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 Post subject: Friendships, and endings
PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:06 am 
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My nineteenth birthday is coming up, and looking back, I've realized that (with one exception) every friend I made before my eighteenth birthday is no longer my friend. It's got me thinking about how all those friendships ended. Mostly, we drifted apart. In a few cases, we had fights that drove us apart. In more than a few cases, I kept trying to help them and they didn't want my help.
Friends come and go, and sometimes they weren't worth the effort you put into them. Sometimes they're great while they last, but then they--or you--do something unforgivable. Too many times, I found myself putting a lot of effort into the friendship, and finding that they just couldn't be bothered.

I was wondering what sort of experiences you guys have had in terms of ending friendships. Of all the friendships you've had that ended, which had the worst ending? Do you usually walk away having to forgive/be forgiven? Are there any friendships you wish you could repair?

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:19 am 
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I know EXACTLY what you mean.

Pretty much all of my friends have been crappy. Maybe I'm just not likable. Or maybe I'm just socially...stupid.

In like fifth grade after my best friend started going to a different school, my other two friends just ditched me. They were kind of best friends and I was like a third wheel anyways. I probably should have kept in contact with my best friend, but she still talked to the other two girls and I KNEW she'd favor them.

In seventh grade, the girls who I thought were my friends kind of told me to like...leave them alone and go away or something so it's pretty much the same thing.

Since then, most of my friends have just been like 'school friends,' you know what I mean? You sit with them at lunch and talk to them about classes and stuff but don't hang out when you're outside of school or anything

My only real remaining friend and I are drifting apart. It started with a REALLY stupid incident that was my fault, but was so stupid that I'm not even going to mention it. I had to apologize but I don't know if the friendship is really worth it. It's sad how friendships can take a long time to build up, but they can break apart easily.

I'm sorry this sounds like a sob story. What I'm saying is, yes I know what you mean. With some of these, I was young and didn't know how to react. I don't think I would repair some of these friendships because I realized that these people were just...not even friends at all.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:32 am 
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I moved about two and a half years ago, from people who I'd mainly known since I was about five. I keep in close contact with only one of them (who I've known since I was two). The rest...a few I talk to once in a while on AIM, or maybe I've seen them when I went back, but I don't know I'd really consider them friends anymore. A couple I had arguments with after I moved, and have not spoken to since. To be honest, as the arguments were over incredibly trivial things, I think they were just a way of making ending the friendship a bit easier.

I've already lost contact with people from the school I left in September - though since I'd only been there two years, there weren't many people I knew well. I stay in touch and make sure to meet up whenever I can with a few of them, which is good enough.

There have been only one or two occassions where it's come to the point I've had to clearly end a friendship. Not pleasant, especially as I hate confrontation. That's life, though, I suppose. It does mean that I have no "friends" who I wish I could get rid of, though.

As for friendships which need repair...I suppose that my friendship with Jenn could always use some help - it's hard to keep in touch with someone who's in a time zone 5 hours behind and doesn't get online much. Coordinating phone calls can be difficult. I'm not overly worried, though, because when there's no effort being put in it's from both sides, but we both know the other's still there. I guess it's just from knowing each other so long.

...And wow, this is a really long reply. Hope I've not bored anyone too much. ;P

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:11 pm 
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Not too many of my friendships ended dramatically. Mostly, we just became separated. My best best friend, we don't get along too well, but we always have fun. When i was in first grade, she asked to be my friend, and i said no because i was obsessed with reading. Then in THIRD grade, I asked her, and then there was this whole argument, but we're still friends.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:28 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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I lived in one suburb from when I was born and had many friends from the local school (public, co-ed). I moved to the other side of town (not very far) and I never saw any of them again.

I spent more years at the new school (Private, boys) and made new friends. After many years moved back to the other side of town. Never really saw any of them again either.

Refound friends from when I used to live over this side of town, some of them had become druggies, skaters, or just plain stupid, though my previous best friend was normal. Didn't make friends with them again at the new school (public, boys). Haven't seen a single one of the girls from public school ever since, and not much of the new-new group of friend either.

But I have the warm glowing warming glow of the computer...

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:22 pm 
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Yeah.. I know what you mean..
I've been at 5 different schools in elementary, so I kind of lost friends everytime, cause it's pretty rare to see a bunch of 7 year old girls giving their MSN to stay in touch? lol
Well then in Grade 7, I was very Tom Boy, so I was hanging with these boys and fighting around yknow.. Im not like that anymore, so thats also something to forget.
Grade 8 was just weird, but thats where I met all the people that became my friends mostly.
Grade 9 = This year. Of course, I'm not old and have plenty of time.. and I made so much friends, it's crazy, I mean I'm hyper happy and everyone says : Hey Caro! In the halls.. but I'm thinking of all the friends Ive had before.. that just disapeared... or my best friends that told me to leave them alone in 5th grade.. and Im l wonder.. whats gonna happen between me and all these people at schoool.. Who really deserves the time for a fabulous friendship and who's gonna let me down, like some others did yknow..
And lately, Its creepy how my two best friends spend so much time together that they seem to forget about me.
And its not a story that, they are my best friends but they are best friends between each other.
Actually, the first one always considered me as her best friend, and the other one kept telling me I was the person she prefered in the whole world, that I was her best friend and that I was always there for me.
2 weeks later the two of them seem not to remember who I am..
It sucks.
But I sent them roses for V-day, and hand-maded jewerly I made for them.. that might remind them Im still out there. heh ;D

