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 Post subject: What's the most physical pain you've been in?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:35 am 
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Interesting question. I think my body has this weird reaction - like when something really painful happens, it's pain recognition system just turns off...

Like when I broke my left arm trying to do back flips without using my hands on athletics day... and didn't know it was broken for 3 days afterwards....

Then there was the time I pretended to be spiderman and jumped off the roof, hooked my hand onto the roof gutter, and swung back and jumped through a building window cutting myself up pretty bad - yeah that didn't hurt too much either..

Oh yeah.. there was that time on the A frame... where it was raining, so i thought it would be a good idea to jump from the top rung to the bottom... so i did it... and when i hit the bottom rung, both feet slipped off it, and my butt hit the wood really hard... and i couldn't walk properly for the next 7 days cause it felt like something really big was wedged up in my behind...

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:01 am 
Beyond Godly
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My braces, without a shadow of a doubt. The headbrace was the worst, I didn't sleep properly for 3 weeks and it just intenisifies the pain. I spent a good month in tears. :(

There was the time I broke my tailbone after falling on it in Vienna but that was instant sudden pain that went after a day or so. It ached when I was walking but it wasn't the intense pain I experienced when I first fell. I was hysterical! I couldn't walk and they thought I'd broken my pelvis at first.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:57 am 
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Hey wow! Maybe I also broke my tailbone but didn't know about it!!

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:30 am 
Beyond Godly
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Pulling both groin muscles simultaneously.
Bent over double for several hours in mind numbingly crippling pain.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:34 am 
Beyond Godly
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I'm not the kind of guy that gets into physical pain much, so I wouldn't really know.. All the times I've been hurt weren't really that bad.

Probably stubbing my little toe.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:42 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Having the end of my finger cut off by a door (not a precise surgical instrument) probably qualifies.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:11 pm 
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Christopher wrote:
Having the end of my finger cut off by a door (not a precise surgical instrument) probably qualifies.

"Not a precise surgical instrument," but probably pretty effective.

I walked in front of a guy swining a baseball bat once. He wanted to show me how to get a good swing, and I said, "No, I know how." Or rather, I meant's more accurate to say I said, "No, I know THWACK! *whump*"

Now that I think about it, it was when I broke my talus (bone in the foot) in college. I stepped out of a car, and my foot was asleep, and I put my foot way far forward of my body and all the weight came down on that bone through my leg - I felt it pop, and said to my friends, "Hey, I think I just broke my ankle." But I wasn't sure, so to prove it, I took off running down the length of the parking garage and leapt over a barrier. I landed (on the right foot, the broken one) just fine, so I figured all was good.

I woke up at two AM with my ankle purple and the size of a canteloupe. I didn't want to wake up my roommate, so I stumbled down the stairs (hooray for second-floor dorm rooms and me being too dumb to use the elevator) and called the cops from the emergency phone in my dorm's lobby. At any rate, I'm guessing it hurt so much because skin wasn't meant to stretch like that.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:06 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Mmm... I formed tendonitis in my left arm (well it was my left wrist, but the pain continuously shot up my left arm anyway) because I spent a week standing in place at work numbering text books as quickly as I possibly could... BOOOORING.

Doesn't seem too painful, but it ended up badly enough to cause me to hit the ground screaming when I accidentally tried to open a car door with my bad arm (err... it was right after I registered for College classes, right in the parking lot. -_-) Was charged nearly $200 by the doctor for them to tell me not to use the arm and to take the largest dose of Ibuprophen they had, and that I would have to just deal with the pain for a few days, and to wear a small brace on my wrist.

But truthfully, that is pretty much the only time I've been "injured" (well, if you can even call it that)

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:19 pm 
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Hmm, I did have a pretty bad Knee injury just this school term. After a day of sports at a birthday party, football, tag, hid and go seek, ultimate frisbee, tag and soccer, my friend comes to hug me good bye, tries to pick me up and loses his ballance. Down I went with him landing straight on my knee.

I couldn't walk for a week, I had to use a walker and a cane. It was really painful and it was really hard to sleep wiout a pillow to prop my leg up so it wouldn't be strained. Good thing it's all better now. Apperently I sprained the tendons in my knee.

On top of that, a few weeks later I threw my back out, that was pretty painful too, couldn't stand up straight. XD

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:31 pm 

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No question it was when I had a kidney stone that stuck on its way out. It took the docotr nearly a week to decide it was stuck and to go and fish it out.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:46 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I've remembered another. How I managed to forget this I'll never know because it was probably the most pain I've ever been in.

Last year I sprained all the tendons in the top of my foot. Normally you'd rest it right? Sadly, I had dance assessments, dance shows, dance exams and a 8 hour dance-a-thon all within the space of 2 weeks. I was on co-codamol and I was in absolute agony. I could barely walk let alone dance unmedicated. It was awful.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:24 pm 
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I slipped a disc when I was 15. The moment itself wasn't agony but it is the most painful (chronic) thing I've done. For the first year I was regularly in so much pain I couldn't sleep, stand up or walk. I had astonishingly bad sciatica down both my legs simultaneously.

The muscle spasms I have had because of this have been excruciating.

It is still frequently intensely painful, and I am nearly 18. Sigh.

Oh also- when I was 11 I fell off a bike and nearly severed the big artery in my thigh, missed it by like a centimetre but still had a big gash (I could see yellow stuff floating around in there. mmmm). That hurt quite a bit; initially it wasn't too bad, the nerve regrowing part sucked a lot though. What really hurt in the accident was that at some point while going over the handlebars and rolling a bit down a hill full of rocks, I really bashed up my right boob, which swelled up to 2 or 3 times its size and was horribly bruised for ages. I was only 11 and I'm hardly Pamela Anderson now, so don't start imagining any comedy lopsidedness, but let me tell you it was so excruciatingly bad. Worst acute thing I've ever done.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:27 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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I twisted my ankle once. D: It felt as if I had a dead weight at the end of leg. XP


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:45 pm 
Beyond Godly
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When I was 7 or so I was climbing a tree and got a stub stuck in my leg. Me being a child obviously cried a bit, ate some Chinese food, and felt a bit better. Only later when I went to the bathroom I noticed the 3x3 inch hole in my inner thigh. Most painful part was getting all those stitches.

Also an ear infection I had 4.5 years ago. It hurt like bleeping hell. My ear was all puffed up from behind and I was literally screaming in pain. Though luckily the infection wasn't all that deep in.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:45 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Blocking a shot in football just before the ball had left the ground, and the full force of this kick hit me on the shin, and I couldn't move it for at least half an hour after.. not so bad compared to other people..


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