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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 5:50 am 
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With a few exceptions, I'm anti-social to the point that it would be considered a social anxiety disorder. If we ever bothered to take me to get it diagnosed, anyway. :D I can't speak to people of authority, as a general rule, or anyone my age that I'm going to see again. People who know me can't figure out how I can give speeches and stuff when I won't talk to people, but if I'm never going to see them again, why should I care what they think? But I can't, say, correct someone in a store or something, or send food back in a restaurant, because I might make them mad. I just can't do it.

The exceptions are, about half the places I go on the internet - I'm not very bad here, but I won't, like, go into the OOC IRC chat for DesperateFans (on LJ). That's just a case by case basis, however. Another exception is my school, although I still can't go up to most of the students and talk to them, I'm fine if they initiate a conversation, and I'm fine when I'm doing office/admin work. And I'm fine in my dance classes. Which is odd, because I'm the youngest in a college dance class (I'm 16, the next youngest is 19), wearing next to nothing, and doing ballet after having been out for three years with an injury... But, meh. Off topic, there.

So, yes, I would say I'm anti-social.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:35 am 
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I really love people, but interacting can be tough. lol I love hanging out with friends and going to parties or just chilling together. With my friends I'm easy-going and I find it easy to talk to them.

I do not like talking to strangers, though. lol If I'm in a store, I absolutely hate it when someone comes up and asks if I need help. If they persist, I'll usually leave the store/section. I don't like to answer random phones calls, either. That's why we have caller ID. lol I will not pick up the phone unless it's someone I know. Even then, unless it's Tim or a family member, it takes me forever to psych myself up to call someone. Even then, I practice what I am going to say over and over and I get incredibly nervous. lol

I am not a fan of crowds at all. If I came to whatever by myself, I'm not too bad. If I came with someone else/other people, I get terribly afraid of losing them and I stick really close, if not hold onto them tightly. If I do happen to lose them, I seriously panic. It gets really bad until I find them again. lol

All in all, I would much rather just chill with a good book and my cats in peace and quiet than go in a crowded place. :)

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:48 am 
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I dont think I am anti-social but I think I did go through like a time when I was but that was only because I just liked it better that way but now I'm not at all and its better this way. :P

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:00 am 
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Mm, I'm reassured that so many of you have said you feel anti-social ... I thought I was a bit on the unusual side in terms of being shy, etc.
Then again, we are all regulars at an internet forum, so it's hard to tell what's "normal" :lol:

I'd say I was anti-social. I'm quite an introvert... I'm happy to be by myself of an evening, keeping myself busy with various things. Strangely enough, I don't mind voicing my opinions at work, hanging out with friends, or meeting new people... but I get very flustered if I feel I need to be continuing a conversation or saying something interesting. As soon as I start thinking about it, it gets worse, which makes me think about it more!

*sighs* Does anyone have any tips for not being anti-social? (or rather, awkward when socialising)

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:43 am 
Beyond Godly
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If my friends lived anywhere near me I'd be able to go out a lot more, but it's like an hour to get there (then an hour to get back) and so my "going out with friends" time is limited :(

But yeah always enjoying myself when I DO go out.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:48 pm 
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Oh, I was confused on the definition...I thought it meant just hanging around friends and people you know and stuff. Well, if it includes crowds and strangers and stuff, I'm definitely antisocial in those areas. I'm also really shy about talking to people who are working at a job that involves talking to me (cashiers are an example, and so are people on the phone, like for takeout)...of course, that could fall under many disorders, including one I actually have, so it's not necessarily an antisocial trait.

Yeah, I'm just really awkward when it comes to people I don't know. My earlier post was based on me thinking it was only about people I know.


No, I never officially left; yes, I am gone forever. I have also permanently left AIM. If you need to contact me, drop a line on LJ. Same username.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:39 pm 
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Nope. I choose not to go out because I don't like the people who ask me to go places, not because I don't want to go out.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:25 pm 
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Christopher wrote:
Anti social except on the internet and among friends. Friends sort of happen after a lengthy period of close proximity, I don't go to parties or make them.

This pretty much describes me perfectly. I'm good friends with my teammates and a few other people, but I don't really go to parties and stuff. I'm well liked by most people, but I don't go to a whole lot of stuff.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 5:45 pm 
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Ha, what do you think?

Nah, I'm a very social person. I'm pretty much how I come across on the internet. Bubbly, friendly and flirty. Hehe. :P I'll talk to pretty much anyone and I'm not afraid to go out alone.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:07 am 

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I am completely anti-social.

