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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:04 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Joanna shoots Jenova for -4 damage

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:50 am 
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Tails whips a P-3a Cyclone and hits Marth for -5 damage.

I'm sucky at creative stuff, so I'll pass on the Pokeball contest again.

My dad's friend is one of the guys in the pic, it took 6 hours, and it's just over 11' and 1,000lbs.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:33 am 
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Whee! I love this game :D

1) Yoshi

2) 29

3) Yoshi: Yoshi! [Translation: Fear, tremble, and despair! The mighty Jenova has come! The end is at hand! All shall fall before Jenova! Repent and be saved! Remain in darkness and be cleansed from the earth! All hail!]


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:37 am 
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Location: Since it's not a rule to put real info in here to help people, I live in Lala land
Have there been any indicators to which NPCs are defeated at the end of the round as opposed to ones defeated when they reach 0HP?

I assumed Keith was going to act the same as Tseng and gang because he could heal at the end of the round.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:07 am 
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okamotosan18 wrote:
Have there been any indicators to which NPCs are defeated at the end of the round as opposed to ones defeated when they reach 0HP?

I assumed Keith was going to act the same as Tseng and gang because he could heal at the end of the round.

This is a very tough question to answer. The easy answer is 'yes' and 'no'. I have in fact thought on this subject many times and never came to a definitive conclusion, but I will try to now.

The standard NPCs are all instant death. Their defeat records are all listed separate from the Characters and are usually the ones you see en masse. The Bosses and 'Special' NPCs (those that are activated via a Stage) are the grey area. Except for the Turks and Giga Koopa, all Bosses or Special NPCs are instantly defeated. That is 4/19, appx 20%, can still be fought over after they reach 0 HP. Except for Dark Troopers and Guard Armors, all Bosses and Special NPCs only appear once.

As in a way to tell instant defeat from lingering, the easiest way to tell is to deal extra damage. If it is redirected, then it was an instant kill. In the case of Keith, I came up with the idea of him being a decoy and not worth anything as sort of a red herring deal. The next best way to tell if the target will stay or not is how much attention I give to them. I love the Turks, so they get treated as Characters in my eyes. (Plus Reno lasted for half the game after his first and only appearance as a NPC). The final way to tell is look to the Character's source game canon. Most bosses are instantly dead once they reach 0 or less HP. In SSBB, Giga Koopa could still make it back to the stage if thrown off (except if facing Purin's Snore :evil:) so he still lingers. But, Jenova, Guard Armors, Master and Crazy Hands and even the Koopalings all bit the bullet once they were defeated in game, thus making them instantly defeated. heck, even the Turks lived to fight another day after you defeated them in FF VII.

I hope any of this helps. If there are still questions, feel free to ask them.

PS: I was totally honest in redirecting your attack from Keith because I didn't want to see it not count towards anything.


While Yoshi dances in joy at Jenova's arrival, the beast whips Chun-li with its tentacles for -3 damage. She goes flying and lands near a snickering Ryu.
Chun-li: What is so funny?
Ryu: When you had its tentacle, you should have told it to cough.
Ryu falls over laughing as Chun-li pulls a giant sword out of her bao-bao.

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:38 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Sho young gwasshoper? Will you catch the fry today?

Joanna, 1,

[Trans] *Dons Jenova's witness Armband* Will you be ready for Reunion?

Rikku shoots Jenova for -3 damage and +5 points

Last edited by Christopher on Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:31 am 
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3. "Fear our power! Team Sephiroth shall smite you out of your darkness and into oblivion!"

P&M are angry that they aint the onlt 2-member char and shock J&L for a not-so-whopping -3 damage

I need a new sig. >_>

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:02 pm 
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Kite slaps Marth for -3 damage.


 Post subject: SSBB 2: Shadows of the Brawl [How to play on each update]
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:57 am 
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Round 57

SSBB = Super Smash Brothers Brawl
To all of those interested in joining, there are no sign ups. You can just start playing right off the bat. If you need additional help, I am here most of the time and more than willing to try to help as much as possible.

Story as of now:
- Suikun pic from a Google Image search.

