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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:16 am 
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Should I buy this weapon?
Is my battle-set out of date?
I've got x amount of Neopoints... what's the best weapon I can get?
Should I replace (weapon x) with (weapon y)... what do you htink?

If you've got questions like these (OR MORE!) post here and ask for help!

In order to quickly help you out, please supply us with the following information:

The SPECIE of pet
Your STATS of pet
And your intended BUDGET.

Also, if applicable your CURRENT SET.

(If you've already asked a question, it may have already been answered []here[/url]!
ALSO, there may be some requests still waiting in that thread. Please help those guys out as well!)


Last edited by ScottNak on Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:44 am, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:29 am 
Beyond Godly
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Just to answer some of the common questions right off the bat:

Some of the best and cheapest weapons for low to mid-level battlers:

Pure attackers (arranged by icon amount, not by price -- some of the stronger ones are cheap!)
Obsidian Dagger (very very cheap, like 1NP cheap)
Fighting Folder (also heals 2HP each time it's used, without taking up healing spot)
Unstable Slime
Curious Sticks of Lethal Wax
Pumpkin Launcher
Flaming Log Launcher
Scroll of the Earth
Pike Pike
Stone Club
Ice Club
Essence of Esophagor
Psellias Fighting Fan
Rainbow Scroll
Scuzzys Comb
Ramtors Spellbook
Prickly Potion (good for pets under 125 str who want to challenge tough opponents; it attacks with your opponent's strength boost)
Voidberry Potion (works the same way as Prickly Potion)
Steaming Skeem Potion (does 11 icons in two-player only, 8 in one-player)
Vial of Fragrant Oil (does 13 icons in 2p, 7 in 1p)
Sroom Fruit Potion (14 icons in 2p, 8 in 1p)
Flaming Blooble Potion (14 icons in 2p, 8 in 1p)
Ylanas Blaster (12.63 icons for a decent price)
Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting (12.75 icons, fairly cheap)

Dual-Duties (good if your defence and strength match)
Scarab Ring (best value, low-level)
Jade Staff
Tooth of Terask
King Kelpbeards Blessing
Thief Dagger
Cloudy Wand of Storms
Frozen Wand of Crystals
Amulet of Inevitable Betrayal
Sword of the Dead
Wand of the Moon
Ethereal Sword
Golden Compass (best value, mid-level)
Dusty Magic Broom
Air Faerie Crown (fairly expensive)
Mask of Coltzan (expensive)

Honey Potion (it's not cheap, but it's the first good bomb out there)
(Don't even bother with Mud Mixture, Caustic Potion or Illusens Earth Potion now -- some of the main attackers I listed do more icons and are just as cheap)

One-use bombs (for important fights)
Chocolate Chip Battle Biscuit
Stone Muffin
Fire Muffin
Water Muffin
Robot Muffin
Smelly Dung Muffin
Brain Muffin
Darigan Muffin
Golden Muffin
Shooting Star Muffin

Randomly Firing Freeze Ray (50% freezer)
Snowglobe Staff
Rainbow Frost Cannon
Black Frost Cannon

Lesser Healing Scroll (25 HP)
Blue Scorchstone (30 HP)
Greater Healing Scroll (50 HP)
50% species healers like Gelert Healing Remedy, Elephante Unguent and Kacheek Life Potion (IF you have the proper species and over 100 hit points -- check here to see if your pet's species has a healer)
One-use full healers: Jade Elixir and Lucky Robots Foot

Defence NOT dependent on defence stat (percentage defence)
Downsize! (blocks 50% of all icons, for one turn)

Full blockers
Thick Smoke Bomb (one use)
Hanso Charisma Charm (multiple use, blocks all dark PLUS deals 10 icons of damage)

Defence dependent on defence stat (non-percentage)
Leaf Shield
Patched Magic Hat
Sophies Magic Hat
Shiny Shoal Shell Shield
Earthen Scorchstone
Mystical White Cloak
Virtupets X-514 Super Shield

Purple Sticky Hand (stealing is disabled during plot battling)

The useful faerie abilities everyone should have:

Burrow (blocks 97.5% of all earth, air, water, fire, phys)
Sink (blocks 97.5% of all light, dark, water, fire, phys)
Drain Life (drains 10% of opponent's hit points)
Regeneration/Restore/Healing Vapour (33% healers -- pick one; they're equal -- more useful for pets with lots of HP)
Fiery Gaze/Diamond Dust (freezers -- pick one; dust is slightly better)
Steam Shield (blocks all light for one turn)
Water Breathing/Boil (pick one; blocks all water for one turn)
Quench (blocks all fire for one turn)
Heal (for weaker pets with less than 50 HP or so)

I may add more in another post, if that's okay with the mods. This one is getting long... but this is useful stuff we get asked a LOT, so it would be nice to have it right here to point at.


Last edited by Cranberry on Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:50 am, edited 19 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:48 am 
Beyond Godly
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Strength and Defence boosts:

Okay, let's say a weapon does 10 icons. Each one of those icons is going to do a specific amount of damage to your opponent, and that amount depends on your strength boost. The damage you do to an an opponent is the number of icons x your strength boost's damage multiplier (see the list at the bottom of this section).

