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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:41 pm 
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The battle was getting much more complicated. Various members of the group had finally recovered from the shock of seeing moles the size of infant elephants. Orost stumbled around, lackadasical in a comic sort of way. Trekvid watched him, laughing to himself. While he vexed to immaturity, the second mole crept up behind him, having snuck partway around the circle. It stood only a few paces away from the first mole. Trekvid hollered out to Fiache to hurry and get out of the way. Dante flung a sword directly at Trekvid while screaming something intelligible. Trekvid easily dodged the blade and watched as it sunk into the mole. His eyes grew wide with respect. He mentally slapped himself and smiled at Dante. He moved through the group, away from the moles, giving some of the others a better view to attack. Dante's blade finally came to a rest, chipping the tip off against the bone, but doing -15 damage in the process. Everyone else was focused on the first mole. Hikaru shot a rock at the mole, missing completely. Terra's shot at the hole lodged in the tip of the skull, grazing the nearby organ, and effectively doing -8 damage. The mole reared back, snapping the arrow. The first mole staggered, somewhat confused by an arrow tickling its mind. In both senses of the idea. The second mole roared, enraged by the sword stuck in it. It swiped for Trekvid, but wanted reach. It lost its balance and rolled toward Terra and Dante, who were near each other. Felvil stepped next to them, making sure they would receive no serious harm. The mole's claw came down through the air as the mole rolled once more. Felvil whipped out a staff and blocked the blow. The claw laid heavy on the staff, bending it severely. Felvil whispered a word and jerked the staff upward, rolling the mole back once. He stepped back once more.

Battle 4 Round 5 Stats:
Mole 1: -8 damage, total health: 11/50, +10 experience, total experience: 55/100, status: dazed and confused
Mole 2: -15 damage, total health: 35/50, +20 experience, total experience: 25/100, status: slightly crippled
Terra: total health: 8/10, +8 experience, total experience: 6/15, +1 Point
Orost: total health: 7/10, status: normal
Hikaru: total health: 9/10, +1 Point, status: fatigued
Logarth: total health: 8/10
Xantcha: total health: 6/10
Dante: total health: 8/10, +15 experience, total experience: 0/15, +2 Points, -1 Shortsword
Fiache: total health: 8/10, +1 experience, total experience: 1/5

Co-Chair of the Sugarinii/Tasha Fan Club
Set by my hero, DM!
FFR. Augustine.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:07 am 
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Orost's head finally cleared. "Go back! I'm fine now!" he said to the healers, picking himself up again, and this time having no difficulty moving. He quickly surveyed the battle scene, and saw that the first mole was in teh same state he was a bit before. If it worked the same way as his daze had, Orost had at least one open attack. It ran up behind the first mole, and went around to the right, dodging the mole's flailing arms. He adjusted his grip, making the hammer head verticle, then swung it down upon the arrow embedded in the mole's skull. Best case senerio, the arrow would drive deeper into the mole's brain, killing it instantly. Worst case senerio, he broke the arrow but still hit the mole. He was too close to miss here.

Death is pretty final
I'm collecting vinyl
I'm gonna DJ,
The end of the world!

'Cause if heaven does exist
with a kickin' playlist,
I don't wanna miss it at the end of the world!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:10 am 
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This kid is really too much! I help him and all i get is "I'm fine get out". Youth these days... Fiache thought on the way where all the long range attackers stood. "Now to cut some herbs for Xantcha. This should not take long... A little of this... A branch of those... This should do the trick for a little healing. Will clean the deep wounds and help cure the scratches" she mumbles. "Could someone deliver this to Xantcha and apply it to the wounds? My feet are not as fast as yours, you know, and it would give me time to prepare some more herbs."


Also Rauven on Neopets

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:52 am 
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Hikaru did her best to memorize the herb in her hand before quickly sticking it in her mouth.
She grimaced as she watched the rock miss by a long way. Wonderful.

The herb made her wonder at it's effectiveness, and soon felt well enough, although her arms still had the sensation that they had been used quite a bit. She didn't mind that too much.

She had been ready to switch with Terra when she heard the old women talking.
Terra would surely be fine for a little bit more, and Hikaru was the closest to Xantcha. Or maybe it would be put that Xantcha was close to her.
Taking the herbs from Fiache, she smiled quickly.
"Thank you for the herbs." she said and disapeared, running toward the priestess although it was a fairly short distance.

Turning toward the battle again, she caught sight of Dante fighting the other mole. She hesitated, wondering if she should help.
Biting her lip, she turned to the first mole and readied her sling.
"Terra, I'm in! And Orost, watch out!"
Hikaru let two rocks fly, feeling satisfied that they seemed to be going pretty much where she had directed them.