Yoshi frees Suikun from a Pokeball. The Legendary Dog uses Blizzard to freeze Falco, Marth , Young Link, Edge, and Peach for -3 damage. Elsewhere, Jenova continues her rampage. She lowers her Reflect, having tricked both Joanna and Rikku to attack, and uses Double Slap to whip Tails and Geno for -4 damage.
Yoshi: Yoshi! [Trans: Fear, tremble, and despair! The mighty Jenova has come! The end is at hand! All shall fall before Jenova! Repent and be saved! Remain in darkness and be cleansed from the earth! All hail!]
Black Mage: You said it.
Yoshi is stunned to hear someone actually agreeing with him.
Yoshi: Yoshi? [Trans: Are you intrigued by my philosophy? Would you like to subscribe to my newsletter?]
Black Mage: Uh... no. Would you like to join mine?
Yoshi: Yoshi. [Trans: Sure.]
Black Mage draws a knife and stabs Yoshi in the head.
Yoshi: Am I a member now? Egad! I can speak without an accent any more! Another knife enters Yoshi’s head. Yoshi! [Trans: And further more... Oh poo.]
Yoshi looks sad and sulks. In the back, Chun-li chases Ryu with her sword.
Roy: That is no way to treat a member of our team!
Link starts drawing Master Sword.
Kratos is proudly marching down the halls in his hot dog armor. The others are well behind him covering their noses from the stench. Kratos is singing a familiar tune.
Kratos: Oh! I wish I were a dragon-slaying hero! For that is what I truly want to be-e-e!
Sam: Muffled. I can’t believe he is still wearing that!
Snake: Muffled. I can’t believe he showered in it!
Leon: Muffled. I can’t breathe. This is worse than that time in Eupore.
Chief: Muffled. Smells like the inside of a Covenant refuse bin.
Meta Knight: Muffled. Or Kirby’s place after chili night.
Kratos: Hey! Why are you guys covering your faces?
Snake: Muffled. We don’t deserve to smell one as great of you!
Sam: Muffled. We are not worthy to whiff one such as you.
Kratos looks incredulous. Leon’s phone beeps. He gets it out and flips it open like a Kirk-era communicator.
Leon: Kennedy here.
GM: Over comm. Your hunt is called off. It turns out the penguin was Jenova.
Leon: Roger. We’ll head back now.
GM: Over comm. Sniffs. What’s that smell?
Kratos: Hot dog armor!
GM: Over comm. Armor? Hot dog armor? Brilliant! You must be invincible now!
Kratos: Well, I don’t like to brag...
Leon: We’re heading back now, sir!
Leon hangs up. He and the others hurry away to get away from Kratos’ stench. They round a corner to find a very mad Pit. He has robe hanging off of him and a tape mark over his mouth.
Snake: Whatever. We have to head back now.
Meta Knight: Yeah. Sorry about that buddy.
Everyone walks past Pit as if he is not even there.
Pit: Sniffs. What’s that stench?
The GM hangs up his phone after talking with Leon. Rufus is waiting.
Rufus: You forgot to mention why you really called.
GM: They will find out soon enough.
Rufus: Right. Oh. Hands over a few folders. Here are the new applicants.
GM: Ugh. I hate having to deal with these money grubbing sons...
Rufus: Ahem!
GM: Sorry. Anyway. Let’s get to it.
The GM and Rufus start going through the folders.

0500/1700 Rule: Regardless of when the last update occurred, you may make actions after 5AM/PM your time zone. There is no need to wait for an update to make an action, but it is recommended. Any actions that break this rule will not count as a legal action and will be promptly (eventually) pointed out. If you miss one of the posting periods, you will not get an extra move. I will allow posts +5 minutes in so you don’t have to rush your action.

Preferred Attack format:[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the underline, red, and bold.]
Example attack: ‘ Sonic attacks Link for -3 damage
Example split attack: ‘ Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 damage and Ryu for -2 damage
Example weapon use: ‘ Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo.’
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-3 damage[/b]

[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][NPC][/color] for [b]-(X) damage[/b] and [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-(3-X) damage[/b]

Simple Attack format:[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the bold.]
Example attack: ‘ Sonic attacks Link for-3 damage
Example split attack: ‘ Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 and Ryu for -2
Example weapon use: ‘ Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo
[b][Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 Damage[/b]

[b][Character A] attacks [NPC] for -(X) damage and [Character B] for -(3-X) damage[/b]

Preferred Heal format:[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the green and bold.]
Example heal: ‘ Kirby heals for +2 HP
[color=green][Character][/color] heals for [b]+2 HP[/b]

Simple Heal format:[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the bold.]
Example heal: ‘ Kirby heals for +2 HP
[b][Character] heals for +2 HP[/b]

Specials follow the same format where appropriate.

