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 Post subject: Werewolf @ Non-Malignant Non-Castle Game Thread - GAME OVER
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:42 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Please read the rules, they have been updated. Especially the rules in bold red.


Day and Night Summery:

Day Ends/Execution at 6:00 PM NST (PST, GMT-8).
Night Lists due at 6:30 PM NST (PST, GMT-8).
Night ends/Day Begins at 7:00 PM NST (PST, GMT-8).

If you are confused about what time this is, look at the clock. (That clock is in PST time)

Late lists are not accepted, there is thirty minutes between lists due and night because I need time to calculate things.

Day begins at 7:00 PM NST. During day, players may vote up to two people of their choice. Voting is further explained in below sections. There are only a few things that would happen during the day. Those include Secret Powers (spells) that has effect during the day, role abilities and daykills. Until day ends, you may vote for an execution.

Night begins right after execution, at 6:00 PM NST. There is no voting during the night. The night results, however, will be posted at 7:00 PM NST. Night is usually where most things happen. Kills, protections, and other things. Dreams and other results are delivered right after night.

Every player should have some kind of a role in this game. Roles play the main... well... role, in this game. Follow the instructions on your roles and use your abilities and you should be fine. Do not violate any rule that your role may have, roles may be shared openly. (Unlike Secret Powers, see below)

For the most part, many roles will need to send a list of some sort. A list usually includes the names of five people, and the first person on the list that is alive/able to be affected will have the action done on them. You may not target yourself on lists. You may not target the same person two nights in a row on a list (unless the ability you’re using is a “kill”).

For the most part, some of you will have a little blurb about actions under every ability. Don’t worry about that, it’s just a technical aspect of the game.

Voting is a big part of the game. During day, players may vote for other players by posting:

Vote: Insert Player Name Here

Every player has two votes. You may not use both your votes on the same person. If you want to change your vote, you may post:

Unvote: Insert Player Name Here

If you do not want an execution during that day, if you're against it, or if you're a Hippy, you may choose to vote:

Vote: No Execution, Nobody or No One.

Bold your votes or they will not count, if you have already voted two people, and you vote a third person without unvoting. That vote will be null and void. All of your votes before you vote No Execution will not count. If you vote for someone after you vote No Execution, your no execution vote will not count. You do not need to unvote No Execution to vote a new person. A No Execution Vote takes up both your voting slots.

To gain a majority, I must get 51% (or half plus one) of the players to vote for the same person. That person will be executed when day ends. Do not count on it always being successful, even if you get a majority on that person.

A double execution may be reached, when there is 75% of the votes on one person, and 51% on another. The 51% is for a secondary execution, and the 75% is for the primary execution. If there are 75% votes on one person, that is called a “lock”. You can, however, still unvote a locked player. If a lock is achieved on one player, and there is not enough votes on a certain person to achieve a secondary execution, a secondary execution will not occur.

On the occasion that you do not get a majority, I will decide other ways to select a person. (Randomizer or a role may take control for such an occasion.)

Secret Powers:
Some of you may start out with, or obtain a Secret Power in the game. You may not talk about them until you have used them COMPLETELY up. You may not pretend you have used them completely up. You may not pretend you have a Secret Power that you don’t have. You may, however, pretend you have used a non-existing Secret Power all up.

All of you may start out with a barrier. If you have a barrier, it diminishes by 10% every day. If you are attacked, it is decreased by 40%. If you survive an execution, it is decreased by 50%. Barriers protect you, the higher the % the barrier is, that is the approximate chance that you will “live” through an attack. However, due to other circumstances, even if your barrier is at 100%, it’s not a guarantee that you’ll survive. Barriers may not exceed 100%.

You will see that each person has a specific element in the game. Elements play somewhat of a role in this game, although nothing too major. But you’re going to have to find out what the importance is. ;)

The Dead:
The dead may talk of the game ONLY in the commentary thread. No where else, this includes PMs, IMs or Email. They may not reveal any information that wasn't revealed on the main thread. They may also not post that they know someone is bad 'just because'. They need evidence supporting their theory based on any evidence given in the main thread. If any of these are violated, I will decide the consequences depending on the seriousness of the violation.

I will not tolerate inactiveness in this game. If you do not post, vote, or use any role abilities for two days in a row without an explanation as to why, you will be modkilled/replaced. Also, if you have shown very poor activity throughout the game, such as only posting every other day without sending lists, you are also liable to be modkilled/replaced.

If you have some kind of emergency, or a vacation of some sort, please PM me about it and we can work something out.

General Rules:
1. Modkilled players may not post in the dead thread.
2. Do not quote anything from me that wasn't released in either the groupies thread and the main thread.
3. Do not quote PMs and Private Conversations in general.
4. You MAY quote from the groupies thread.
5. The groupies thread MAY quote from the main thread.
6. Don’t be hurt if someone lies to you. It's part of the game.
7. Respect the players and the MC.
8. PM me if you are unsure about an action.
9. Violation of rules may result in a modkill.

Please PM me if you have any questions regarding the rules or your role. If you think something may be against the rules, PM me about it. My judgment will be the final decision, not yours.