I have no friends and that is by my own choice. I don't associate with anyone besides at work. I'd rather be alone then trying to think of what to talk about with people... and the fact that I don't like most people.

Crowds bother me, always have.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:06 am 
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Nah, not anti-social, at least not the "OMG I don't like talking to people" kind. I mean, I'll associate with people that I find interesting or I feel I can have an intelligent (or at least an entertaining unintelligent) conversation with. I don't go out much simply because I dislike pretty much every person that lives in my neighborhood, and I hate the bar/party scene (not because of people themselves... but mostly because of the stupid things people tend to do, that and I hate going to smoke-filled places, especially when they're filled with drunks.)

People know that I will talk a LOT if given something that is actually interesting to talk about. I used to be a CHATTERBOX at school, but I won't talk to most people around these areas simply because I don't like ghetto druggies/thieves/beggars/vandal/etc.

Not anti-social, and I'll talk to people I don't know, but I choose not to associate with most people because I have no reason to. (and to be honest, most people don't care about what a random stranger is going on about.)

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:58 am 
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I'm kinda social online, but in real life I'm really anti-social. I do have a group of friends at school now that I hang out with, but even around them I'm pretty quiet. There are some people I can open up around and be my crazy self, but alas, none of them live near me. I do have a few friends at school that are kinda social, and sometimes if I'm with them I'll end up with a big group of people. But I always feel kind of awkward and out of place, and even if I think I'm enjoying myself I realise afterward that I wasn't really and that I should have just gone off by myself and read. I'm not a party person; even if I was ever invited to one I probably wouldn't go.

As far as crowds go, I get really uncomfortable in them. I don't like people touching me, especially if it's jst random people brushing up against me in the hall or the person in the seat next to me being a little too close. When I have to walk through crowded places, I literally fold myself in half so I'll be smaller and minimize contact, and I walk as fast as I can to get out as fast as possible. I don't like sharing seats on buses and stuff; it's especially bad if it's someone I don't know or someone who I'm not really friends with but know enough that they try to talk to me. I hate phone calls. I still don't have my permit even though it's been 4 months since my brithday, because I can't get myself to call and make an appointment. Even calling a friend to ask for a ride or something gets me nervous.

And the ironic thing is that even though I'm not a people person at all, all the jobs and stuff I've ever had have involved teaching.

<3 Laq

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:19 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I'm not anti-social if I'm around someone I a good friend of, or if I'm in a group of people I like. I can be pretty active and animated if I'm around people I feel comfortable with. However, if I'm with someone I'm just a friend with, I really have trouble holding a decent conversation. I talk about... well, more often than not, nothing. If I have a good rapport with the person, I don't have a problem in talking for lengthy periods of time, but with just one person I don't know particularly well, I struggle, a lot. I find it hard to talk to strangers, or people I don't know very well, in groups or otherwise. As opposed to being talkative, I sit their quietly, feeling awkward. I try to think of something to say, but I can't, and get anxious, and stay quiet. If alone, it usually turns quite silent.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:28 pm 
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I'm relatively anti-social. I really don't like big crowds or loud parties or anything. I don't mind spending time with my friends, but if it's a situation where there will be a lot of people I don't know, I really don't like it. :)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:58 pm 
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I'm probably the most anti-social person on here. I suppose it started with my love of ninja's and spartans - that's right, i liked sparta before it was cool. I would creep around in the shadows and avoid all human contact.

By the age of twelve, I was almost at my anti-social peak. I would barely speak more than 3 words per day and if possible spend all my time alone. I vividly remember one day a girl opened her heart to me but i simply closed my eyes and fell asleep in front of her.

The doctors tell me i have Compulsive Isolation Stoicism Syndrome, or CISS for short. Social contact makes my blood pressure rise to the point where I suffer from minor cerebral embolisms. As such I have to minimize my contact with other people. I order all my shopping online, and I work from home.

On thursday mornings I'm forced to leave the house to collect various things from the Post Office, but I've set up an arrangement with the owner to let me in at 7am, before opening times, as he lives upstairs. This is probably the only social contact in the real world that I get.

I haven't seen my family in about 15 years. Relationships are obviously impossible for me, except online. There I feel I can live out my ninja-spartan persona without the dangers of the real world. I can be found under the alia of Xerxes, SpartanWarriorChampion23 and Shadow-Ryu on various special interest websites.

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