Specials and weapons should be used before regular attacks can be used.

Special users can defeat one 1 or 2 HP NPC of their choice in addition to their special use (meaning without targeting the NPC with the special).

Super Smash Attacks (SSA): SSA actions are powerful, character-specific moves with special effects. They can only be activated two ways and usually involve the character being removed from the game (see below) for a short time. The SSA use counter does not reset until all characters have used their SSA. To activate: either use a Smash Emblem or buy it with some points.

Removed from the Game (RFG): Unlike in Magic: The Gathering, this is not a permanent effect. Characters removed from the game cannot attack or heal but cannot be targeted. They return to play after a set amount of rounds. At least three characters will remain in play at all times.

Special Character - Gogo: Due to Gogo’s unique nature, I will post his information every round. If there are any questions, PM me, and I will willingly help.
Gogo cannot attack or heal. He is active every round. He has only one special which he uses every round.
Special: Mime: *Gogo copies the last action done (the post above this use). *Gogo’s user may choose new targets. *If a special was used, Gogo receives -3 damage in addition to the special’s effects. *Cannot mime SSAs or actions in the GM’s posts. *Cannot be the first action of the round. *If Gogo is not used, he automatically heals for +1 HP each round, but he starts with 30 HP at the beginning of the game. *He counts as male for gender related contests.
Sample use:
[b]Gogo mimes [Last Character Used] and [Copies the last action as player sees fit][/b]

Starting/Maximum HP = 50

Factions: (** = Active Ability)
Castlevania: +30 - Vampire Slayer - Characters can automatically defeat two NPCs with 1, 2, or 3 HP or defeat one 4 or 5 HP NPC in addition any other actions this round
Deep Space 9ers: +50 - Reflective Shields - All attacks directed at the members are reflected back to the attackers. Members can still attack
Dream Land: +20 - Skill Copy - Members may use any special belonging to any [Faction] member. (Check character guide or with the GM for specials)
Hyrule: +90 points - Magic Sack - Members may use any weapon unlimited times (weapon changes user after each use unless user can do unlimited attacks) (Check item guide or with the GM for items)
Independent: +0 - None (duh, they have no team)
Defeated - Kongo Jungle: +20 - Monkey Friends - When a member is attacked, the attacker receives a -1 damage counterattack for every -2 damage dealt to member (counterattack is rounded down)
Mushroom Kingdom: +40 - Mega Mushroom - All members deal double damage for the rest of the round, but cannot use weapons. Negative side effects are doubled for members
Pokémon: +50 - Pokeball - A random, unused Pokeball is activated. Members are immune to the effects
Sephiroth: +60 - Summon Sephiroth - Either: a Guard Armor or Dark Trooper appear; or Sephiroth appears for the round and deals up to -20 damage distributed among the remaining characters.
Sonic: +60 - Hyper Sonic Speed - Members cannot be attacked for the rest of the round. Members may still attack.
Square Enix: +160 points - Job Change - Members may use any Dressphere that is currently not being used (Check Dressphere guide or with the GM for Dresspheres). Counts as a weapon action
Versus: +70 - Versus: Adrenaline Rush - Members may make unlimited actions. Special users may use their special twice (any given player may only use the special once)


Bracket A - Mon & Tues
Ramza-------------------------39 (Reflect attacks)
Kyle Katarn-------------------44
Hayabusa Ryu----------------47

Bracket B - Thurs & Fri
Peach--------------------------45 (Wed to Geno)
Tina----------------------------50 (No attack or heal)
Black Mage-------------------41
Jeran and Lisha---------------43
Geno---------------------------44 (Wed to Peach)
Ice Climber--------------------33
Mr Game & Watch-----------46
Young Link-------------------42
Kirby---------------------------46 (RFG)
Plusle and Minun-------------47

NPC Stats
Moblin ----------------------- 4 HP
Stalfos ------------------------ 4 HP
Kremling x4 ----------------- 2 HP

Your beloved referees - Reno of the Turks and Lieutenant Alexander Munro of Starfleet!