Last edited by WIS on Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:05 am, edited 16 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:53 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Posts: 4874
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Location: Vancouver!
Player List:

.:Requiem:. - Spooked Night 8, Stuffed Animal Collector
Adrian - Executed Day 3, Nonsense Holder Adam
Alex - Victim of Clumsiness Day 2, Nonsense Holder Ethan
angisfab - Spooked Night 10, That Guy
Anoohilator - Cuddled Night 4, Slighty Emo Girl // Called Back Night 6, Followed Roxas_X Night 10
Apricus - Spooked Night 7, Billy, The Clumsy Oaf
Bangel - Camera Shy Night 4, Ed
blueZ - Executed Day 6, Psychic, or so you claim
Brett618 - Spooked Night 9, Animated Stuffed Panda
Chipper - Executed Day 2, Nonsense Holder Jim
Christopher - Spooked Night 10, Nonsense Holder Cathy -> Animated Stuffed KAWA11 CHIBI!11!!1111
Combusken BG - Camera Shy Night 5, Nosy Nelly
CWisgood - Cuddled Night 1, Stainboy
DiscordantNote - Annoyed Day 5, Quarter Bouncer
Divine - Spooked Night 2, Merry Moppins
DM was on fire! - Spooked Night 4, Happy Harry
Dyl - Camera Shy Night 1, The Bodyguard // Called Back Night 6, Executed Day 10
Exiled Phoenix (Replaced by Matterbug) - Party Pooped Night 6, Animated Stuffed Penguin
kidwaiy - Executed Day 8, Joyous Jennifer
Kugetsu - Executed Day 5, Phil
Lady Night - Camera Shy Night 3, Eddy
LAQ - Executed Day 11, Malevolent Poltergeist
mayanspypilot - Cuddled Night 5, Popular Girl
Nelly - Startled Day 9, The Room Master
okamotosan18 - Cuddled Night 6, Generous Gilly
paranoiapenguin - Spazzed at Day 11, School Spirit Team Club Leader
pipsqueeek - Camera Shy Night 3, Jolly Jacob
Pixa - Winner, Cheerleader
Princess Miyu - Camera Shy Night 2, Nonsense Holder Samantha
Roxas_X - Cuddled Night 10, Loudmouth
Tested - Startled Day 2, Wannabe -> Stainboy
theonlysaneone - Annoyed Night 6, Loner -> Phil
Twizzler0171 - Followed Popular Girl Night 5, Animated Teddy Bear // Came Back Night 8, Executed Day 9
Typhoon - Cuddled Night 2, Prankster
whhattisthiss - Cuddled Day 12, Nonsense Holder Leon
Wind - Winner, Animated Stuffed Unicorn
Xela of Xandra - Spooked Night 6, Party Pooper
YesItIsh - Cuddled Night 11, Edd

Game Over


There are 5 rooms in this game. You will randomly move into a different room each night. The rooms do not provide any kind of restrictions role-wise, unless your role specifically says otherwise.

The rooms are named by their colors, they are as follows:


WIS also proposed a puzzle to solve. He challenged the players to match up each of the rooms with the following three traits:

Room Type:
Each of the rooms were intended to be a type of room. The types are:

Recreational Room
Storage Room

Element Advantage:
Each of the rooms will give an advantage to the people with the matching element in them. The elements are:


Element Disadvantage:
Each of the rooms will also give a disadvantage to the people with the matching element in them. The elements are:



If you think you can match each room with a trait, PM me. You only have one guess, so use it wisely.

The Puzzle may now be solved, but only by Nonsense Holders! Anyone who tries to PM me a guess, and is NOT a nonsense holder will be ignored!

Last edited by WIS on Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:08 am, edited 32 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:57 pm 
Beyond Godly
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“So, why’d you invite us here?” Kugetsu piped up, as WIS led a group of 38 people up the stairs to a non-malignant looking architectural structure that is most definitely not a castle.

“It’s an After-Christmas-Before-New Years party!” WIS replied.

“What are we celebrating?”

“The period of time after Christmas and before New Years… until, of course, New Years. Then we’re celebrating New Years.” WIS replied as he led all 38 guests into a non-castlesque building. “This is the living room…”

“Wait,” Wind interrupted, “you mean this party is going to last more than one night?”

“Of course!” WIS replied as he shut the door behind him, “It wouldn’t be a party otherwise.” WIS paused as he looked on the worried faces on everyone, “Don’t worry, I’ll provide sleeping bags and all the necessary equipment to make your stay as comfortable as possible.” The group seemed to accept this fact as WIS led them up a staircase.

“What is this place?” Anoohilator marveled at his surroundings. The place seemed completely non-malignant, and he could absolutely be sure that there weren’t any malevolent poltergeists in this place.

“It’s not a castle.” WIS replied, matter-of-factly.

“Yes… I know, but what is it?”

“You’re rather slow, aren’t you? I already told you, it’s not a castle.”

“I know it’s not a castle, you’ve made that quite clear. But that doesn’t help with figuring out what kind of building this is.”

“Well what does it look like?”

“Well, I’m not exactly sure. It doesn’t look like a castle, though…” Anoohilator replied, hesitantly.