Flyff (Mia)→HikaruKi

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:04 pm 
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Terra watched as the arrow struck the mole in the brain, pleased as it staggered. She then turned her focus onto Fiache, securing the bow and pulling out her dagger.

"I'm ready, Fiache, go on ahead!" she called as she trotted over to where the woman was. She kept a careful eye on both the moles; if either of them came to close to the two, she planned to take a jab at them. But neither came near.

She stayed near the Fiache as the woman gathered her herb letting Hikaru take them. She focused once more on the moles, seeing one rolling toward her...

"...Fiache!" she exclaimed as she roughly grabbed the others clothing to get her attention and to begin pulling her away from the area. "I'm sorry about this, but unless you want to get flattened, I would run!"

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:06 pm 
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Dante stood ready with her remaining shortsword, unable to retrieve the other one at this time. At least that mole got taken care of. Felvil came near her and Terra as the other mole rolled in their direction, covering them while they got themselves back together.

"Nice shot," Dante noted the arrow to the head that Orost had accomplished, the mole now wavering about. Looks like it penetrated the skull. Hopefully it gradually got weaker so they could focus on the other mole.

Which was already getting back on its feet. Dante rushed forward with her remaining shortsword, ducking as the mole wiped its arms in front of him in an attempt to knock her over. Taking a swing she put a good gash into the mole's swinging arm, which only made it madder seeing as it swiped her with its other arm and knocked her to the ground, then quickly raising its foot as if to stomp on her. A decent quick reflex, Dante raised up the shortsword into the mole's foot, stopping it from crushing her as he reared back like it stepped on a nail.

Augustine: It began as one man's dream; it became his empire.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:56 pm 
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Hikaru let two stones fly. One struck the mole lightly on the chest, leaving a -2 damage bruise. The other grazed the rump, doing only -2 damage. Orost slammed the hammer down on the arrow, snapping the upper bit off, and pushing the rest into the mole's skull. His wavering hammer wiggled the arrow around, killing the mole. Hikaru took Fiache's herbs, restoring +1 health and her fatigue. Dante scuffled with the second mole, gashing it for -3 damage. The mole flattened her, doing -5 damage. She barely brought her sword up in time to break the crush of the mole's paw. Her sword poked through the top of the foot, doing -4 damage and eliciting a scream that damaged everyone -2 damage.

Battle 4 Round 6 Stats:
Mole 1: -11 damage, total health: 0/10, status: dead
Mole 2: -7 damage, total health: 28/50, +10 experience, total experience: 35/100, status: angry as hell, slightly limpy
Terra: -2 damage, total health: 6/10, +1 Point
Orost: -2 damage, total health: 5/10
Hikaru: +1-2 damage, total health: 8/10, +1 Charisma, status: slightly weary
Logarth: -2 damage, total health: 6/10
Xantcha: -2 damage, total health: 4/10
Dante: -7 damage, total health: 1/10, +8 experience, total experience: 8/15, +1 Magic, +1 Intellect
Fiache: -2 damage, total health: 6/10, +2 experience, total experience: 3/5

1. Several people have spendable points. PM me your point allocation requests.
2. Great job with the activity. I believe this is the first time I have had to do 2 Battle Updates in consecutive days. That makes me happy.
3. The two nonactive characters may die soon... If you see pardona_ii or dragonfire, please bug them to quit or play!
4. I also wanted to point out Twizzler. Her post in this round was great, and should be a model for everyone switching weapons during battle. One round is simply switching weapons. Good job, Terra!

Co-Chair of the Sugarinii/Tasha Fan Club
Set by my hero, DM!
FFR. Augustine.

Last edited by ryan.riverside on Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:01 pm 
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As Fiache looks up, she sees Dante being pounded. She get's on her feet and casts a Heal on her. "Goddess help her, for her guts handling the sword like that." Then, she sees the mole rolling towards her and starts to run.


Also Rauven on Neopets

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:13 pm 
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Dante crawled away from the mole once it was done screaming and her own ears stopping ringing so she could make sense of her current situation. Hoping someone else had taken the mole's attention away from her, she pulled herself a bit away from the massive animal. Between the smack to the ground she took and the roar of the mole, she was not in good shape.

She had to stall and give herself some time to recover before she could even think of jumping back in to the battle. Her bag with the small amoutn of food was too far off, and this was no time to grill up bear or squirrel meat. Slowly bringing herself up to her knees, Dante found herself a bit more weaker than she expected. Obviously the mole sensed that as he limped in her direction, not happy with her having put a hole in his foot.