So, let's say your strength boost is the 85 boost, so your damage multiplier is 2.5. Let's say you use two 10-iconers. You'd multiply 20 (icons) by 2.5 (damage multiplier), and that 50 damage is what you could do using just those weapons.

Now let's say you train up to the 125 boost and use the exact same two 10-iconers. Your damage multiplier is now 3, so if you multiply that by the 20 icons, you would do 60 damage with the weapons.

The boosts happen at set points, so a pet with 125 strength will do more damage than a pet with 124 strength. A pet with 86 strength and a pet with 124 strength will actually do the exact same amount of damage, because both those numbers fall in the 85 boost.

But of course it's not as simple as that. That's just what's known as "base damage." When you pick an attack from the drop-down box (a "stance"), you can increase or decrease the damage. Selecting "berserk" will increase the damage you do by 50% but will also increase the damage done to you by 50%. Selecting "defend" will decrease the damage done to you by 20% but will also decrease the damage you do by 20%. And of course if an opponent uses shields or something and blocks some of your icons, you will do less damage to them.

Defence boosts are at the same levels, and I'll explain defence below..

Strength and Defence Boosts/Damage Multiplier:

0 - 0.5
8 - 0.75
13 - 1.0
20 - 1.25
35 - 1.5
55 - 2.0
85 - 2.5
125 - 3.0
200 - 4.5
250 - 5.5
300 - 6.5
350 - 7.5
400 - 8.5
450 - 9.75
500 - 11.0
550 - 12.0
600 - 13.0
650 - 14.0
700 - 15.0

Read this for another explanation of strength, with some examples. :) Also, play around with the IDB Damage Calculator to see what your max damage would be at different boosts.

How Defence Works:

Defence boosts and damage multipliers are the same as strength boosts and damage multipliers. However, there are two kinds of defence:

Percentage defence is the defence provided by stuff like Downsize! or Thyoras Tear. Those items block a certain percentage of an attack (Downsize! blocks half of every type of icon, for example). Ring of the Lost is like this as well (it blocks all dark). These weapons do not depend on your defence boost -- they do their percentage regardless of whether you have 10 defence or 200.

Non-percentage defence items are the ones that block a certain set number of icons (leaf shield, for example, blocks 5 earth icons, 5 water icons and 3 physical icons). They DO depend on your defence boost -- each icon wil block a certain amount of damage depending on your boost. To find out how much of an icon type you could block, you have to use this formula:

defence icons of the weapon x your stance multiplier x your defence boost's damage multiplier

So let's say I had 200 defence and I was using a leaf shield against an essence of esophagor, which does the full 5 icons of earth and 5 icons of water.

10 icons of defence (5 earth, 5 water) x cautious attack (1.0 multiplier) x 4.5 (the 200 boost's damage multiplier) = blocking 45 damage.

If the person using it also has the 200 strength boost and also used cautious attack, I will have blocked all of the damage from that EoE. (If they used berserk, they will have done a little damage, and if their strength boost is higher than my defence boost, they will also have got some damage through, simply because they can do more damage per icon than I can block.) Not bad for a simple little leaf shield. Now imagine if it were a dual duty instead, like Mask of Coltzan... I could be attacking with a bunch of hard-to-block fire while also defending myself against a bunch of damage. Defence is very useful.

Okay, that's enough, I think. ;) If I screwed anything up or forgot a very useful weapon or whatever, tell me and I'll edit.


Last edited by Cranberry on Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:34 pm 
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OK.I have 60k to spend plus all the money I make from selling my curent set.Set:

Green Frost Cannon
Scarab Ring
Greater Healing Scroll
Enchanted Wooden Bow
Leaf Shield
Purple Sticky Hand
Tyrannian Lupe Tooth

Lvl : 20
Str : 19
Def : 20
Mov : 16
Hp : 33 / 33

Night Vision
(Level 1)

Demon Breath
(Level 1)

(Level 1)

Magic Berries
(Level 1)

Tough Skin
(Level 1)

Water Jet
(Level 1)

Temporal Leak
(Level 1)

Magic Torch
(Level 1)

(Level 1)

Air Shield
(Level 1)

(Level 1)

Shadow Health
(Level 1)

Bubble Shield
(Level 1)

Magic Pebbles
(Level 1)

Fiery Gaze
(Level 1)

Smoke Screen
(Level 1)

Fiery Roar
(Level 1)

(Level 1)

(Level 1)

(Level 1)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:51 am 
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I am in need of a better healer, am currently using a Green Scorchstone and have aprox 200 hp. What is the next upgrade ?

*Spring forward, Fall back*

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:58 pm 
Beyond Godly
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NOTE to people who want advice: I don't check here much and it doesn't look like anyone else is giving advice, so you should all register at the IDB forums (they're affiliated with PPT) and start your very own threads in Weapon Advice and Comparisons. Just post your pet stats, current set, 1-player or 2-player, and budget. I'm a mod/rater there now, so I'll see your thread, and there are quite a few other people there who would love to give in-depth advice. :)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:57 pm 

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neobeth wrote:
I am in need of a better healer, am currently using a Green Scorchstone and have aprox 200 hp. What is the next upgrade ?