Eliminations (Victim, Character, Player, Round):
Koopa - Roy - Christopher - Round 15
Giga Koopa - Wario - Okamoto - Round 21
Sonic - Black Mage - Okamoto - Round 25
Guard Armor 1 - X - Okamoto - Round 26
Donkey Kong - Prince - Typhoon - Round 28
Kongo Jungle - Rikku - Typhoon - Round 29
Diddy Kong - Yoshi - Typhoon - Round 29
Deoxys - Gogo miming X - Typhoon - Round 33
Mario - Yoshi via HRB - Typhoon - Round 35
Captain Falcon - Kirby - Okamoto - Round 36
Silver - Gogo miming Falco - Christopher - Round 39
Dark Trooper 1 - Rikku - Typhoon - Round 43
Elena - Zero - Typhoon - Round 44
Rude - Ryu - Okamoto - Round 46
Tseng - Paine - Christopher - Round 47
Samus - Rikku - Christopher - Round 54
Sora - Yuna - Okamoto - Round 55
Marth - - -

NPC Kills (NPC, # defeated, # sent):
Goomba - 13 - 24
Octorok - 3 - 11
Slime - 7 - 8
Koopa Troopa - 8 - 12
Spiny - 9 - 9
Deku Scrub - 3 - 8
Hammer Bros - 5 - 8
Kremling - 2 - 10
Heartless - 11 - 24
Paratroopa - 3 - 6
Redead - 5 - 9
Cactuar - 2 - 3
Like-Like - 2 - 4
Red Bubble - 1 - 7
Blue Bubble - 1 - 3
Bomb - 0 - 2
Wiggler - 0 - 2
Dodongo - 1 - 1
Lakitu - 2 - 2
Stalfos - 4 - 5
Moblin - 2 - 3
Zu - 2 - 2
Tonberry - 4 - 4
Iron Knuckle - 2 - 2
Metroid - 5 - 5
Malboro - 2 - 2
Thwomp - X - 1
Boo - X - 1
Floor Master - X - 2

Points: Max = 3*cos(2π)*(6!/4) - (2^3)(25^0.5) ± ln(1)
Blk Mage - 281
Stinkyllama - 56
Christopher - 213
Noo - 313
Ryan - 188
Roxas_x - 52
Okamoto - 403
Typhoon - 303
MJ - 3
GM Choice - 83

Past Winners:
SSBM 1 - Samus of DS9ers
SSBM 2: Revenge of the Melee - Mewtwo of Team Pokémon
SSBM 3: All-Stars Unite - Roy of Team Hyrule
SSBB 1: The Brawl Begins - Rikku of Square Enix
SSBB 2: Shadows of the Brawl - ????

Point Redemption

Pokémon List:
1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30

Summon Materia Effects:
Found here

Character Profiles:
Found here. Enjoy!

Game Notes:
Changes made in SSBB 1 here. Enjoy!
Changes made in SSBB 2 here. Enjoy!
HRB Rules. Enjoy!
Request Info! - From past game. Will re-post towards the end of the game.
How to Gogo - Enjoy!

Game Site:
Overall, found here.
Preview movies, found here.

Round 57 Announcements:
1: Both Brackets are Active!
2: To go with the release of the few remaining SSAs, I need a way to present who can use them and who cannot. I am willing to take suggestions on how to do so. I tried putting a different color mark by the Characters that could, but that started turning into a logistical nightmare before I was even a quarter done. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
3: Reorganization: by assumed height. There was a lot of guess work involved so the heights represented may not be accurate. Note: I assumed that Anthro Neopets are about the size of a human child, which is a lot taller than your average Neopet. (My Aisha would be about a third of Lisha’s height by that estimate).
4: Reorganization facts: Few that had easy to find exact heights - 14, all Pokémon, DOA, and Sonic Characters, Kyle Katarn, Fei, and Joanna Dark; Shortest (known) - Pichu, 0.3m; Tallest (known) - Mewtwo, 2.0m; My best estimate - Wario, 1.55m (≈Mario)
5: Ah! I gave you a reason to use Simon, Alucard, and/or Soma this round. Hope you do! :D
6: I have another request to make. Please let Tina, Black Mage and Ramza survive until they use their fourth and final specials. Trust me. You will want to let them live.
7: Hidden in here. If you wish to help in a top secret project, PM me to find the details.
8: Warning to all. There may be a potential Faction change coming soon. This one is a little pre-planned, unlike Yoshi’s conversion.
9: Oh! Note for the reorganization: if you want to dispute how tall I made the characters, I am willing to listen to any arguments PM-ed to me by the end of the round.
10: Okamoto’s big ugly fish vs Christopher’s big ugly fish... I gave it to Okamoto since I have a bit of a vendetta against catfish. Sorry.
11: Wow. That was a very bad reference with Roy and Link. Got to love the same names.
12: Both Brackets are Active!