Augustine: It began as one man's dream; it became his empire.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:55 pm 
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Hikaru looked around as quickly as she could as the first mole fell.
She was glad and sad that one was down, but she did her best to thrust her feelings out of her mind.

Spotting Dante crawling away from the mole, she hurried to distance where she could shoot, and yelled, "Over here! Yoohoo!", and let the rock she had prepared fly, away from Dante.
She checked her sword to make sure it could be taken out and prepared herself for what ever came.

Flyff (Mia)→HikaruKi

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:28 am 
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Orost quickly hefted his hammer up and took a look at the angry mole. A direct attack would be usless, and would only serve to get him greviously injured. Orost could only think of temporarily stunning it before an outright attack, as he had no projectiles of any note, he had only one option. He quickly ran toward the mole, and just before he got into the range of the flailing mole, he let his hammer fly, perfectally timing and aiming it so that the hammer's head would fly into the mole's right temple. He waited a moment, waiting for the hammer to get a good distance before he started his own attack. After he thought it had flown far enough, he ran for the bear, lowering his fist in preperation for a grand uppercut towards the back of the mole's head.

Death is pretty final
I'm collecting vinyl
I'm gonna DJ,
The end of the world!

'Cause if heaven does exist
with a kickin' playlist,
I don't wanna miss it at the end of the world!

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:24 am 
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As soon as she felt Fiache beginning to run, Terra let go. She knew they would probably both go faster if she did. She focused on the scenery in front of her, not wanting too trip too early. She stumbled once, but she was ready for it and quickly regained her balance.

She didn't know how long she ran, but it didn't seem like too long. Once she came upon a relatively even clearing, she glanced back, trying to locate the rolling mole. She saw it, as well as Hikaru and Orost near there. Dante was crawling away.

She slowed, trying to catch her breath. She should be safe enough, for the moment. The battle wasn't too far away, she could switch back to her bow easily enough if she felt she was needed before then.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:26 pm 
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Seeing the massive beating she was taking, Fiache cast Heal on Dante, giving Dante +2 Health. Dante felt the effects as she crawled away. Hikaru hit the mole in the back, doing -2 damage. Orost ran past Hikaru just after she let rock fly. He flung his hammer at the mole. The hammer's timing was off just a hair, most likely because Orost misjudged the weight of the hammer, causing the mole to be bopped on the top of the head with the handle, doing only -3 damage. Orost's hammer fell underneath the mole, out of reach. Terra ran back, distancing herself from the mole.

Battle 4 Round 7
Mole 1: total health: 0/10, status: dead
Mole 2: -5 damage, total health: 23/50, +5 experience, total experience: 40/100, status: angry as hell
Terra: total health: 6/10, total experience: 6/15, +1 Point
Orost: total health: 5/10, +15 experience, total experience: 6/25, +1 Point
Hikaru: total health: 8/10, +2 experience, total experience: 4/20, status: normal
Logarth: total health: 6/10
Xantcha: total health: 4/10
Dante: +2 health, total health: 3/10, total experience: 8/15
Fiache: total health: 6/10, +5 experience, total experience: 2/10, +1 Point

1. You may notice that Orost received too much experience this round. I forgot to give him any experience last round for killing Mole 1. Forgive me.
2. Several people have spendable points. PM me your point allocation requests.
3. Try and post once per day, so we can get out of this battle. If everyone that has a weapon attacks in a creative way, perhaps the mole might be gone next round...
4. The two characters standing around will get the nix by the end of this battle.

Co-Chair of the Sugarinii/Tasha Fan Club
Set by my hero, DM!
FFR. Augustine.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:58 am 
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((no worries))

Orost's next move hinged on one fact and one fact alone. That the group's leaders knew a reviving spell. He was tired, he was hurt, but he wasn't giving up yet. He charged strait at the mole, raising a fist in an uppercut as hecame in contact with it, ignoring all pain. If he didn't black out, he would grab his hammer and try to swing it at the mole.

Death is pretty final
I'm collecting vinyl
I'm gonna DJ,
The end of the world!

'Cause if heaven does exist
with a kickin' playlist,
I don't wanna miss it at the end of the world!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:15 pm 
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Dante got better, but still not good enough. Again she casted a Heal on her. She sat down, and started chopping some herbs.

"I'm not getting any younger in this battle here. And those cries are making my hears bleed. I shall take some herbs myself. And i have to give some herbs to Xantcha too."

After taking some herbs, and giving some to all of those who were with her (Terra, Hikoru, Dante and Orost), the old lady took a run in the direction of Xantcha.

"Here, take those. Wait, i know it hurts, but it will heal better if i apply them into your wounds. There. Feeling better?" She then cover herself in a place she could not be harmed by the angry Mole.


Also Rauven on Neopets

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