupe wrote:
I think you forgot the "burn in righteous fire" option.

Dude, HL is right. XD


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:53 pm 
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I personally find it annoying if I can't understand what the person is saying because they aren't making it easy to anwser them if they are talking in a code that lot of people ain't going to understand.

We shouldn't have to decipher what the other person is saying before we can anwser them.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 4:30 pm 
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Moongewl wrote:
I think, if you can't be bothered to make your posts look nice, I shouldn't have to bother reading them. That goes for chatspeak, misuse of capitalization or punctuation, excessive emoticons, et cetera. I know that sounds snotty to some people, but I've found that people who take their time with their posts are far more likely to have something to say.

I agree with you 200% Moongewl. If I have to spend my time deciphering something, I'm not going to bother wasting my time. People should learn correct grammar and spelling - the world would be a better place.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 4:43 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Agreed with Moongewl. If I don't understand within a couple of sentences, I don't even bother trying. Though that tends to go more for Livejournal posts. Bad paragraphing - or total lack of - also bugs me, as do people who have paragraphs, but they don't double space, so it's just one just long one.

The your/you're thing absolutely infuriates me. One of the girls in my English class didn't drop a mark all year (final year), and while she had some brilliant stuff - her grammar was just shocking. I actually don't know how she managed to not drop a mark. Ended up getting a lower score than she would have at the end of the year though, as our final exam was externally marked.

This girl wrote on a card, to our English teacher, "I'm so sad that your leaving."

I cringed.

Gone, forever.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 5:44 pm 
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I agree completely! The they're/their/there, two/to/too, effect/affect and your/you're thing irritates me to no end! They all have different meanings, people! I edit my friends' papers sometimes and I get shocked by how many people, even in college, can't get them straight!

Back on the topic of chatspeak, though, I admit that I use lol, brb, g2g, btw, and fyi. However, I only use those. I do my best to make my posts and messaging legible. If I think I mispelled something, I'll even do something like this: chimney (sp?). I love grammar. I hate it when people mutilate it.

If I see a message wholly in chatspeak, I don't read it. I don't bother trying to decifer what they're trying to say. If they really wanted me to understand what they were saying, they would have gone through the process of typing it out.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:19 pm 
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angisfab wrote:
One of my pet peeves is when people misuse they're/their/there and you're/your. Some people I know in college still do that *pulls hair out* I'll be the first to admit that I'm not perfect, but at that point it's like...c'mon. Form proper sentences!

I hate that too. I'm in college, but at least I know when to use your and when to use you're. I also hate it when people make 'a lot' one word - 'alot.' I hate it when people use 'to' and 'too' wrong. One of my other BIG pet peeves is when people use their, there, and they're interchangeably.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:34 pm 
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That's one thing I love about JKR - when she says "lol" you know she really is laughing out loud. I've abused the format so many times that I have to say something like "I am typing through my tears of laughter here. Wow." and keep all incidental typos intact so they know I really mean it.

Lazy abbreviations are right out, unless you're typing in Dutch (because "you" really is spelled "U" - but I found that out in a Dutch movie filmed in English, so I'm guessing there's not much call for typing in Dutch). 1337 and other embellishments drive me insane plowing through them. Even the chatspeak mimicry of using 1's as exclamation points strikes me as a real cheap shot, the smart-aleck's equivalent of "haha, ur stupid".

Acronyms can be helpful, though, and ^^ is invaluable as an "If you could hear my voice, you'd know I was just kidding."

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:07 pm 
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Hahaha. I am unbelievably anal about grammar and the like. Chat/netspeak to me is the equivalent of announcing to the world that you're a big, fat moron. I'm fine with not using capitals on proper nouns and the beginning letters of sentences as well as not using periods or commas when you're on AIM or something, but in a forum, or any public place online... It's atrocious.

Even so, I do hate a few things more, such as when people feel the need to make their font fancy, and then make all of it some obnoxious color, or change the size or something. Size I don't really care about, unless it's unreadable, but color... Ugh.

Overuse of capitals, periods, question marks or exclamation points is an absolute no, please. If you type like this:


You are probably totally and utterly unaware of how it makes me, and many others, immediately go out of our way to ignore whatever you have to say, as mutilating text like that just goes to show that you have the maturity of a carrot.

If this total lack of awareness is true, then you should now be able to fully grasp the fact that I find you annoying, and so you should stop.

Also. Acronyms are fine. I use them all the time while IMing people. In fact, I am an OMG fanatic, though I do abide to this: don't stupidly use acronyms anywhere you think one should be placed. Honestly, I doubt you are laughing out loud every few seconds.

OMG someone told me I was obnoxious lol they must be joking lol because I am the least annoying person on the planet lol lol lol lol


By the way? Unless you're talking about monkeys, you can't just randomly add an -s to words ending with -y in order to make them plural. You have to change the -y to -ies. Flurry->Flurries, etc.

To be honest, I find it absolutely astonishing that the majority of people online seem to have not progressed farther that the first grade, in both language as well as their mental abilities. And why on earth do many among us find it cool to speak as if they have recently had brain reduction surgery?

lulz so liek i wnt 2 teh mal wit ma frends adn we had funnn ther and we wnt thru the dores off tis hawt shop and omg liek it's cluths wer fab ok and i saugh you're purz their ^___^

Well, you might have had fun going 'thru' (it's THROUGH) the shop with 'it's' ('it's' is used when you're shortening 'it is'. 'Its' is used in all other cases. Notice the lack of an apostrophe?) 'cluths', but unfortunately, I'm not really sure what cluths are. As a result, I'm just going to assign you to my 'never associate with; is an utter imbecile' list and, well, never associate with you ever again.

And, well... Your bag was in the store. You're an utter idiot.

Their clothes were fabulous. There is a moron.

It's an amazingly cool store. Unfortunately, some of its customers lack the mental capacity to learn proper English.

I apologize if you're (NOT YOUR) included in any of the things I've listed, but even the use of 'ok' in place of 'okay' annoys me, even though both are perfectly okay to use. In general, I'm just a very annoyed person. Sorry.

Yes, I do immensely dislike mankind's affinity for showing off how utterly stupid one can be. Is my hatred really that obvious?

(Again, I am fine with people doing some of these things in IM, as you're typing rapidly and don't have time to check everything- if I hated people not using capitals or proper punctuation in IM, I'd hate myself, as I never use capitals, commas or periods (go me, biggest hypocrite of '06). But in public forums and things similar to them? NO.)

(Also: longest rant of mine EVER! :D )

can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a <3 .

Last edited by Xandra on Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:11 pm 
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I absolutely adore ironic chatspeak.

Sample of conversations I have with my mate Helen:

'u sux'
'sry, ilu rly! <3'
'ya rly'
'no wai'
'omg ja, i luv j00'



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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:16 pm 
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Heh, I used to do that with my friend Olivia, but unfortunately, she's never online anymore, so I am fake-chatspeaker deprived. :(

can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a <3 .

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