Caroline Bélisle aka Caro
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:07 pm 
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I'm always sad when I lose a friend. I miss everyone. haha :)

I've lost a lot of friends because of my parents. They wouldn't let me go out and do a lot of things. Maybe it was because I was the oldest/first child, or they thought I was imcompetant and couldn't take care of myself, or whatever, but they definitely let me do tons less than my younger brother and sister. After a while, when my high school friends kept asking me to go hang out or invite me to a party and I had to keep turning them down or I'd plan my birthday parties to have them cancelled at the last minute, a lot of my friends just moved on. They'd go on to the more popular crowd and I had to hang back because I wasn't allowed to do anything. That really sucked. :/ The friends I kept, I had to usually sneak out to be with or pull something like go right to their house after school and call my parents for a ride home later, which didn't amuse them. haha

I also lost a lot of friends because my dad had this thing about me hanging out with younger people. He'd get really mad when I hung out with younger friends (talking a couple years or so here) and say "Why can't you hang out with people your own age?" lol Maybe because you wouldn't let me hang out with them and they moved on? :P So, then I couldn't hang out with my younger friends, either.

A couple of my friends here and there, I had to stop hanging out with them because my sister was friends with them. She'd accuse me of trying to steal her friends and then run to my parents and I'd get in trouble. Then she'd purposely keep her friends from hanging out with me, even if they were people who used to be in my grade and got held back or such. (She was a grade lower than me.) That got a bit easier when she went to a different school (my parents put her and my brother in Catholic school and I stayed in public). Even then when I started being friendly with her friends, she'd pull them away. lol

After high school, everyone just drifted their seperate ways. A group of my closest friends were into things I'd rather not get into and they knew it. Instead of pushing me into those things, they'd do them without me and then hung out to do those things more and more. When I went to college and met Tim, it gave me a reason to get away from those things. Even my college friends, I couldn't hang out with, until my parents let me get my driver's license at 18. Even then they were strict, though. Luckily, Tim had a car and took me everywhere. haha Morgan, my eldest, was conceived second semester of college, and I had a lot of trouble mixing calculus and morning sickness, so I had to dropout. lol So, then my college friends moved on because there was a lot I had to deal with (mostly with my parents and moving/getting kicked out and such) and I didn't have time to hang out with them anymore.

I still have most of my online friends because they are the most awesome people in the world. I still can't believe how long I've known most of them. :) The ones I don't speak to anymore usually just drifted off to do other things.

All in all, I love my friends and miss the ones that moved on. I just had my 10-year high school reunion last November and several of my close friends searched me out. That really surprised me, but it was great. We've talked a few times, but it was still nice to know how things were doing. At my reunion, even the "popular kids" came up to me and hugged me and we all laughed and talked about what we've been up to. It was really cool. It was surprising how much nicer and friendlier a lot of people got. haha I'd recommend everyone go to their reunions. So many people grew up and matured into fine adults. I was very proud of a lot of my classmates. :)

Haha. That was a lot longer than I had intended. :) I *think* I stayed on topic? :P

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:20 pm 
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I've lost a lot of friends, mainly because of moving away.

In Pre-K, I was friends with a bunch of kids in my neighborhood. This was in Phoenix, Arizona. We eventually moved to Texas, and since we were about 4 or 5 we didn't exactly stay in touch. I made new friends in my elementary school, and my best friend lived across the street from me. Then we moved again up to the Austin, TX area, and I lost contact with most of my friends. I kept in touch with my best friend for a few years, because he also moved a couple of weeks before we did. (In fact, a year or so later my family went up to D.C., where they moved to, and stayed with them) However, again we drifted apart.

Then in middle school I made a lot of new friends, but this group of friends had known each other since elementary school, and sometimes I felt a little left out. After 8th grade, I didn't keep in touch with them because some had moved away. Plus, I lived in a completely different part of the city, so I went to a different high school (the middle school boundaries are really weird here).

In high school I again had to make some more friends, and I made most of my friends through my French and journalism classes. However, after graduation I don't keep in touch with a lot of them, mainly because I moved up here to Dallas to go to school for a year. I haven't bothered making any friends up here because in a few months I'll be moving back down to Austin to transfer to UT Austin.

So, over the years I made a lot of great friends, and I really wished I kept in touch with them.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I have recently (Four months three days) discarded three of the very worst people in existence, and while I dislike going into it, I can honestly and without a doubt say that I am better off without them.

*general bitterness on the subject of their betrayal*

Although, there are friends I am loathed to lose :(
We drifted apart after I moved.