If you can, get a species healer if you can (like Elephante Unguent or Bag Of Lenny Healing Seeds, Gelert Healing Remedy or Kacheek Life Potion) or if you want to risk it, get an Ice Scorchstone. And once you get rich, get a Jade Scorchstone or another full healer.

You should also go to IDB and get some help there as I am not as experienced in the Battledome as some of them may be.


 Post subject: weapons upgrade
PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:45 am 

Posts: 38
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I was wondering what upgrades you would recommend. I have 1 milion NP to spend plus selling old weapons.Also, I could save up more NP if necessary. I am up to the Mootix Warrior in DON. I would like to finish it and also be ready for the next war. Here are my stats:

Species : Wocky
Colour : Grey
Gender : Female
Age : 758 days
Level : 86

Health : 210 / 207
Mood : delighted!
Hunger : satiated
Strength : ULTIMATE (201)
Defence : ULTIMATE (192)
Move : EXCELLENT (48)
Intelligence : ULTIMATE GENIUS (274)


Greater Healing Scroll
Stone Club
Honey Potion
Golden Compass
Ornate Fighting Fan
Snowglobe Staff
Thick Smoke Bomb


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:28 pm 
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I'd trade in the Stone Club or Golden Compass for a Scuzzys Comb or Ramtors Spellbook. You'll lose some icon variety, but the tenth icon will really help you out, especially in 1-player. If you can, try to get them from playing NeoQuest II. It'll take a while, but you'll save some neopoints.

After that, I would seriously consider trading in the Snowglobe Staff for a Black Frost Cannon. It won't break before freezing, and it has a higher chance of freezing each round.

Other than that, I recommend saving and putting some np into training to the 250 boosts in strength and defense.

Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates. - Samuel Clemens

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:53 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Upgrading from a 9-iconer to a 10-iconer doesn't do a whole lot of good, really. If Redmanfubar used Stone Club+Golden Compass+berserk on a frozen opponent right now, he'd do 122 damage. With Golden Compass+Scuzzys+berserk, he'd do 128 damage. Better to keep the nice icon variety and train to the 250 boost instead, at which time Stone Club+Golden Compass+Berserk will do 149 damage. :)

I like the black frost cannon suggestion, though.

Anyway, I advised over at IDB (thanks for registering!), so I won't post it again here. :)


 Post subject: Sup
PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:35 pm 
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Posts: 39
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I use lab ray and have 1.5 mill to spend. I cant seem to beat Meerca Henchmen i have all Abilities and need help

Species : Uni
Colour : Blue
Gender : Female
Age : 1798 days
Level : 6

Health : 162 / 162
Mood : content
Hunger : bloated
Strength : AMAZING (95)
Defence : GREAT (38)
Move : AMAZING (83)
Intelligence : ULTIMATE GENIUS (264)

Scuzzys Comb
Leaf Shield
Honey Potion
Greater Healing Scroll
Hobans Hat


 Post subject: Re: Sup
PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:03 pm 
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mmmnnn1316 wrote:
I use lab ray and have 1.5 mill to spend. I cant seem to beat Meerca Henchmen i have all Abilities and need help

Species : Uni
Colour : Blue
Gender : Female
Age : 1798 days
Level : 6

Health : 162 / 162
Mood : content
Hunger : bloated
Strength : AMAZING (95)
Defence : GREAT (38)
Move : AMAZING (83)
Intelligence : ULTIMATE GENIUS (264)

Scuzzys Comb
Leaf Shield
Honey Potion
Greater Healing Scroll
Hobans Hat


Here is a thread that will help ... a+Henchmen

*Spring forward, Fall back*

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:13 pm 
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that it? its hard for me to raise my lelve to 50 because of the lab ray. and how much does a 100% frezzer cost?


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:07 pm 
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mmmnnn1316 wrote:
that it? its hard for me to raise my lelve to 50 because of the lab ray. and how much does a 100% frezzer cost?


A 100% freezer costs 4-6 million, but you can get Snowglobe Staff ,Rainbow Frost Cannon or Black Frost Cannon or the abilitys Fiery Gaze orDiamond Dust . Use one of these first turn, if it does not freeze withdraw and try again.

*Spring forward, Fall back*

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:37 pm 
PPT Trainee
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Location: England
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Scarab Ring *
Obsidian Dagger *
Snowglobe Staff
Rusty Lamppost
Creepy Shadow Hammer
Greater Healing Scroll

Pet: h4x0r_pwnz0r
Species: Hissi.
Level : 8
Health : 166 / 166
Strength : AWESOME (73)
Defence : GREAT (31)
Move : EXCELLENT (51)

Night Vision
Temporal Leak
Magic Torch
Spark (level 2)
Air Shield
Magic Pebbles

* = Main Attackers.

whatever is decent, but won't cost me a fortune.

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