This Round's Weapons:
1 Green Shell: -4 damage to one character

This Round's Dressphere - Square Enix use only!:
Monk - Chakra: +3 HP and sphere user cannot attack or be attacked for the rest of the round

This Round's Specials:
Gogo - Mime: See above
1) Tina: Curaga: Automatic. +5 HP. No other actions this round.
2) Rikku: Mug: -4 damage to one character. If the target is using a weapon, credit for the weapon’s use changes to Rikku and her user. Also counts as a weapon action
3) Ramza: Auto-Life: Automatic. +4 HP. Reflect all attacks against Ramza for this round. Ramza cannot make any actions.
4) Terry: Buster Wolf: -10 damage to one character. Target cannot attack or heal for the rest of the round. Can target special users. Terry cannot attack or heal for the next two next rounds

This Round's Stage:

This Round's Mini-game:
Clan Hunt
I am looking for new wallpapers and am willing to ‘pay’ if you assist in the ‘hunt’. If you can point me towards any websites that have good, anime-style (better if series-based) wallpapers, you will earn +5 points per link. No more than 5 links per day please. Thanks for any help.

This Round's NPC(s):
Jenova: 40 HP! Jenova gets two attacks per round. One Special, one regular. Specials: Laser: -1 damage to four characters. Reflect: Reflect all attacks against Jenova. (Characters can attack each other). Double Slap: -4 damage to two characters. Ultima: -2 damage to all characters. Jenova has no other attacks this round.
1 Stalfos: 4 HP. +5 points when defeated. Deals -2 damage to one attacker this round. They stay until defeated.
1 Moblin: 4 HP. +5 points when defeated. Deals -2 damage to one attacker this round. They stay until defeated.
4 Kremling: 2/0 HP. +2 points when defeated. Deals -2 damage to one character that took no action at the end of the round. They appear for one round

This Round's Faction Ability:
Castlevania: Vampire Slayer - Faction members can automatically defeat two NPCs with 1, 2, or 3 HP or defeat one 4 or 5 HP NPC in addition any other actions this round

Quick but important poll!
If you want to be polled (no need to enter), please post what time zone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better. Thank you!

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

Last edited by Skynetmain on Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:06 am 
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Location: Since it's not a rule to put real info in here to help people, I live in Lala land
Terry uses Buster Wolf on Jenova for -10 damage.

Oh, Jenova might be considered a Special users because it has specials. :P Just a sec while a pick an alternate target.

Okay, if it has to be redirected, then Roy.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:35 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Gogo mimes Terry using Buster Wolf on Yoshi for -10 damage

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:23 am 
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Dude, Chris, what's your beef? :(

Yoshi heals for +2 HP.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:36 am 
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Typhoon wrote:
Yoshi heals for +2 HP.

Buster Wolf: Target cannot attack or heal for the rest of the round.

Sorry. No healing Yoshi. :(

Feel free to make a new action. :)

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:45 am 
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Chrisisameanie :(

*brings out the sharp things* Let's see here.

Zelda goes all OMGDIE on Roy for -3 damage.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:01 am 
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Jenova roars and advances. She prepares for another attack but falls back and emits a cloud of gas and loud sound that is hopefully a belch. Apparently, the combination of too much raw Reno and a Buster Wolf got to her. Elsewhere, Yoshi is still sulking.
Black Mage: I need that back.
Black Mage retrieves a knife.
Yoshi: Oh thank you! I can finally...
Black Mage takes the other knife and waddles away.
Yoshi: Yoshi. [Trans: You suck.]
Across the field, Link has the Master Sword over his shoulder and is dragging and unconscious Roy to the side. Heading the opposite direction, Chun-li is doing the same to an unconscious Ryu.
Link: Hey.
Chun-li: Nihao.
Both return to their respective sides.

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

Last edited by Skynetmain on Mon Mar 05, 2007 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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