Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:
Yes, I KNOW I'm sensitive and take things that are meant to be jokes VERY seriously, but it's not something I can help and I don't like the idea of people making rude jokes and remarks about this poor pig. Okay, so it looks funny to some people. When *I* see it however, I see a poor piglet that probably won't see that many more days and I think it's awful that people can joke about it and say that it's cute and cuddly and whatnot. It has a deformity and it is NOT cute. How can you see a life-threatening deformity as cute? And how could anyone joke that they thought the pig's eyes was its anus? It's sick. And it's wrong.
No, it is wrong to characterize people who think the pig is cute/funny as sick and inhumane. If you are of the mind that the pig is to be pitied, that is your opinion and nobody should call you names for it. Other people are of the mind that the pig is cute/the article is amusing, and while that may disagree with your opinion, it does not give you the right to villify them.
If this topic's nature upsets you, please do not visit it again. You can express an opinion but when doing so you have to respect the other members of the forum. Seeing as the pig is not a member, comments about it can't be punished or considered belligerent. Comments calling other members sick, awful, and rude
I would like for everyone to please take this post in to account when commenting on this thread. Thank you.