“Well there you go.” WIS snapped back. He opened the door at the end of the staircase, and opened a passageway into a huge, circular room. The group he lead gasped at the capacity of the place, and then realizing that it was almost completely empty and bare, the group groaned. “Here’s where you’ll be staying and having the time of your lives!”

“But… there’s nothing here.” blueZ replied. “What are we supposed to do?”

“Well…” WIS thought for a moment, “I have scrabble.”

“You wouldn’t happen to have Risk, would you?” Alex inquired.

“Nope, sorry.” WIS replied, awkwardly. “Well, we could… play a game of werewolf.” He looked upon the group expectantly, there was a moment of silence before someone piped up.

“You invited us here just to play some werewolf, didn’t you?” Apricus noted.

“Well, there hasn’t been a game here for a while… I was lonely.” WIS pouted.

“Well, I suppose we can all play just one more game.” .:Requiem:. sighed.

“Great!” WIS’s face lit up. “So, the living room will be the graveyard, if you’re “dead”, then you must go down to the living room, and stay there. Get it? Living room? LIVING room?” The crowd groaned.

“Alright, run along now. Day one begins.” WIS snapped his fingers, and suddenly, five giant walls were erected in the room, dividing the circular area into 5 smaller triangular areas. Each room had a specific color, and a door into another room. “By the way, there are rooms in this game. It’ll affect the gameplay somewhat. Good luck!” And he turned around to leave.

“Wait, you’re not going to give us roles?” Adrian inquired.

“Nope, can’t be bothered.” WIS replied as he turned around to leave. He opened the door that led to a staircase downstairs, and closed it. The group of 38 stared in amazement as the door suddenly disappeared into the wall.

“Wait! Where did the door go?” Typhoon called out.

“It’ll appear again when someone needs to go downstairs.” WIS’s voice can be heard faintly from below.

“What if we need to go to the bathroom?” Typhoon shouted, again.

“There’s a pink port-a-potty in one of the rooms.” WIS replied.

“Why do you have a port-a-potty here?”

“Long story. Click here if you wish to read-up on it.” WIS replied, his voice barely audible now.

While WIS left the group to mingle amongst themselves, wondering what he meant by 'Click Here', Christopher pointed out the obvious. “This party sucks.”


Day 1 Begins
- You may now post
- Day 1 will end on December 27th

Red: Anoohilator, Combusken BG, DiscordantNote, okamotosan18, paranoiapenguin, Wind
Blue: Bangel, Lady Night, LAQ, mayanspypilot, Roxas_X, Twizzler0171
Green: Adrian, Apricus, DM was on fire!, Matterbug, Nelly
Yellow: angisfab, blueZ, Brett618, kidwaiy, pipsqueeek, theonlysaneone
White: .:Requiem:., Christopher, Kugetsu, Pixa, whhattisthiss, Xela of Xandra, YesItIsh

Last edited by WIS on Fri Dec 29, 2006 11:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:04 pm 

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Oh look, I'm here.



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:12 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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I blame you.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:23 pm 
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i r heer.

Vote:No exec.
will change if needed

I need a new sig. >_>

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Location: Essex, UK "'"Set by WIS"'"
Vote: Pixa

For killing Roxas in PBR!!

Unvote: Pixa

For killing Roxas in PBR ;)


Boom-shaka-laka! Rawr come and join us in the Randomness
Sig Halloween'd by Tom!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:38 pm 
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Hey everyone, the game started so I'm just letting you know that I'm here so yep at the moment I will not vote be cause I do not know who to vote out. :P

Set made by YesItIsh

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:59 pm 
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Goody! I like this game. Happiness, merriness, joyousness. Nothing menacing or evil. Nothing to be afraid of.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:02 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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Location: Set by me.
-does a lil dance-

I ish here.

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:08 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: Outside on your boulevarde scaring small children. Um... or in Illinois.
I'm here. I'm probably going to be rather quiet, though, (Actually, I doubt that, when I say that I never do...), and I probably won't be on the internet THAT much in the next week or so (enough to do what I need to do, of course, I wouldn't just go inactive).

Thanks to Laq. :o

Last edited by Kugetsu on Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:09 am 
Beyond Godly
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A nice, large game. Just what I need to remedy my boils.

Click the wonderful signature. You know you want to.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:20 am 
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So, if I'm correct... the green room is the lounge? o_o Sorry, the different rooms 'n things are confusing me. D:

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:21 am 
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Well like they say "the more the merrier".


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:25 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: Outside on your boulevarde scaring small children. Um... or in Illinois.
Twizzler0171 wrote:
So, if I'm correct... the green room is the lounge? o_o Sorry, the different rooms 'n things are confusing me. D:

Possibly, but the puzzle that WIS was talking about is basically saying that any of the rooms may have any of the Lounge/Bed Room/Storage Room/ etc. purpose and each one has a random advantage and disadvantage,

Basically the puzzle is to match up which one is which and which room has each advantage/disadvantage.

Yeah, I made that more confusing than it had to be, but eh. xD

BTW, I have a feeling Combusken just did a posting requirement. D:

Thanks to Laq. :o

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