 Post subject: Re: Friendships, and endings
PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:20 pm 
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Moongewl wrote:
My nineteenth birthday is coming up, and looking back, I've realized that (with one exception) every friend I made before my eighteenth birthday is no longer my friend. It's got me thinking about how all those friendships ended. Mostly, we drifted apart. In a few cases, we had fights that drove us apart. In more than a few cases, I kept trying to help them and they didn't want my help.
Friends come and go, and sometimes they weren't worth the effort you put into them. Sometimes they're great while they last, but then they--or you--do something unforgivable. Too many times, I found myself putting a lot of effort into the friendship, and finding that they just couldn't be bothered.

I was wondering what sort of experiences you guys have had in terms of ending friendships. Of all the friendships you've had that ended, which had the worst ending? Do you usually walk away having to forgive/be forgiven? Are there any friendships you wish you could repair?

If you lose contact, you haven't lost a friendship. I recently had a reunion with friends I haven't seen in 13-14 years and we picked up conversation like we never stopped.

Having a sense of history is important and how you were shaped by your friends. I discovered that recently. Pick up the phone and call an old friend.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:18 pm 
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I mostly just drift away from people. When I got to middle school, I stopped doing much with my best friend from elementary school, because she'd made new friends. They're perfectly decent people, but I just didn't fit in with them. So for most of seventh grade I didn't really have friends. Then in eighth grade I started hanging out with this group of girls. I didn't really fit in with them at all though, and after that year I never really talked to them again. When I came in for ninth grade orientation, I saw them and just thought, "I don't even like them, why should I bother?" and went off to sit by myself and read. As the year went on, I became better friends with a girl my brother's been friends with for ages, and who was over at our house a ton so I knew pretty well, and started hanging out with her friends. Problem was, they were all seniors, so this year I was on my own again. I started hanging out with a group of people durning lunch, mainly because I didn't want to eat in the cafeteria and it'd gotten too cold to eat outside, so I started eating in my history teacher's room, which is where they ate. I kinda didn't fit in with them at all, but they accepted me, so it was all good I guess. Except now the teacher's got a class third block, so we can't eat in there anymore. Now me and two other people eat in one of the other history rooms, but we haven't told the others because they're a little crazier than we think that teacher would want in there :P I'm also now starting to be friends again with a girl I've kinda been friends with for a while, but never really hung out with all that much because I didn't really like her friends. I still don't like some of them, but I don't care as much anymore.
That's my history of friends at school. I've also got a whole bunch of friends from camp. I'm not all that good at keeping in contact with them though, so there's really only one that I still talk to, and not that much. Which kinda sucks because they're awesome people.

So... yeah. I guess the point of that whole rambly post was that all my friendships end because I just stop talking to the people, for whatever reason. I don't think I've ever really had a big fight with a friend before actually. Although that's probably partly due to the fact that I don't really have very strong friendships. I think actually some/most of my best friends I only know online. I certainly talk to them way more than anyone at school, at least.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:37 pm 
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Most of the people I've called my "friends" throughout my life have been any or all of the following:

1. Not close enough to really be anything more than an acquaintance.
2. Faking it to make fun of me, because up until this year, I was so desperate for friends that it was easy to just tell me "Of course we like you! Don't you trust us?" and I'd believe it every time, no matter how much of a smurf they were (and I was never oblivious to smurfiness.)
3. Not in my classes anymore (or wherever I see them), and I tend to drift from friends if I don't see them often. (This only applies to the ones who are good, but not extremely awesome.)

So yeah. I haven't had many "dramatic endings". Sometimes we'd just drift, and sometimes I'd finally succeed in staying away from them (applies to #2 only, although at least half of my "friends" have been #2.)


No, I never officially left; yes, I am gone forever. I have also permanently left AIM. If you need to contact me, drop a line on LJ. Same username.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:56 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Dramatic endings o_O
One of them tried to kill me.
Does that count?

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:07 pm 
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I had a group of friends. We always hung around together and had been with each other for five years. We went to sixth form together but then they ditched me. They started leaving me out from things and talking about me behind my back. Then they said they found me boring and stupid and that I just followed them around like a sheep. It really hurt. But anyway, that part of my life is over now. I've been friends with one of them and another one has tried to be my friend, but I don't really want to know anymore. I'm trying to get them all out of my life now. It's time for new beginnings. They will always be false friends anyway.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:30 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Meh, yeah, I've had a lot of friendships end.. mainly when I left school to be homeschooled. One of the worst ones involved a friend on the internet who got mad cause I got an avatar and they couldn't til next year, and I decided I didn't want to be yelled at, but then I wrote some snotty note telling said person everything that was wrong with them. So yes I very much regret the way I acted. I should have talked to her about it, not been a smut back. I hope they knew I'm sorry, because a few years back we did exchange a few PMs.

But I'd say the worst was in this little group of friends and we'd chat together, and the guy of the group (who we always picked on, bless his soul) said something to one of the other people which made us mad, and we kind of.. dumped him. He said he was sorry, and he was talking to me like, why're you doing this to me? Why won't you forgive me? D: I wish I would have. It was seriously screwed up. And I am just so sorry..


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